Create the heavens and the world

Chapter 383 The first person under the Lord God

Chapter 383 Under the Lord God No.1

"Zhou Tianci, I'm hiding in the galaxy, and you can still find me!" Magnus was surprised at first, but immediately, he smiled confidently, "But, so what if you find me? In the galaxy In the middle, do you dare to do it? The space here is inherently fragile, as long as you and I fight, the space will collapse in a large area. At that time, none of us can escape!"

Zhou Tianci showed a mocking smile: "Magnus, you are also trying to figure it out, but unfortunately, you don't understand me. If I want to kill you, let alone in the galaxy, even in the turbulent flow of space, so what? How? Spatial turbulence can scare you, but it's useless to me!"

Magnus said in shock: "Are you crazy? Fall into the turbulent flow of space, neither you nor I can get out!"

"Really, then try!"

Zhou Tianci didn't say any more, and punched him. Just like Magnus said, the space of Galaxy is much more fragile than other places on the plane battlefield.With Zhou Tianci's casual punch, he punched a terrifying crack hundreds of meters away!
Magnus dodged quickly and landed on a mountain peak.

"Okay!" Magnus took out the long whip, the main artifact, "Even if you fall into the turbulent space today, I will take you with me!"

With a flick of Magnus' silver long whip, space cracks were formed, and the rocks floating in the galaxy were swallowed up by the space cracks.Then, the space crack spread towards Zhou Tianci.

Zhou Tianci chuckled, and under Magnus' shocked gaze, he actually passed through the space crack!
"Could it be, you are the main god!" Magnus felt that he couldn't think anymore. Just now, Zhou Tianci went deep into the turbulent space, and the turbulent space seemed to have no effect on him.This ability is definitely not owned by Dzogchen, but the patent of the main god!
"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it."

Zhou Tianci's blurred figure appeared behind Magnus, he slashed down with one palm, and the terrifying force condensed and lingered, falling on Magnus without a sound.Magnus' body was cut off in half, and one shoulder was missing.

"No!" Magnus had never been so scared like now, Zhou Tianci cut off half of his body lightly, this strength has far exceeded the scope of Dzogchen!

The power of the main god in Magnus burned wildly, and he fled from Zhou Tianci in an instant.At the same time, the power of the main god is also repairing his body.

"Boom!" Zhou Tianci, who was closely following Magnus, punched again, and several phantoms appeared around Magnus, and Magnus's speed was not slow, as if teleporting in the galaxy.The space exploded around the two, and the colorful space rushed out, washing their bodies.

"Bang!" Zhou Tianci's fist hit Magnus' whip, and after that, powerful force fell on Magnus again.He used [-]% of his strength in this punch, which almost smashed Magnus' body to the point of collapse.

"No, Zhou Tianci's physical attack is too strong, I will die if this continues!" Magnus yelled in his heart, facing Zhou Tianci's attack, his eyes showed madness.

"Come in with me!" Magnus, who was running away, suddenly stirred the surrounding space with his silver whip, while he himself threw himself into the space crack.At the same time, Magnus' long whip entangled Zhou Tianci's feet, and he exerted force violently, trying to drag Zhou Tianci into the space crack.

"You are not the first to escape into the space crack!" Zhou Tianci held Magnus' long whip with his hand, and pulled Magnus out of the turbulent space with a forceful pull.Seeing this, Magnus resolutely gave up the main artifact, and accelerated himself into the turbulent flow of space.

Zhou Tianci was stunned for a moment, and Magnus was already far away from the plane battlefield.

"This..." Zhou Tianci was a little hesitant to chase after him. His willpower is powerful and he can move in the turbulent space, but his speed is very slow.Even if he can catch up to Magnus and kill him, it is unknown whether he can return to the plane battlefield.

The space crack disappeared quickly, and Zhou Tianci could no longer see Magnus.

"Hey, forget it, Magnus is too cunning. However, I don't believe that he can hide in the turbulence of space for a lifetime!" Zhou Tianci put away Magnus' main artifact and left Galaxy.

In the cave, Zhou Tianci's deity, Beibei, and Leisijing stood by Linley's side together, feeling Linley's fast and powerful soul power.

"Linley really succeeded. He created a miracle. The four-element soul has mutated like never before!" Lei Leijing couldn't help praising the moment Linley's soul power turned from decline to prosperity.

"That is, he is my boss!" After 18 years, Beibei finally smiled again.

Leisi Jing looked at Zhou Tianci: "Zhou Tianci, did you already know that Linley could succeed?"

Zhou Tianci smiled, but did not answer.

Lei Jing shook his head and said, "How is this possible... even the main god cannot control the mutation of the soul, let alone the mutation of the four-element soul. Anyway, Linley is out of danger, and it is something worth celebrating!"

Beibei suddenly said: "Boss, have you found Magnus yet?"

"I found him, but I didn't catch him." Zhou Tianci said regretfully.

"He ran away again?" Beibei said.

"No, he exiled himself. If it was on the battlefield of the plane, even if Magnus exiled himself, I would be sure to bring him back, but in the galaxy... where there are too many cracks in space, Magnus is desperate .”

However, Lei Jing praised: "You can force Magnus to self-exile, Zhou Tianci, you have created a new record. There are very few Dzogchen powerhouses in all major planes, and each of them has practiced countless times. You are an exception! Baier and Magnus escaped in embarrassment and forced Magnus to self-exile. Your strength is definitely No. .1!"

"Haha, Lei Jing, from this point of view, it is not a loss for you to exchange the power of the main god for my eldest brother." Beibei laughed.

"That's true." Leisi Jing also smiled.

Zhou Tianci said: "Lei Jing, do you have any enemies in the battlefield? Or, how many badges do you need? You can bring up these."

Lei Jing touched her bald head: "I do have enemies, but it feels a bit worthless to waste your favor on them. As for the command badge, I'm still short of three, but I should be able to get them together in the final battle. Well, I'll keep this favor."

"It's up to you." Zhou Tianci didn't care about it, as long as Leisi Jing didn't ask him to kill the Lord God.

"My two men have come down." Zhou Tianci said suddenly, and soon, Lei Li and Kles came to the cave under his guidance.The two have been retreating on the plane battlefield for hundreds of years, and their strength has grown.

(End of this chapter)

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