Chapter 524 There are monsters
Aoxue lay down in a daze and actually fell asleep, the familiar scene in the dream reappeared...

The night was slightly cool, and the moonlight shrouded the silent village through the dry branches. Gradually, the dark clouds passed over, and the evil spirit filled the sky quietly.

"Monster... a monster—"

The heart-piercing roar pierced the deathly silent sky, a thatched hut in the middle of the village burst into flames, black smoke drifted straight towards the dark clouds, and then the fire spread to the surrounding houses, the night was illuminated, screams, Roaring, crying...continuously.

"Kill...killed, help..."

"No, my child, please don't hurt her..."

"Mother, woo... Mother, save me..."

The raging fire engulfed the entire village, and the villagers struggled in grief, but they were submerged in the sudden eruption of thunder and thunder, without a sound.

On a small soil slope very close to the fire, a man in black clothes stood tall and straight, with silver hair hanging down his waist, his blue and deep pupils reflected the light of the flames in front of him, but his face was as cold as ice, Not the slightest bit moved.

"I searched around and didn't find any good ones, and finally came to the world to be released. Who picked this village? There isn't even a decent woman!"

Cursing voices came from behind the man in black, his eyes moved slightly but he didn't react, he was still looking at the raging fire in front of him, his mind seemed to be drifting away.

"Hey, did I hear what I said to you? When you become a demon king, you will learn to cherish words like gold?" The man approached from the dark, his red hair was as dazzling as a flame, his brown eyes were as shrewd as jewels, and his seductive face revealed A touch of disdainful anger.

"Go and look elsewhere."

The man in black clothes turned around and his sleeves unfolded with the wind, a trace of displeasure flashed across his cold eyes and godlike handsome face, a huge and ferocious fire dragon roared towards him, he stood up and jumped on it, and left through the dark clouds and lightning.

"Hmph!" The red-haired man narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, turned around and flew to another place, disappearing into the long and boundless night.

At the foot of the nameless mountain far from the village, a girl in coarse clothes limped out of the woods with a basket on her back. She wiped the sweat off her cheeks and looked towards the direction of the village. Her eyes were like a pool of water. His eyes froze in an instant, his thin brows like willow leaves were tightly knit together, and he staggered down the mountain regardless of the inconvenience of his legs and feet.

"Help... help..."

A weak and old voice sounded in the pitch-black weeds, causing the girl to hesitate in her footsteps. After a brief hesitation, she mustered up the courage to walk towards the weeds.

"Who? Who's there?" the girl asked cautiously.

In the darkness, a shadow crawled on the ground and moved but didn't get up, just shouted dying: "Help..."

The girl narrowed her eyes and took a closer look. It was actually an old man?She hastily dropped the basket on her body and walked forward to help the old man sit up, and asked nervously, "Are you all right? Why did you fall here injured?"

"There are monsters... there are... there are monsters..." The white-haired old man with vicissitudes of life had blood stains on his face and shocking wounds all over his body, which made it hard to bear to look at.

"Monster? What are you talking about? Where is the monster here? You..."

The girl looked at him in disbelief, and wanted to ask another question, but saw that the old man had tilted his head and was out of breath. A cold feeling spread to her vest in an instant, making her feel terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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