Chapter 580
The old principal considered that she would skip two grades next semester, so he planned to take the final exam of the first year of high school after the final exam. Needless to say, even Lao Hu had to admire the perfect score in the first subject at the beginning of the year. Such a talented A good student hasn't been seen for a hundred years, but unfortunately, that didn't dispel his desire to take revenge on the first day of the new year, and he still went his own way.

On the first day of the new year, she made an appointment with the old principal. During this holiday, she finished her sophomore class. On the first day of school, she took the exam for the sophomore year. After passing the grade, she was promoted directly to the third year.

The old principal also had to agree, she was walking steadily step by step, maybe she could really create miracles.

The principal came to each department and asked the teachers of each subject in the second year of high school to give a separate paper for the first two semesters of the second year of high school, and planned to take the test on the first day of the new year separately at the beginning of school.

The teachers who received the task responded very well, and most of them were skeptical.

Even the deputy director who admires her and the subject teacher who teaches her, one counts as the other, do not believe that she can master the courses of the second year of high school in one semester.

These people finally gathered at the teaching office.

Seeing the skeptical eyes of most of the teachers, Director Hu pouted his lips and expressed everyone's opinions contemptuously, taking the opportunity to personally attack the old principal's "wrong decision" on the line.

"Even the gods don't have the confidence to complete a school year's courses in two months, but someone believes her nonsense and approves her study plan privately. This is extremely irresponsible to the students. As this Members of the school are obliged to jointly report the situation to the Board of Education to minimize the negative impact on the school."

After he finished speaking, he took out the Wanyan letter of joint petition that he had prepared and mobilized everyone to sign it.

As things stand, most teachers do have different views on the grade-skipping study plan on the first day of the new year, but it doesn't mean that they can follow Lao Hu's call, which is a complete negation of the old principal's work.

Especially Mr. Zhou from Class One, Senior One. Although he was a little worried about the plan to skip grades on the first day of the new year, he still supported the first day of the new year. It was just a challenge from a good student to his learning ability. This kind of courage should be rewarded, how can she be attacked as a negative example?
Looking at Lao Hu's well-proportioned posture, he felt that it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

From the moment Lao Hu took out the document that had been prepared, he knew Lao Hu's ulterior motives:
"Wow, Director Hu, it seems that you have prepared for a long time. When you wrote the joint letter, you will take it out when the plan on the first day of the new year is about to be implemented. It is a good stick to beat her to death and deal with a little girl. Don't you think Are you a bit of a suspect of bullying? Or are you here targeting the old headmaster, because of his treatment of you?"

Some teachers were already going to sign, but after Mr. Zhou's words, they felt that something was wrong, and they were almost used as guns. These teachers immediately gave up their plans to sign.

Originally, I was proud of the fact that I could get the signature right away. When the punishment from the Education Bureau was issued, the upgrade plan on the first day of the new year would become Waterloo. If not, the old principal would also be punished for it.

It's just that he was too happy too early, and Teacher Zhou was his stumbling block.

Lao Hu was furious and furious at Mr. Zhou:

"Mr. Zhou, what do you mean? Even if you are a student in your class on the first day of the new year, you can give your class points and create performance, you shouldn't support it without principle?"

(End of this chapter)

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