Chapter 213 Bad News 1
"My sister-in-law called me and said that the Zhao family had already bought a house outside as a dowry for their daughter, but now Chairman M advocates frugality, so they don't hold weddings with much fanfare, just hold revolutionary weddings!"

Lin Yafen had a gossip look on her face: "I think they think the son-in-law of the Zhao family can't do anything, so they are talking about holding a revolutionary wedding!"

Su Su smiled instead: "If you don't treat me, won't I also save you a red envelope? Isn't that good?"

"Maybe it's possible to be positive and negative," Tang Bao teased narrowly: "They are all people with a bad stomach, so maybe they will give birth to a good child in the future?"

Tang Mingyuan sat down not far away, and said solemnly: "If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, I don't believe that the Zhao family can raise pure and good children."

Looking at her daughter again, she said softly: "You can prepare to have a baby. Now that your mother and I can still move, I can bring you a baby."

Su Su heard the words and just looked at her daughter and her man and smiled, neither agreeing nor refuting.

Tang Bao didn't expect that the fire would burn on his own head instead. Isn't it very unpleasant for his father to look at Gu Xingjin?Now I'm urging myself to have a baby with him.

"It's useless for you to urge me," Tang Bao pouted and gritted his teeth unwillingly at him: "I don't mind having multiple younger brothers and sisters, why don't you and my mother work harder? Would you like me to open it for you?" How often do you take medicine to take good care of your body?"

Su Su had dystocia when Tang Bao was born, but Tang Mingyuan was terrified, and it was not easy for Su Su to get pregnant again, so they were only Tang Bao.

Faced with his daughter's teasing, Tang Mingyuan blushed, and sighed dumbfounded: "Well, I can't afford to offend, I can hide."

Seeing him leave, Lin Yafen couldn't help laughing, took Su Su's hand again, and asked in a low voice, a little embarrassed: "Su Su, when Yuhang comes back, please take her pulse and turn on a few times. How about a prescription for recuperating the body?"

Su Su readily agreed: "No problem, is this a fixed date?"

"Yeah, she's already 21, and if she drags on, she'll become an old girl!" Lin Yafen thought that her eldest daughter was getting married, and she was refreshed on happy occasions, and said with a smile on her face: "It's the first day of June, I think It's up to you to hold grandchildren?"

Tang Bao leaned over and said with a smile: "Don't worry, auntie, my mother is very good at taking care of her body, but I have to let my future brother-in-law take care of her body too, and I will ensure that you will be able to have a grandson next year."


After Gu Ningjin and the others arrived home, they first went to the hospital and called to report that they were safe.

Tang Mingyuan heard that there was nothing wrong at home, so he and Su Su practiced acupuncture with their daughter.

The husband and wife are like-minded, no, it should be said that they are husband and wife, and they are both very interested in acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, which they have never been in contact with.

Time passed day by day, and it was May 23 in a blink of an eye. Mr. Zheng's body has improved after continuous acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

During the period, I also heard that the Zhao family held a low-key wedding for Zhao Qiqi and Hou Zhian. After the marriage, Hou Zhian lived in the new house, but Zhao Qiqi still lived in her mother's house and was unwilling to step into the new house.

Tang Bao doesn't want to deal with the Zhao family at all now, but remembering that it has been more than two months since Gu Xingjin left, but there is still no news, he is a little worried about how he is doing now.

But the current communication is really inconvenient, and it may be because of the strict discipline on the battlefield, and he never called Tang Bao.

In fact, Tang Bao felt that he stayed in the He family and did not leave, maybe he just wanted to wait for him to call him?

Landline telephones are not popular now, and only some special people have them in their homes, such as the He family.

But Tang Bao never got a call from him. As the day approached He Yuhang's wedding, Tang Bao went outside with his parents to choose gifts.

People coming and going in the state-run store seemed very lively.

Tang Bao's family has nothing else to do today, so they are naturally strolling here slowly.

She held Su Su's arm and looked around: "Mom and Dad, is there anything you want to buy?"

Everything here needs a ticket, and they can't afford too expensive ones, but Tang Bao's space has the big red blanket bought in Haishi last year, as well as bed sheets and quilt covers, which are very good gifts.

They're just here to stroll around and see what they like.

"Can you buy some white sugar and milk powder?" Su Su asked about the price of white sugar, and it was indeed cheaper than the ones on the black market outside, so she said, "We'll make some peanut candy when we get back, it's cheaper than giving them away."

Tang Bao nodded quickly when he heard that: "Mom, you are really thoughtful, let's buy more, my stock is running out."

Tang Mingyuan paid for the things in the back, and looked at his wife and daughter with a smile: "I still have a few cloth tickets here, you can see how beautiful the fabrics are over there, and there are many people wearing cloth jelly now, you should also Go see if you like it."

