Chapter 648 Returning to Beijing
Except for a few people such as Emperor Yuanzhao and the Empress, no one knew that Concubine Rou was Jing Tao's biological mother.

As soon as the news got out, it involved the importance of royal heirs, and even though Concubine Rou was in a high position, she didn't have the help of her natal family.

Many people wrote a letter immediately, impeaching Concubine Rou for being a pet and spoiled concubine, for daring to persecute the concubine, she was defiant and should be severely punished.

Emperor Yuan Zhao was very angry, and Jing Tao was even more angry. When he returned to the East Palace after the imperial court that day, he couldn't help scolding Mrs. Bian.

Bian couldn't swallow this breath, and blurted out: "Why does Your Highness protect Concubine Rou so much? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret between you two?"

The angry Jing Tao didn't even think about it, he turned around and slapped her.

Bian couldn't defend himself against this palm strike, and fell to the ground suddenly, his tire gasped immediately.

Bian's face turned pale from the pain, and she immediately screamed. Seeing blood dripping from the bottom of Bian's skirt, Jing Tao also panicked, and hurriedly declared the imperial physician to come over.

Then Bian struggled for a day and a night, almost lost half of her life, and gave birth to a weak baby girl who was less than a month old.

"How could it be a daughter? I am clearly pregnant with a son." Bian couldn't believe it. She always thought that she was pregnant with a son. When the imperial physician took the pulse, she also said it was a son.

"Go back to the Empress Dowager, check the pulse of men and women, there are occasional mistakes and omissions." The imperial physician could only answer like this.

"Bastard, useless thing!" Mrs. Bian was almost angry, and roared: "You can't even get a man and a woman out, so what's the use of my palace keeping you? Come on, drag it down and chop it up!"

"Stop! Regardless of son or daughter, they are all our children, why should we hurt people's lives?"

Jing Tao stopped him in time. He already had a son, and he was very happy to have a daughter again.Besides, he and the Bian family are not very old. Mr. Bian is a first-in-law princess, and it would be very good to have another prince in two years. He doesn't understand why the Bian family has gone so crazy.

Mrs. Bian is impatient. On the one hand, the assassination case is pending, and her natal family will soon be found out. If she can give birth to a first-line prince at this time, her words will naturally carry more weight. What's the use of giving birth to a princess?
What's more, Chun Maisheng's concubine princes are all crowned kings, and it seems that Emperor Yuanzhao has begun to choose teachers for Jingyi.She didn't give birth to a son in this pregnancy, and two years later, seeing Jing Tao and the emperor's love for Jing Yi, in case Jing Yi gets the upper hand...

Mrs. Bian didn't dare to think too much, the more she looked at her daughter, the more unpleasant she felt. She couldn't kill the imperial physician, she felt depressed and had nowhere to vent, so she lay down on the bed and cried loudly.

Originally, the birth of a princess was a happy event, but it was as if she had suffered a disaster when she cried.

Jing Tao was very angry. After seeing his daughter, he simply went to the Palace of Emperor Chunliang, out of sight and out of mind.

The instigation failed, and his daughter gave birth to a princess again. In his impatience, Lord Bian could only further incite public opinion, saying everywhere that Xiao Qian had the intention of treason.

This angered the Shen family and some Zhenbei army leaders who had just become generals in the court.Everyone immediately joined forces to investigate, and it was reported that the Bian family formed a party for personal gain and slandered the vassal king by virtue of being the princess's natal family.

At the same time, Xiao Qian's people also sent the useful evidence they found to Emperor Yuan Zhao's desk.

I thought that the Bian family was a pillar of talent, but in order to gain credit and power, they actually wanted to assassinate Xiao Qian, so that the peaceful world would continue to be chaotic, in an attempt to profit from it.

What's the use of keeping such a courtier who ignores the interests of Da Yu?

Emperor Yuan Zhao immediately issued an order to deprive Bian of his title of title, demote him to common people, and confiscate his family property.

This is due to the fact that the Bian family is the crown princess, and they have contributed to the pacification of Jiangnan by following them, and they did not take the lives of the Bian family.

