Chapter 109
"It's right here." Aunt Fang pointed to the flower stand, and took out a small handful of sandalwood from the drawer.

The white stone-carved flower table is divided into two layers, with potted plants on the lower layer and an incense burner on the upper layer.

Xingchen took the sandalwood and looked at it carefully, and then sniffed it. It was indeed top-grade sandalwood, both in color and fragrance.

"This sandalwood is very good. The scent of sandalwood is too strong. I will use less in the future. I must also open the windows to keep the air circulating. If you can't light it, don't light it. Too much is not necessarily good, the so-called enough is enough." Xing Chen put down the sandalwood, as if there was still a lingering fragrance in his hand.

"So that's the case, I've learned a lot." Aunt Fang suddenly felt a little more fond of Xingchen in her heart. She has no children under her knees, and it's rare to have a younger generation who cares about her.

Xing Chen lifted the cover of the incense burner, intending to extinguish some, but found that the incense burner was very delicate, made of jade, and the carving was exquisite, it was not hot to the touch.

There is still a thick layer of material inside the furnace, which has been smoked black, and it is impossible to see what material it is.

Xingchen was curious, so he picked up the small iron clip used to clamp sandalwood next to it, and scraped the inner wall of the incense burner.

The black charcoal was scraped off, revealing a few white scratches. The material seems to be stone, but I don't know what kind of stone it is.

Then injected a slight phantom power, scraped hard, and scraped out some powder.

Xingchen took out a small iron clip and observed the powder. It may be the reason of burning incense for many years, but the powder also exudes a slight fragrance.

Moreover, these powders look very fine, even finer than makeup powder, really like rouge.

Xingchen was surprised, it was white stone fat, she had seen it in the medicine house of King Jin's mansion, it was not sandalwood, but white stone fat that made Aunt Fang get used to the scent.

"Aunt Fang, have you always had a little sandalwood?"

"Yes, this sandalwood is extremely expensive, and I have tried not to smoke it, but once I can't smell the sandalwood, I feel restless and can't lift my spirits." Aunt Fang was a little worried.

"Aunt Fang, the inner wall of this incense burner is made of white stone resin. This is an extremely rare stone, similar to coral stone. It has been formed in the deep sea for many years. It has a fragrance, is milky white, and has extremely low hardness. The powder, fine and smooth, can be used as medicine and has the effect of nourishing yin and beautifying the skin, but long-term use will make people dependent and even addictive, but it is harmless to the body, and it can be said to be a disease of wealth."

"Bai Shizhi? I've never heard of it." Aunt Fang was surprised.

"Well, once you don't use this incense burner, you will be very unaccustomed, lack of energy, and restless. It takes a few months to get used to the white stone oil. In the future, use less incense and gradually reduce it until there is no incense at all. The purpose of this kind of incense burner should be to make people burn incense frequently."

This method is similar to a sales method. In order to let customers use up the toothpaste as soon as possible, the mouth for squeezing toothpaste is enlarged.

"I see." Aunt Fang suddenly realized that this girl really knows a lot.

When Xingchen was about to leave, he found a strange potted plant under the flower stand.

Green round leaves, finger-thick branches, intertwined roots, this landscape tree should be some years old.

Xing took a look at the potted plant. The trunk had dark texture, the leaves were dark green, and exuded a faint fragrance.

Xingchen was startled, this potted plant seems to be a very rare incense vine tree, it likes shade, can be used as medicine, and can be used to repel mosquitoes, but if it meets Bai Shizhi...

(End of this chapter)

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