Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3212 Japanese National Guard

Chapter 3212 Japanese National Guard

People who came later could no longer judge whether Kong Lingyi's words were ironic or ironic.And the reason why some people think that Kong Lingyi played the role of a matchmaker in the combination of Biserine and Ouyang Yun is because they feel that it is precisely because of Kong Lingyi's vicious attack that Biserine is full of curiosity about Ouyang Yun, and began to Take advice from old dads seriously.

Bisselin's diary contains the record of Kong Lingyi's words and her insightful insights: "...I still clearly remember the first meeting with that warlord. To be honest, it was not a good meeting, but, it was It also made me a little curious about him and that ancient oriental country. In my opinion, after time, war, and the baptism of power, although he will definitely undergo some changes, it will not become so thorough, right? According to Rose This is basically the image of an ancient king. Oh, is the political path chosen by the Chinese still the medieval, decadent and backward kingdom system? Yes, I have to admit that I have a strong curiosity about this warlord Heart... The United States may have been our country, but after this revolution, I know that the Statue of Liberty in America is getting farther and farther away from us, and the future of the Jewish people can only be in the East..."

Based on the above background, Bisselin was not at all moved by Dewey's conditions in return.

"No, no, no," she said to Dewey, "We are very grateful to you and the Republican Party for the kindness shown to our mutual aid society. However, the mutual aid society is only a civil organization. The reason why it has become a political force now is actually controlled by the government. Forced. If the government is willing to consider the difficult situation of the vast majority of us and properly address our political demands, most of us will continue to go back to the kitchen and be a virtuous housewife. Mr. Dewey, We never meant to be an enemy of the government, we just wanted to maintain our poor little power - a wife needs her husband, a child needs his father, a mother needs his son. That's all we want -"

As a famous public prosecutor, Dewey's toughness is one of his outstanding qualities.Therefore, it is very lethal to maintain an attitude of awe when approaching him, and properly show the unique and pitiful side of a woman.

Sure enough, after Bisselin said these words, the hard lines on Dewey's face softened a lot. He thought for a while and responded cautiously: "Although I don't know the specific result yet, I can promise you and the Mutual Aid Association in advance. We will Respect your wishes, and try your best to meet your request to return to the kitchen. As you said, there is really no need and no more war in the United States. This will be the political platform of the Republican Party and myself for a period of time."

Not long after MacArthur's special operations team left Orlando, it was scouted by a former CIA agent.Compared with the United States, although Canada and Mexico follow the lead of the United States politically, they do not have much interest disputes with China after all, so the anti-Chinese and anti-Chinese sentiment in the country is not very serious.This makes the CIA's activities in these two countries very effective, and has always maintained intensive ties with the country.

The headquarters of the North American Branch of the CIA is located in Vancouver, Canada.During the large-scale evacuation of overseas Chinese, many Chinese moved to Canada because they were unwilling to give up the family business they had finally accumulated in the United States, hoping to return to the United States as quickly as possible when Sino-US relations thawed.Their behavior, on the one hand, made oriental faces common in Canada, and on the other hand, indirectly cheapened the work of the North American branch of the CIA.

The director of the North American branch is named Chen Gengyu, a second-generation Chinese American who was born in the United States and grew up in the United States.After receiving Mu Jiandie's instructions, he acted immediately, and the former fox pupil discovered that once the US underground intelligence network operated by the CIA for a long time is activated, it will immediately begin to show its power.No, just after MacArthur left Orlando, relevant information was sent to Kong Lingyi.

Kong Lingyi has a special status, so Chen Geng is nominally the director of the North American branch, but in fact, it is Kong Lingyi who plays the role of the ultimate boss.

MacArthur led the militants to the north, and he knew his purpose with his ass. When Bisselin heard the news from Kong Lingyi, she immediately lost her composure.Although, she planned ahead and created the Women's Rangers early on.However, I know my own affairs well. The Women's Rangers may still show their femininity when facing local hooligans such as the Ku Klux Klan, but once they encounter professional soldiers, they can know what the result will be with their toes.

The lack of military support has always been the biggest weakness of the Mutual Aid Association.Without the support of the military, even if Truman was in the hands of the Mutual Aid Society, its future would be doomed. This is one of the reasons why she chose to cooperate with the Republican Party and Dewey. "It seems that Dewey can only persuade Chris. I hope he can persuade Chris to continue to take on the job of guarding Washington." After thinking for a long time, Bisselin made a decision.

"Chris's National Guard alone is not enough to resist MacArthur. His army has fought against the Chinese army in South America," Kong Lingyi poured cold water on her.

Bisselin frowned, and asked: "Then what should we do? Are we going to give up Washington?"

"Their real purpose should not be to capture Washington, but to win back Truman. Otherwise, they would not be able to dispatch only such a small number of people. Bisselin, I have a good idea," Kong Lingyi persuaded.

"Are you asking that bastard for help again?"

"No, no, you forgot that there was an army around Washington."

Bisselin's eyes widened, and she asked in surprise, "Are you referring to the Japanese National Guard?"

In the middle and late stages of World War II, the U.S. government sent about 20 Japanese-Americans to concentration camps in order to prevent Japanese-Americans from providing intelligence services to Japan and to prevent white Americans from retaliating against them.After the secret peace between the United States and Japan, in view of the fearless spirit of Japanese soldiers in the war, Truman approved the establishment of the Japanese National Guard under Marshall's proposal.Because there was still anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States at that time, the establishment of the Japanese National Guard did not go smoothly.It was not until the beginning of this year that its team was formed and started training.In the White House's plan, the establishment of the Japanese National Guard will be controlled at about five regiments, and will be sent to the Pacific battlefield in succession this fall.Now, with the occurrence of the "wife revolution", even President Truman has been arrested. Naturally, the Japanese National Guard has become a motherless child and has been forgotten by the Americans.

(End of this chapter)

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