The concubine's natal family has become common people, and many people guess that Jing Tao will definitely intercede for the Bian family.

Unexpectedly, Jing Tao not only did not intercede, but also listed all kinds of disrespect of Bian's elders, and demanded that the crown princess be abolished.

In the eyes of some courtiers, this request was a bit excessive. After all, the Crown Princess had just given birth to her eldest daughter and she had made a lot of contributions. What the Bian family did should not implicate the Bian family.

But Jing Tao is determined to abolish the Bian family.

During this period, many people did not understand the reason, but Di Chunliang knew it best: Mrs. Bian's fault was that she did not respect Concubine Rou. In addition, there was a word from Di Chunliang.

"Brother, I'm just worried. Now that Lord Bian has become a commoner because of Prince Xiao, the princess must have resentment in his heart. If she hates Prince Xiao, when she gives birth to a son-in-law to inherit the throne in the future, I'm afraid there will be no peace in the Northwest."

After Jing Tao heard this, he pondered for a long time, then turned around and went to the paper about the abolition of the crown princess.

The Bian family has all fallen, and cutting the weeds has to be uprooted. Keeping a princess is tantamount to leaving a disaster.For the ministers who had impeached the Bian family, they wished that the crown prince would be replaced.

Emperor Yuan Zhao also thought about this, so within a few days, the Bian family lost the position of the crown princess and was changed to Bian Liangyuan.

When Bian heard that her family members had been demoted to common people, and her position as the crown princess was also lost, she was stunned for a while.Amidst the grief, she actually thought it was all because she failed to give birth to a son, and blamed the newly born daughter for being a bastard, so punish her!

The more she thought about it, the more she lost her mind, and she turned around to pinch her daughter.

Fortunately, the maids rushed up and tried their best to snatch the little princess out of her hands. Bian looked like a madman. When Jing Tao knew about it, he immediately put her in confinement.

No one cares about a family and a woman who has lost power, and the court immediately turned to discuss the matter of establishing a new crown princess.Many people suggested Chunliangdi, after all she gave birth to the only son of the prince.

However, some people objected, thinking that Chunmai's background was too low to be a princess.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, Zhenbei's convoy arrived in the capital.

Changning originally wanted to go back to Xingfuju's natal home to have a look, but this time he was entering Beijing by order and had to meet the emperor first, so the motorcade had to go straight into the city first.

On the contrary, Wei Wuqi's home is outside the city, and he went home with Princess Ayin first.

When we parted, Wei'er was still reluctant to part with Qin Changxi, and she repeatedly emphasized: "Little uncle, wait for me, I will definitely visit you to play in a few days."

Qin Changxi blushed and nodded, and fled quickly.

After Emperor Yuan Zhao's registration, Qin's father had returned from refuge in the south of the Yangtze River and was still an official in the Imperial Academy.Hearing that his daughter, son-in-law and son came back together, he asked for leave early and waited in Wen Dao Hall with the Shen family.

Changning and his wife were about to enter the palace to face the Holy Spirit, so Qin Changxi went back to the Wendao Hall first.

"Oh my son, you are back." When Liu saw her son, she couldn't wait to rush to hug her son and cry.

Qin Changxi called "Mother", shoved Liu Shi away a little embarrassedly, and turned to look back.Only then did everyone realize that there was a beautiful little girl following behind him.

"This is the Fifth Miss of Zhenbei Prince's Mansion. My sister and brother-in-law asked me to send her back to the Prince's Mansion first, but the Wendao Hall is closer, so I couldn't help but bring her to see my parents."

Chang Xi said to Xiao Ran apologetically, "Sister Ran, these are my parents, and my grandfather..."

Xiao Ran hurried forward to salute.

She is the daughter of King Zhenbei and Changning's sister-in-law. She has a high status, so everyone naturally dare not neglect her.I also saw that she was born elegant and beautiful, and she behaved generously and dignifiedly despite her young age, so I liked her very much.

However, Qin Changxi hastily brought Xiao Ran into the Wen Dao Hall. Qin's father couldn't help but look at Chang Xi, thinking that his son brought a girl to meet his parents at such a young age.

(End of this chapter)

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