Chapter 690 Drowning
The three of them shouted for help while soaking in the icy water, but in the middle of the night in the wilderness, there was no one within a three mile radius, and no one could hear them at all!

When Mr. Su's men brought the mussels over the next morning, they saw a small boat turned upside down on the pond, with three corpses floating beside it.

A homicide case is naturally a great event.

The man didn't dare to neglect, and immediately reported to the official.

When the official came to see it, he thought: These three people rowed a boat with a net in the middle of the night and ran into other people's ponds. Could it be that they want to steal fish?

This is the only conclusion that is most reliable. He must have accidentally capsized and drowned while stealing fish.Anyway, there were no injuries on the bodies of the three people. Although the boat capsized, it was not damaged, and there was no trace of the fourth person at the scene, which fit the circumstances of death by drowning.

Since it wasn't a homicide case, it's easy to deal with. Find the family members, get it back and bury it and it's over.

Wu Xiucai is still a person of some status, and he was recognized first.

After the Wu family got the news, they almost went crazy. They refused to believe that Wu Xiucai died accidentally while stealing fish.Although the Wu family is not considered rich and powerful now, they do not have to worry about food and clothing. How could they steal fish?

Xin Chang'e's first thought was: Wu Xiucai must have been murdered by the people of the Zhenbei Palace, because he went to the capital to inquire about pearl cultivation.

Thinking of this, she immediately began to cry, calling for grievances repeatedly, saying that her husband must have been murdered by the people from Zhenbei Palace.If you don't believe me, go check it out, that pond must be related to the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, or there are no fish in that pond at all, and they raise mussels.

The yamen servants first heard her mention Zhenbei Wangfu, and they sneered, thinking that she must be trying to extort money so she tried her best to blame the powerful.

Then I heard her say that mussels were raised in that pond, and I felt strange.

Because according to their visits, there are not as many fish in that pond as there are mussels. Recently, people pour river mussels into it every day.

Could it be that there is really something hidden about this accidental case?
The servants immediately asked: "Little lady, how do you know that there are many mussels in that pond?"

Such a major event as raising pearls cannot be easily leaked out.

Wanting this, Xin Chang'e cried and replied: "Because, my master went to the capital to do business a few days ago, and before he left, he said that he had accidentally offended the people in the Zhenbei Palace, and the other party threatened to kill him. , the master feels a little scared."

"What, such a thing happened?"

Although the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion is now extremely prestigious and cannot be offended, this is a big case involving human life!If it was done by some bullying rat in the palace, if we don't find out, it will hurt the reputation of King Zhenbei!

If it is found out, maybe you can get a favor from King Zhenbei!

The official in charge of the case immediately got his brains together, wrote a detailed letter, and immediately sent someone to send it to the door of the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion.

Mr. Su only knew that the mussel pond had drowned someone, but Changning already knew that it was Wu Xiucai who died, and Xin Chang'e beat him up.

"It's really cheap, you deserve it!"

Chang Ning was surprised at first, wondering why Wu Xiucai died where?If you think about it carefully, you can guess the reason.Immediately, he couldn't feel any sympathy at all, and even hated Xin Chang'e's cleverness.

Really poor people must have something to hate.

What is the reason for biting the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion so much?It's money!
But I refuse to give it, if you have the ability, you continue to bite.Now that my Zhenbei Palace is powerful and powerful, if I bully you as a commoner, what can you do?
Chang Ning became angry, and immediately put pressure on the officials there through Xiao Qian, scolding him for being so bold that he dared to pour all kinds of feces and urine on the gate of Zhenbei Wangfu, and he was so impatient.

Immediately scare the shit out of the officials!
(End of this chapter)

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