Huaguo is indeed different from what Tang Bao remembered. It is not yet 1976, but most of the educated youths have returned to their hometowns, and the clothes here have also begun to diversify.

Clothing styles followed one after another, from jeans to cultural shirts, casual wear, fitness pants (stomping pants), straight-leg pants, carrot pants, men's and women's jackets, bat shirts, and Bujiras also began to appear.

And the wages of state-owned units have risen again.

He Chi also revealed to them that the superiors are already holding a meeting to cancel the collective work point system and implement the production responsibility system of contracting production to each household.

It is said that household production contracting is a necessary measure for the leaders of Huaguo to promote the development of production and solve the problem of food and clothing.

As far as China is concerned, when socialist industry, socialist commerce, and collective agriculture are in absolute dominance, the household contracting of production under the leadership of the production team is dependent on the socialist economy and will not deviate from the socialist track.

Tang Bao thinks this is good news. The form of household production contract will be adopted quickly. With the deepening of the reform of the rural economic system, the household contract of production will gradually evolve into the form of household contract.

She hoped that this policy would be implemented as soon as possible, so that her family could open a medical clinic, which would fulfill the dream of Su Su and Tang Mingyuan.

Su Su looked at the colorful boujilla dresses, and felt that one of the light yellow ones was very suitable for her daughter, so she smiled and said to the salesperson, "Comrade, can you compare that dress with us?"

Zhou's family sent fabrics every once in a while. First, Zhou An'an's small body was too weak, so he was warmed up with traditional Chinese medicine. Second, Su Su said that although Xiao Xue hurt her body when she gave birth, she would not delay the birth after taking care of her.

Therefore, Zhou's mother and son would come to He's family every ten days and half a month, or send a car to pick up the Tang family. Every time, they would send a lot of fabrics, fruits, and snacks.

Not only is he grateful to the Tang family, but also tactfully established a good relationship with the He family.

Therefore, the three members of the Tang family are all wearing new clothes now. The heads of their family are handsome and beautiful, and their skin is fair like a cadre.

The salesperson glanced at the Tang family, and then agreed with a smile: "Okay, this color suits the little girl's skin very well, it looks white and tender."

When she handed the skirt to Tang Bao, she reached out with one hand and snatched the skirt from the salesman's hand, and said with a gloomy face, "I want this skirt, how much is it?"

The salesperson originally wanted to frown, but when she saw that it was Zhao Qiqi who made the move, she felt her scalp numb and didn't dare to say anything. She glanced at the Tang family and hurriedly said, "Seven yuan and eight cents, how much is it?" You need a three-foot cloth ticket."

How could I be so unlucky today, and I just happened to encounter such a thing, but the Zhao family is not easy to mess with, she is just a salesperson with a salary of 28 yuan, so don't meddle in her own business.

Seeing Zhao Qiqi snatching the dress that his wife liked, Tang Mingyuan naturally wouldn't quarrel with the woman, but just frowned there.

Su Su smiled indifferently: "Ah Bao, I think you are too thin, your skin is not white enough, your complexion is dull, and it is not suitable for you to wear that light yellow cloth jelly, it will make you look like a lump ○Dog○! You still fit in the green one.”

The salesperson looked at Tang Bao subconsciously. Even though he was only wearing a white shirt and black trousers, he looked slim. The skin on his goose egg face was as fair as suet jade. Mouth is definitely a beautiful girl, and she is the kind of girl who looks more and more beautiful.

However, people are more dead than people, and they have to be thrown away when comparing goods.

Although Zhao Qiqi on the other side is wearing light pink clothes, she is really too thin. Her skin is fair, but because she is too thin, she looks really dull. Compared with Tang Bao, she is really not worth mentioning up.

The salesperson lowered his head and sighed in his heart: This lesbian is so powerful, this is really not to use dirty words when swearing.

Although Zhao Qiqi is not in good health, she is not a fool. She knows that she is too thin, and most of the time she wears pink or white colors. She snatched the light yellow Bugisla just to make things difficult for Tang Bao.

Now hearing Su Su's words that clearly disliked her, she gritted her teeth angrily, turned her head to stare at the salesperson and said loudly, "Put the green cloth on me too."

Tang Bao watched the salesperson neatly put the green cloth on for her, and then he took Su Su's arm and acted like a baby: "Mom, I don't like wearing green clothes, it's like an old cucumber painted green to pretend to be tender. It’s suitable to wear black, it looks fair to me, and black also makes me look thinner.”

"Still looking thin?" Su Su gave her daughter a sharp look: "You don't have three ounces of meat all over your body. If you still wear black, it would be too scary. People think you have seen a ghost? Anyway, you are not allowed to buy black. I am afraid that people will come to me. Pay for medical expenses."

Their mother and daughter sang harmlessly, making the salesperson want to laugh but dare not laugh.

