Chapter 422
Zhang Chunhua was so frightened that she dared not speak, she closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, Li Cuizhen got angry and was hungry, she looked at the crying daughter, she lost weight in two days, her eyes were swollen from crying, her heart ached Twitching, staring fiercely, mother-in-law, isn't her daughter able to suffer this?
I really wanted to tear her out of bed and beat her to vent my anger, but now I have no energy at all after being hungry for several meals, and I feel angry in my heart. Does the old woman have money in her pocket and starve their mother and daughter?

"Give me the money." Li Cuizhen hopped and rushed over, Zhang Chunhua was so frightened that she hurriedly held down her waistband, the money was all sewn into her pants, it was used to guard against thieves, did you think it would be difficult to guard against house thieves?
"I don't have any money, so don't move, I've killed someone, my daughter-in-law beat my mother-in-law."

Li Cuizhen knew that her mother-in-law hid money in her shorts, so she rushed over and tore Zhang Chunhua's waistband. Zhang Chunhua pressed her pants desperately, grabbed Li Cuizhen's hair with one hand, and shouted for help outside the house.

Zhang Chunhua loves money like her life, taking her money is the same as taking her life. Li Cuizhen didn't resist so much when she hit her, but now she seems crazy, scratching her hair and biting her hands, vowing to defend her wallet to the death.

Li Cuizhen didn't eat for a few meals, and her mother-in-law grabbed her hair and bit her. She didn't take advantage of it for a while. She screamed and dragged Zhang Chunhua to the ground after being bitten on her face.

Zhang Chunhua groaned for a long time before she could make a sound: "Oh my mother! You killed me, boss! Come and save my mother!"

She cried heart-rendingly, shouted miserably, and everyone upstairs and downstairs were noisy.

"Whose house is this? It's only a few hours and they are crying and making noise."

"It was also noisy yesterday, and it stopped in the middle of the night, and it was noisy again this morning, let people live?"

"It seems that it came from the house of Deputy Section Chief Nian. It's really unlucky to live next door to his family."

"Didn't you say the house was taken back? Why do they still live here?"

"It's too shameful to go to them."

The family members found the door of Nian's house looking for the sound of crying and screaming, and slammed on the door; "Come out, come out."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the room stopped beating, and kept their mouths shut.

"Go, go to the factory leader, it's too much."

Unable to knock on the door, the family members went to the steel factory together and strongly demanded that Li Cuizhen and Zhang Chunhua be driven away.

He was dismissed from public office because of his years of literature, and he is not eligible to live in the family room of the factory. Even if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't make trouble, they have to move out, but they will be given a few days of buffer time.

The family members reacted strongly, so the factory could only forcibly evict them.

Two people were sent to Nian's house, but the door inside was blocked and refused to open, and people couldn't break into the door, so they could only shout outside the door.

"Listen, the people inside, the house and factory have taken it back, please move out immediately."

After shouting several times, everyone in the room was pretending to be dead and refused to make a sound, so people had no choice but to give them another day.

"You are restricted to vacate the house tomorrow, or you will be forced to evict."

"We can't walk, our leg is broken, let the factory treat the disease!"

Seeing that pretending to be dead was useless, Li Cuizhen simply opened the door to act like a rogue. Isn't the country saving lives and healing the wounded?Now her family is full of patients, and she won't leave unless she sees a doctor.

The two young workers were stunned, and they couldn't decide this matter.

"It's really shameless. Nian Wenxue is no longer an employee of this factory, and your feet were not broken for the factory. Why should they treat you?"

The family members were all angry. They had never seen such a shameless person. The Nian family really refreshed their three views.

"Then I don't care, my mother-in-law and I can't leave now, starving this house to death will have a bad impact on the factory, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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