Chapter 743
"Teacher, thank you for valuing me. It's not that I don't want to be your apprentice. The main reason is that I worshiped a master four years ago. He gave me all the things he has learned in his life, including the secret recipes passed down from his ancestors in the treatment of cases. I can't go against it." I am sorry for my master's teaching and trust in me."

"Really? No wonder you learn so fast. It turned out that you were taught by the master. You did the right thing. It's all right. From now on, you will realize it by yourself."

Dr. Lin regrettably gave up his plan, but he no longer taught anything for the first day of the new year.

What a stubborn old man.

However, in just a few months, on the first day of the new year, he has already become well-known in the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The dean let her share a consulting room with other doctors, so she could practice medicine by herself.

On the first day of the new year, for the convenience of use, she often prepares some small bottles of first-aid medicine in her pocket for emergency use, or in order to promote the quick recovery of minor illnesses, she just drops a drop of the medicine in the small bottle, and the patient recovers very quickly.

Besides, she was an experienced doctor in her previous life, and she was very familiar with treating diseases and saving lives.

Over time, on the first day of the new year, he became a well-known doctor in the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Needless to say, her task of eighty good deeds has long been accomplished.

The spiritual power of the little koi has risen by a large margin.

After my cousin participated in the TV station's interview to accept the host, she was successfully admitted to the TV station, and her job was transferred from her hometown to the capital.

Every holiday, my cousin has the opportunity to get along with Lin Jinyan, the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds, and they plan to register for marriage when they return from winter vacation.

The happiest thing about the first day of the new year is that my mother gave birth to a little brother for Gu's father three months later. He is very healthy and he was born with his hands and feet. The eyes look shrewd.

Grandma Gu's coke is broken, and the Gu family has a successor. Her daily job is to look after her grandson. For her grandson, she also moved to the new courtyard, where she lived with her son and daughter-in-law. She started the fire alone and threw it to the young people.

When I miss my younger brother on the first day of the new year, I can only go to the new courtyard to see my younger brother.

Gu Meijing usually has evening shifts after work, so she can only live in the unit, and rarely comes back to live in. In the end, this courtyard has restored a two-person world.

After completing the final exam, I am no longer busy studying on the first day of the new year, and I can spare half a day every day to go to work in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Except for my cousin getting married, the two of them went back to attend the wedding together for a week, and the vacation has accumulated nearly two months. A lot of popularity.

On the first day of the new year, she felt that it was almost the same. After the school started, she resigned from the intern job with the dean. The reason was that she was promoted to the second grade now, and the courses she studied increased, so she had no time to go to work. The dean regretted it and had to agree. , but made an appointment to work in the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine after graduation on the first day of the new year.

After leaving on the first day of the new year, there was an endless stream of patients asking about Dr. Nian's whereabouts. The hospital patiently told everyone that Dr. Nian was in the second year of Tsinghua University and had no time to come to work at the hospital.

As soon as these patients spread the word, the small clinic became busy on the first day of the new year.

At this time, the little brother on the first day of the new year has been more than four months old. He was named Gu Yongkang, which means always healthy.

This is the name his father gave him, and grandma loves to hear it.

In fact, the little grandson really lives up to his name, he is like a sturdy little meat roller, he rolls on the bed in four months, and will be able to crawl in five months.

Moreover, this child is very solid, never crying or making noise, when he is hungry, he asks grandma for milk, and when he is full, he crawls and plays by himself, entertaining himself.

It's not tiring, just sit on the edge of the bed and watch him not fall to the floor.

With his grandma, my mother can come to help on the first day of the new year. I also bought a three-eye briquette stove and used a large casserole to fry ten medicines at a time. They all use koi water. This is the requirement for the first day of the new year. The principle of mother's decoction.

(End of this chapter)

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