But it also made Zhao Qiqi almost mad, she just felt that there were too many people here, and Tang Bao didn't dare to hit her, so she came here to find fault, but she didn't expect that she was hurt by their mother and daughter.

However, she still has a piece of news that can hurt Tang Bao. She stared at them and sneered: "You don't know yet, do you? The frontline war is very fierce now. The most important thing is the lack of medical treatment. I don't know if some people will survive this time." return."

"Soldiers are defending their home and country on the front line, but you are here to say these vicious words!" Tang Bao's face darkened, and his voice was clear but aggressive: "Without them, you would have died long ago and can't die anymore. I saved you back then!" People are really blind..."

Tang Bao's words made many people who heard him echo: "Yes, without our chairman and soldiers, we would not have the good life we ​​are now!"

Zhao Meixiang bought some cakes from another counter and listened to them, secretly resenting Tang Bao for being too bully, but she also knew that her silly daughter was caught by Tang Bao's pigtails again. If I revealed that there is a shortage of doctors and medicines on the front line, I will be said to be alarmist, and the hat of causing unrest is not easy to wear.

For the face of the Zhao family, Zhao Meixiang stepped forward and slapped her daughter, scolding angrily, "You took my words as wind, didn't you? It's dangerous for your elder brother to go to war outside, and let you treat your sister-in-law Be respectful."

What she said immediately turned the front-line military into a dispute between sisters and sisters at home.

Zhao Qiqi shed tears when she was slapped by her mother, turned around and ran away.

Zhao Meixiang is much better than her own daughter. When she came to Tang Bao's side, she said worriedly: "Is there no news about Xing Jin? Hey, but don't worry. No news is good news. There is indeed a lack of information on the front line right now." There are few doctors and medicines, and all kinds of materials have been blown up by the enemy, now we have received a mission and are preparing to support another batch of medicinal materials to stop bleeding?"

After speaking, he sighed with worry on his face, turned around and strode away.

Tang Bao turned to look at his parents, and said with a serious face: "Shall we hand over the prescription for the hemostatic medicine?"

There is no Yunnan Baiyao in Huaguo, and Su Su and Tang Mingyuan's previous hemostatic medicine is still good. During this time, Tang Bao took his parents to improve it, and now the hemostatic medicine is definitely not bad.

Tang Mingyuan nodded: "Okay, let's take the medicine and prescription to find Dean He."

He Tang heard that Tang Mingyuan said that the hemostatic medicine was so effective, so he hurried to the hospital to find several patients to try the effect, and he was sure that the medicine was really effective, and these medicinal materials were not particularly precious, so he was overjoyed: " I will call my superiors to report, and I hope Mingyuan and you can help guide our military to make the first batch of hemostatic medicine."

Tang Mingyuan took a look at Su Su, and agreed after seeing her nodding: "Okay!"

The leaders above also attached great importance to the hemostatic medicine, and asked He Tang to personally take them to the capital of Huaguo, but Tang Bao stayed here because Mr. Zheng was still not recovering.


On the battlefield, bursts of gunfire could almost shatter people's eardrums. Gu Xingjin led his team to fight with a group of enemy troops.

The task they received was to encircle and destroy the opponent's reinforcements and rob the opponent's supplies, but the enemy's reinforcements exceeded the number of intelligence figures, and they finally completed the task, but were blocked by the enemy's support.

Gu Xingjin knew the importance of this batch of supplies to everyone, and while letting his subordinates escort the supplies away, he led people to divert their targets. All they can do now is self-defense, and wait for their own people to come to meet them, so that they can be ruthless Hit back and let the enemy know how powerful they are.

What they are relying on now is the terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and everyone cooperates well so that they can hardly be captured by them.

These days, the enemy is like a mad dog. Several outposts attacked them day and night. If they hadn't been on guard, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

Now everyone is suffocating with anger in their hearts and started to fight with the other party, completely reckless, the other party is concerned about the supplies in their hands, and dare not be too urgent for a while.

"Company commander," several gray veterans surrounded Gu Xingjin and asked worriedly, "It's getting dark, what shall we do then?"

Gu Xingjin's face was as clean as his body, and he looked at his watch. It was almost five o'clock, and he breathed out: "If we can't wait for someone to come to help when it's dark, then we can quietly I have already seen the retreat, there is a river over there, I guess they will not be prepared; if the responders come, we will deal with these bastards."

"You're still thoughtful, company commander!" The veterans all echoed: "Damn, these grandchildren still want to take back the supplies from us. If we know that their supplies have entered our camp at this time, I guess it will be too late." Will be pissed off!"

"That is, if it weren't for these grandsons to make trouble, how could our supplies be gone? I don't know how to feel sorry for supplies. I just want to teach them a lesson! Let's see if they dare to do it next time..."

(End of this chapter)

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