Chapter 587 Unheard of
The competition officially started, and Yinyin of Fantasy Pavilion came out first, and the magnificent and lingering Xiaoxiang Shuiyun shocked the audience. The lyrics written by herself showed her extraordinary talent. It can be seen that the support rate is extraordinary.

Yingyue had already been booed by the crowd before she even got on the stage, she was nervous and guilty, she flinched a bit, and finally Aoxue pushed her out.

Wearing a veil, she is mysterious and graceful, and a pink veil skirt with embroidered lotus makes her skin whiter than snow. Sitting lightly in front of the piano table, she tried her best to straighten her body and took a breath, gently plucking the strings with her fingertips like green onion , and then the accompanying music around him began to cooperate.

Aoxue followed the chorus and mingled behind Yingyue, she was also wearing a veil and couldn't see the expression and the opening and closing of her lips clearly.

"What the hell is this? It's such a big show to sing a song?"

"Yeah, why is there an ensemble? What do the people behind that do?"

"I guess I know I'm going to lose, so let's call more people to fill the scene."

"Hahaha... Even if she called people from all over the country, it was Miss Yinyin who won. She has no chance."

In the audience, there was a sentence of downbeat and unfavorable words, and the stimulating Yingyue became more and more unconvinced. She was not confident just now, but now she has become a motivation in an instant. She can't let Shen Meng down. Try to win the game!
Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly became firm, and she lowered her eyes to look at the strings, no longer paying attention to superfluous personnel matters, and then she will concentrate on playing the piano score given to her by Shen Meng.


The price of staying together forever in the world
Reincarnation to find him and meet under the peach tree
In the light of the moonlight, the people slowly play the piano

The voice and smile are hard to give up, forever engraved under the tree

The faint fragrance and the wind sing softly

Blue hair is lazy, shadows are impermanent, the sun and the moon look at each other
The cold winter makes the flowers fade away


One night seems like a wall

Like a thousand moons
Bitter Yirenqing Naihe

Ignore the vanity and find him again

Peach Blossom still sings this song

Withered flowers, thin face

One life reincarnation several life love
dream tied to do not want to wake up
One Tree Promise Chizai

Halfway through the song, Aoxue secretly watched the actions of the people below, and found that the people who had looked disdainful just now had quietly followed the brisk rhythm and started doing various small movements, some shaking their heads and shaking their feet... They entered the play.

Under the veil, the lips evoked a smile that charmed all living beings but no one knew it, and the singing continued...

In the light of the moonlight, the people slowly play the piano

The shadow is still smiling and the love is hard to give up, under the tree will be engraved forever
The faint fragrance and the wind sing softly

Blue hair, lazy shadow, impermanence, the sun and the moon look at each other

The price of staying together forever in the world
Reincarnation to find him and meet under the peach tree
A glass of water is relative for a lifetime

Intoxicated every night with the cup in hand

A love needs several reincarnations

Yi Ren is haggard and her eyes are as clear as water

Withered flowers and thin face
One life reincarnation several life love
dream tied to do not want to wake up
One Tree Promise Chizai
Withered flowers and thin face
One life reincarnation several life love
dream tied to do not want to wake up
One Tree Promise Chizai
The price of staying together forever in the world
Reincarnation to find him and meet under the peach tree

At the end of the song, the audience in the audience had already raised their hands and swayed along with the song. The music stopped, and they looked at Yingyue with unsatisfied interest, and their raised hands refused to let go.

At this moment, there was no sound.

"This... this style of music, I've never heard of it..." Yinyin, who was sitting on the side, looked at Yingyue sitting on the stage in disbelief. At that moment, she suddenly discovered that this ordinary woman could exude such The powerful contagion is because she underestimates the enemy too much.

With downcast eyes, he raised a self-deprecating smile and shook his head slightly.

It was she who lost.

He got up and left the competition scene directly from the side, followed by Mammy.

As soon as Yinyin left, the applause and cheers ten times and a hundred times more enthusiastic than before erupted from the audience. No. 1, no need to guess, it must be Yingyue.

(End of this chapter)

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