Chapter 451
Lu Haoting left without looking back, the voice behind him on the first day of the new year sounded like crying, she seemed sad?
Lu Haoting's footsteps slowed down, but thinking of her deception and concealment to him, anger flashed in his eyes, and he strode away.

On the first day of the new year, after a period of exhaustion, I stopped, so what if I catch up?Isn't it impossible to tell him the truth?
Seeing his angry figure disappear into the night, her heart is blank on the first day of the new year, will she lose him?

"When can I tell him the truth?"

On the first day of the new year, he clenched his fists and asked Xiao Jinli in his heart, Lu Haoting hated others' deception the most, especially the one he loved.

In the previous life, I had lied to him once, and that time he was furious and left angrily.

Lin Jinyan came to scold her, saying that Haozi beat the tree trunk desperately, his hands were full of blood, and that she gave him all the pain.

This time, will he go crazy and hit the big tree?
The pain in her heart was extremely painful, and she desperately hoped to finish the good deed as soon as possible, so that she could confess everything to Haozi.

"Is it a good thing for me to help sweep the streets?"

On the first day of the new year, I wiped away my tears and asked the little koi in my heart.

"Forget it, even picking up a scrap of paper is a good thing."

The voice of the little koi sounded very sad, it was feeling sorry for the hostess.

"Okay, I'm going to sweep the street now."

On the first day of the new year, I took a deep breath, turned around and ran home, and swept from the street to the end of the street with a big broom. I was tired and felt less pain.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky was getting darker, but they were still sweeping the street on the first day of the new year.

At the beginning, there were still pedestrians walking on the road, but gradually there was no one there, only her frail body was moving a little bit.

"First touch from head to toe, second touch my sister's small waist, third touch... touch my sister's waistband"

On the silent street, a man's howling voice suddenly sounded, the lyrics were so obscene, and he frowned and looked at the corner of the street on the first day of the new year, when a black shadow swayed towards him.

He seemed to be holding a wine bottle in his hand. He drank too much, walked a little loosely, staggered and occasionally spit towards the side of the road, then lifted the bottle and poured a sip of wine into his mouth.

This is an alcoholic?She frowned on the first day of the new year. Under such circumstances, it would be dangerous for her to stay alone on the street.

Carrying the broom and walking towards the house, just now I was sad and kept sweeping, and I didn't notice that I was so far away from home.

She stepped faster, the man had obviously noticed that it was the first day of the new year, the quacking smile came out of his mouth, like the cry of a crow, it was very cautious to listen to in the night.

"Ha, little girl, why don't you go to bed at night and come out to study?"

The drunkard staggered towards the first day of the new year, not too slow.

On the first day of the new year, you hold your broom tightly and run away. People who drink too much are irrational and have much more strength than usual.

Although she can punch and kick three times, she may not be able to fight against him. It is safest to go home and insert the door.

Seeing that he started running on the first day of the new year, the drunkard started to shout:

"Little sister, don't run away! Brother is not a bad person. Brother will help you sweep the floor. I'll buy you a drink and candy, okay?"

"Go away."

At the beginning of the year, he ran and scolded, holding the broom tightly in his hand, and would beat him whenever he dared to get close.

"Don't be afraid, brother loves you."

The drunkard ran very fast, and stopped her before rushing into the house on the first day of the new year. With a smile on his face, he rushed towards the first day of the new year, his mouth full of alcohol, and the stench of speaking was stinky.

"Go away, or I'll call someone."

On the first day of the new year, he gripped the broom tightly and put on a fighting stance, warning him sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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