Chapter 527
When I was in a hurry, I yelled:

"Director Wang, don't run away."

The voice is loud enough, this is the area where light machine manufacturers belong, this sounds reminiscent.

Sure enough, someone opened the door and looked out. Who called this, and what does it mean?
Director Wang saw that he couldn't hide, there was no way out, and he pushed the cart over in desperation, and had to let Nianwen in.

I was very angry at Nianwen for yelling and yelling regardless of the influence, and I just said my complaints
"This is because you don't want me. You didn't tell me that you were dismissed from public office. There is no official god and can't help you."

Nian Wenxue is so angry that he is dead in one sentence. Does this mean that he doesn't want to help me?

"Okay then, just pay me back my money, and I'll find someone else to do it."

This was the last thing Old Wang wanted to hear. He didn't want to spit out what he had eaten, but he couldn't keep the money if he didn't help him.

"Well, I've already said what I should say here. You can ask someone to look for Director Gu. If he lets go, I will reserve the position of chief security officer for you."

Nian Wenxue didn't want to get into trouble with him, after all, he had no relatives in this city, and he was the only one who could do things.

"How about this, you tell me where Director Gu's home is, and I'll go find him myself."

How dare Director Wang tell him, if he tells about his bribery, his position will be lost.

"The key is that he doesn't live in the family area, and I don't know where his family lives."

Nian Wenxue is a little unhappy, the deputy factory director doesn't know the factory director's house?Are you fooling around?
"Are you afraid that I will leak you out? Don't worry, I'll just say I've inquired about it myself, and I will never implicate you."

Lao Wang had no reason this time, and after listening to his assurance, he told Nian Xuexue the address of Lao Gu's family in detail, and at the same time gave him advice on how to accept him.

Years of literary understanding, it adds a little confidence.

Leaving from Lao Wang's house, thinking that he could not go there empty-handed, he gritted his teeth and bought two bottles of wine and two cans in a nearby store, leaving half of his salary.

It was very smooth to find the location of Director Gu's house.

This is an old street, surrounded by blue brick houses in courtyard houses. Based on the house number, Nian Wenxue accurately found Director Gu's home.

Nian Wenxue was afraid that he would be presumptuous, so he knocked on the door lightly and politely, but there was no response, maybe he didn't hear it because of the low sound, and knocked harder, and the door opened by itself.

Seeing the majestic courtyard, Nian Xue was envious, but he didn't dare to hate.

Coincidentally, Director Gu and his wife were both at home, and they had just come back. The gate was unlocked and left for Luan Hongyu.

Nian Wenxue didn't see anyone in the courtyard, so he didn't dare to go in, so he asked loudly:
"Is there anyone in the house?"

At this time, the nanny poked her head out of the kitchen:

"Who are you, why didn't you knock when you came in?"

"I knocked, but you didn't hear it. I knocked again and the door opened by itself. I'm sorry."

Nian Xuexue thought she was the factory director's wife, so she spoke very politely and apologized repeatedly.

"Who are you looking for?"

Seeing that he had a good attitude, the nanny didn't kick him out again.

"Excuse me, is Director Gu at home?"

The people in the room had already heard the arrival, but they ignored it because there was a nanny to receive them.

After hearing that he was looking for old Gu, the factory manager went out to take a look.

When Nian Wenxue saw Director Gu, he knew that the opportunity was rare, but he was also afraid that Director Gu would not have time to listen to him, so he quickly explained his reason for coming straight to the point:
"Hello, Director Gu, my punishment was issued today, and I haven't reported to the bureau yet. As long as you agree to accept me, this punishment will not take effect. Also, I am the chief of the security department in my original unit. I have experience. If I have the skills, I will definitely be able to do this job well.”

(End of this chapter)

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