Chapter 513
Jiang Xiuru and the first day of the new year discovered the two old men outside the door, but the young man reacted quickly, stepped forward and bowed to the two old men on the first day of the new year:
"Thank you grandma and grandpa for giving us the opportunity to live in such a comfortable house. We like your house so much."

"Hahaha, this kid is refreshing, I like it."

The old man's hearty laughter infected everyone, Jiang Xiuru was no longer restrained, and bowed to the two old men,
"Thank you uncle and aunt, this house is really nice, and I like it very much."

The old lady hurriedly helped Jiang Xiuru up, and said:

"You're welcome, if you thank me again, you'd be a stranger, huh?"

The old lady froze as she spoke, wondering why the person in front of her was so kind.

"Her aunt, how old are you this year? Where are you from? What are your parents' surnames? Who else is there in the family?"

"I am 37 years old. My family lives in Renmin Town. The village where I live is called Kaoshantun. My surname is Jiang. My parents are gone. I have two older brothers who are married. I am now divorced and live with my daughter. Life."

Jiang Xiuru thought that the old man was going to investigate. After all, he lived in a courtyard, so he didn't feel at ease if he didn't get to know him well, so he introduced the situation of his home in detail.

"Oh, seeing your familiar face, I thought you were her?"

"Grandma, you haven't forgotten my second aunt. Everyone looks like her. What a coincidence."

Gu Meijing was afraid of scaring Jiang Xiuru, so she scolded her grandma a few words, and also explained it to the first day of the new year and her mother, fearing that they would have ideas.

Grandma also felt that she was a bit abrupt, so she quickly apologized:
"I'm sorry, my old eyes often misunderstand people."

"It's okay, it's okay, I also hope to be relatives with you."

Jiang Xiuru herself was also surprised that she was not at all disgusted with the old man's abruptness, but instead had a familiar feeling towards her.

Gu Meijing invited her grandma and the old man away, and took the lead to go out to carry things. When she went out, she saw Lu Haoting standing at the door carrying a few large packages. He nodded to the two old men as a greeting.

Although he didn't speak, grandpa had a good impression of the young man.

The young man is neither humble nor overbearing and doesn't talk much, he is very calm and calm, and his clothes are not bad. The key is that he is still very energetic. If he is with his granddaughter.
Cough, cough, I just don't know what is the relationship between him and the first day of the new year?
Haha, is this a common problem of all old people?When I see a good guy, I want to match my granddaughter.

If Gu Meijing knew what grandpa was thinking, she wouldn't be able to roll her eyes at grandpa. She would be the protector of the first day of the new year. If I poach someone's corner, I would become an ungrateful villain.

Lu Haoting didn't care about the old man's attention, because he was standing outside the door just now, and he could hear the conversation between the old lady and Jiang Xiuru clearly, which aroused his doubts.

Speaking of which, he was also very strange about the relationship between Jiang Xiuru and Nian's family. Although Jiang Xiuru usually dressed very plainly and didn't like to dress up, she didn't look like a native rural person in many ways.

As a person who has lived in the countryside, Jiang Xiuru has never smiled without showing her teeth, does not speak loudly, and has never scolded people aggressively. Although her skin is sallow but not rough, she does not have the red porcelain face that is unique to rural women. The key is that he sees The old lady's appearance, stature and body were very similar to Jiang Xiuru's, he wouldn't believe it was a coincidence.

And her family is also very strange. Even if her parents are gone, if she is a blood brother, she will not be indifferent to her sister being bullied by Nian's family all the year round, right?
After he made up his mind to go back, he would talk to his grandfather and ask him to help him conduct a detailed investigation of Jiang Xiuru's life experience. If it was true, the couple would be reincarnated serfs singing.

(End of this chapter)

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