Chapter 451 Stimulation
"Xiao Qian, what do you mean? Don't try to provoke my relationship with my uncle!" Yelu Xiaoran was furious and slammed the table down.

Seeing him getting angry, Xiao Qian chuckled again, and said: "Don't be impatient, I don't have any malicious intentions! Back then, my situation was much worse than the prince's, didn't I come over here? You will be restrained by others, let’s not talk, come, drink, eat vegetables!”

"Hehe... This king and uncle are like father and son, your tricks will only be in vain." Yelu continued angrily.

"This statement is wrong!" Xiao Qian shook his head and said: "In front of the emperor, there is no family affection at all, only winners and losers! In the end, it is the same to me whether you or Yelu Qingcang are emperors! I care about you, just my cousin."

While speaking, he held up his chin, and continued as if in deep thought: "I know that the prince loves and cherishes her very much now, and I also hope that she will have a good home by his side in the future. I dare not expect to be a queen, but to be a queen Concubine, don't be bullied casually, just enjoy the rest of your life. Of course, the premise is that the prince must sit on the throne, otherwise what will happen if you fail to compete for the throne? I believe the prince knows better than me."


Yelu Xiaoran's response was a cold snort.

"Forget it, the prince is not an unweaned child after all, and there are many things that don't need to be reminded. As long as the prince has pity in his heart, it's enough. You can do whatever you want, and I'll eat it."

Seeing him like this, Xiao Qian didn't say anything, he just ordered people to bring out delicacies one by one, drinking and eating on his own.

Yelu Xiaoran suffocated, he was already hungry, he knew that Xiao Qian would never dare to murder him at this time, so he moved his chopsticks and started to eat.

"His Royal Highness, I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first, please take it easy!"

The two finished their meal in silence, and Xiao Qian, who finished eating first, rinsed his mouth with fragrant tea elegantly and left early.

"Rampant boy!" Facing Xiao Qian's behavior, Yelu Xiaoran couldn't help cursing angrily in his heart.

After drinking and eating, he went back to his bedroom and suddenly thought of Yun Xixi again, so he summoned his subordinates and asked, "Where does County Lord Fuchang live?"

The subordinate immediately replied: "Back to the prince, the princess originally wanted the master of Fuchang County to live in the firewood house in the outer courtyard, but later Shizi Xiao couldn't see it and took him to a courtyard across the street to resettle him. Temper for a while!"

"That jealous woman!"

Yelu Xiaoran cursed casually, and was about to go out to find Yun Xixi when Yelu Qingcang came over.

"Uncle!" He immediately stepped forward to salute respectfully.

"What did Xiao Qian say to you?" Yeluqing walked into the room with a stern expression on his cold face, and asked directly.

"It's nothing, I mentioned something about Yun Xixi, saying that Yun Xixi is his cousin, I hope my nephew can take care of me more, and then, I just want to provoke our relationship!" Yelu Xiaoran said with a disapproving smile: "Nephew He loves the same father and son as the emperor's uncle, how can he be provoked by him, Xiao Qian is really at the end of his rope!"

"Very good!" Seeing that Yelu Xiaoran answered truthfully without concealing anything, Yelu Qingcang nodded in satisfaction, pondered for a while, and said, "Since Yun Xixi is Xiao Qian's cousin, you should avoid getting close to her in the future. This woman is a secret agent sent by Xiao Qian..."

"Impossible." Yelu immediately retorted: "Has the emperor forgotten how Yun Xixi became the head of Fuchang County? Xiao Qian is a smart man, and he will never let such a stupid, arrogant and selfish What do women do."

In Yelu Qingcang's eyes, Yun Xixi was really stupid and nothing to worry about!

However, Yelu Xiaoran's immediate defense of Yun Xixi angered him, and he immediately lowered his voice and asked, "Why, the wings are hardened, and even the uncle's words are starting to stop listening."

"Nephew dare not!" After a moment of hesitation, Yelu Xiaoran immediately lowered his head.

"Very good, since that's the case, don't go looking for that Yun Xixi in the future." Seeing this, Yelu Qingcang said coldly, then turned and left.

"King Zuoxian is really getting wider and wider." After the door closed, Yelu Xiaoran's subordinate couldn't help but mutter.

That's right, it's too lenient, if you don't let yourself go to Yun Xixi, is it possible that he should be a monk all the way?

This place is still several months away from Beirong!
Thinking of this, Yelu Xiaoran's heart immediately flashed a nameless fire, he turned around and thumped the table bitterly.

But at this time, the subordinate stepped forward and added embellishment: "Your Highness, in fact, when you were dining with Prince Xiao just now, the people of King Zuo Xian were outside the door."

"What?" Yelu Xiaoran remembered that he didn't see Yelu Qingcang when he came back, and he said angrily, "Is this true?"

"It's absolutely true, otherwise, how could the prince come so quickly!"

"Uncle Huang actually sent someone to monitor me! Does he not trust me?"

Yelu Xiaoran asked himself angrily, and walked around the room a few times angrily.

However, he didn't know if it was because of the alcohol he had drunk tonight, but he felt hot all over after a while, and couldn't wait to find a woman to vent his anger!
"Is there a brothel in this city?" Instead of looking for Yun Xixi, he should go to another woman's head office!

"Your Highness, you can't do it. When we entered the city just now, people all over the street have seen your appearance..." Needless to say, Yelu Xiao understood the following words: Everyone knows your face, how can you be romantic? thing?I'm afraid it will spread immediately.

"Damn it!" Yelu Xiaoran thumped the table angrily. The more he stayed in the room, the more he felt uncomfortable, so he opened the door and walked out, wanting to blow the cold wind outside.

Unexpectedly, he had just walked into the courtyard when he saw several young women in bright clothes walking towards Yelu Qingcang's residence under the guidance of a Han steward.

"What's going on here?" He asked incredulously.

"Back to the prince, these women were sent by the local officials to serve King Zuo Xian. The prince wants to protect the princess, so naturally it is inconvenient for a woman to serve him, so hehe, I didn't arrange for the prince!" The steward replied with a smile.

"Yo, so you are the Prince of Beirong! I have never seen a man more handsome than you!"

"Your Highness, which man doesn't have three wives and four concubines? Even if you are a princess, you can't wrong yourself!"

"Yes, Your Highness, the sisters will serve you later, okay?"

When those women heard that he was the Prince of Beirong, they all flirtatiously winked at him immediately, the bones of that voice were almost brittle!

Depend on!
Yelu Xiaoran wanted to scold her!

He was already extremely irritated by the internal fire, but now he was teased by these women, and smelling the fragrance of powder on women's bodies, he suddenly felt that he was about to explode.

He was burned to the point of death, Yelu Qingcang didn't let him go to Yun Xixi, and asked him to be a monk to guard the princess, but he asked several women to serve him, what is this?oppressive rule?

It's just playing with a woman, so what's there to worry about, taking care of the sky and the earth, and even putting him on his bed?He is not an unweaned baby.

He's going to find Yun Xixi, what's the matter?
Feeling that the flames in his body were burning hotter and hotter, Yelu Xiaoran couldn't bear it anymore, strode out of the yard and ran straight to the opposite side of the street.

(End of this chapter)

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