Chapter 3259 Paper Bombing
Regarding bombing, the British, no matter what occupation they are in, have already had a strong psychological shadow.From the empire on which the sun never sets to now, people can be bullied (well, in the hearts of the British, it is nothing more than being bombed by Germany. After all, Germany is also a European country, enjoying the world's most advanced industrial technology and bathing in the world's most advanced industrial technology. The brightest sunshine of civilization. But who are the Chinese onions? Because Churchill’s wartime cabinet controlled public opinion and the media well, the vast majority of British people’s impression of China at this time is still in the late Qing Dynasty or even the Opium War. At that time, I thought that all the Chinese were still dragging a pig's tail, and they all looked malnourished. It was a psychological blow to the British to be ridden on top of their heads by people from such a country and unscrupulously throwing bombs , the survey said that they were directly beaten from heaven to hell), this huge psychological gap made it difficult for many British people to accept, so if they were fighting with their unyielding national spirit during the bombing in Germany, Now, under the threat of Chinese bombs, they seem to be fighting against fate, and many people have taken on a puffing mentality——

No matter how the British looked at this new round of bombing led by the Chinese, when the bombs really fell on them, fear began to spread throughout the entire British island like a plague.

The next day, early in the morning, many British people climbed onto the roofs of their homes that were riddled with holes and began to look south.Quite a few people held receivers made of tin or cardboard, and from time to time put their ears close to listen for a while.

From early morning to eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and from noon to afternoon, when the sun began to set, it was unknown where or who gave out the cheers first, and then, the whole island of Great Britain cheered together, and the content It was "oh, the Chinese didn't come", "there was no bombing today" and the like.

In the basement of No. [-] Downing Street, hearing cheers, Churchill also said with relief: "It seems that the Chinese have run out of bombs! Or they have no aviation gasoline."

A relatively peaceful and comfortable night passed, and the next day, after many British people woke up, they did not go up to the roof habitually.The so-called chronic illness becomes a doctor. The British have experienced too many bombings. Therefore, even people who knew nothing about aviation before the war now know that the basic conditions necessary for aircraft to perform bombing missions include not only bombs, but also fuel.Some people who have done research even know that without suitable weather, fighter planes will not be able to take off.Like Churchill's judgment, they all believed that the reason why the Chinese did not continue to bomb was because there were no bombs or fuel.As for "being afraid of being hit by the Imperial Air Force or air defense forces", well, no matter how brain-dead the British are, they dare not have such thoughts at this time.

When fighting against the Luftwaffe, the performance of the British Air Force was notable, but now, in the confrontation for several days, the British Air Force ended in complete defeat.Even the stubborn British know that the glorious era of the British Air Force has passed.

Chen Shichang decided to suspend the bombing for a day, but to concentrate on printing propaganda materials. What he didn't know was that his unintentional move successfully completed a psychological tactic.

In the morning of London, at around 08:30, even the most suspicious British people came down from the roof of their own houses, and suddenly there was a call to the police from somewhere.Then, in the past half an hour or so, the air defense sirens all over the UK sounded again—the shouts of "enemy attack" and "fighters, the Chinese fighters are coming again" resounded throughout the island of Great Britain.Immediately, all the densely populated town streets were filled with running people.

On the flight deck of the Wudao Tianwang aircraft carrier, Chen Shichang, Bian Jingdao, Giovanni, Guderian, and Miselier, the commander-in-chief of the Free French Navy who arrived last night, sat opposite each other on both sides of a simple plastic table. Looking at the sparkling waves of the Mediterranean Sea, Giovanni asked: "Should your air force have arrived in Great Britain?"

Chen Shichang turned his left hand to look at it, nodded and said, "It's been nearly three hours, even the slowest Chinese sturgeon should have reached the sky over London."

Guderian was quite curious about this paper bombing. He said: "The British are very proud. They always think that England is the best. I think you are going to make a mistake this time."

Bian Jingdao laughed and said, "Listen to you, do you think the British think their corrupt officials are the best?"

"The British are very defensive. I think our French friends should have a deep understanding of this," Guderian replied without losing his humor.

Miselier came to Genoa, hoping to buy several warships from China.As the French navy, which ranked fourth among the world's navies before the war, its experience was miserable because of the tragedy of the Maginot Line. "For the French naval personnel, their greatest sorrow is that they have to give up their right to fight because of the betrayal of their own country—" the words of a German reporter may be able to describe how miserable the French naval personnel are.

Because of the loss of the order to continue fighting with Germany, the French navy was in a dilemma, and was even calculated by the British, and many main battleships were sunk afterwards.In addition to the Dunkirk retreat, because there were not enough ships for transport, the British used violent means to drive some French soldiers off the ship in order to ensure that all the soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force could be brought back.These two incidents also contributed to the conflict between Britain and France.

Guderian is not kind, actually in front of Chen Shichang, Bian Jingdao and Giovanni's scars, Miselier's face immediately became very ugly. "It's not up to you Germans to point fingers at France's affairs!" First he shot back at Guderian coldly, and then Miselier said to Chen Shichang: "Like the people of our country, the British are tired of war. Hard evidence, I think, that this will cause an earthquake in British politics. As far as I know, the British are very dissatisfied with Churchill's long-term tenure as prime minister, because Churchill has not brought great Britain the victory he promised when he was in office. Peace and peace. Moreover, because of the wife’s revolution, American aid to Britain has been greatly reduced, and famine has broken out in some parts of Britain.”

"Famine? Is this true?" Chen Shichang immediately became interested.

Because of the presence of the English Channel and the race, it is difficult for the CIA to carry out espionage activities on the British island. Therefore, Chen Shichang, including Ouyang Yun, basically has no eyes on what happened on the British island.If, as Miselier said, famine had already broken out on the island of Great Britain, Chen Shichang firmly believed that the effect of paper bombing would be far better than throwing bombs.

(End of this chapter)

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