Chapter 218 Yuexi Town
When she came here through time travel, she didn't understand at first, why she woke up with the holy ring in her hand again, even though she was a soul traveler.

Only later did I realize that all of this was written by Long Sheng.

Long Sheng, who was hidden among the dense clouds, obviously felt the strong oppressive force forcing him to leave the clouds. This place is not suitable for flying.

Stepping into the city gate, Erdong looked back at Long Sheng who was looming in the clouds. When he came here, he would have nowhere to hide, and he should show up.

Yuexi, a city that has never appeared on the map, is unattended at the city gate, and the city gate is dilapidated.

The strange thing is that the wind is raging outside the city, but the wind is calm inside the city, as if there are two extreme worlds.

On Qingshi Long Street, the old wooden buildings connect the sky and the ground, and the layout is almost the same as that of ordinary towns, but it gives people an ancient feeling. It seems that this small town should not exist at this time.

The street is very clean, the doors and windows of the shops facing the street are closed, no one is there, and there is no sound.

It was as if there were only them left in the world, six of them and one beast.

"Sister, it's so strange here, why is there no one?" Lily looked around vigilantly, and guarded Erdong's side to prevent someone from attacking suddenly.

Erdong blinked, golden flames leaped into his pupils, and the divine eyes opened, piercing through the ancient stone wall.

Inside the stone wall, tables, chairs, bedding, etc. are all available, shoes are slumped, and meals are placed on the table. She can even see the heat from the meals.

But there was no one, not a single person.

All the way forward, the situation of every household is similar. Vegetables are fried in the pot, and the fire is burning in the stove. The fire is still very hot, and it has been very hot. But it never went out.

It was as if time was frozen, fixed at that moment, it was the meal time, someone was cooking, someone was eating, someone was on the way home, but what happened, everyone disappeared, time stopped, and it was fixed at that moment.

"Miss Zhao, did you find anything?" The old man with silver hair and shawl, the head of the three great elders of the Liu clan, Silver Beard.

Zhao Erdong withdrew his divine eyes, the golden flame disappeared, his eyes were still black and white, and the streamer moved faintly. "Elder Silverbeard, I suspect that this is a town that has been enchanted."

Silverbeard nodded, "That's right, I doubt it too, look at this pick." He pointed to a pair of bamboo baskets on the side of the road, which were filled with green and tender vegetables, as if they had just been picked from the ground.

"Since we entered the city, there has not been a single person, not even a creature. It is impossible for all the people in a city to disappear instantly because of our arrival. The people here may have disappeared long ago, but this vegetable, Still fresh, without a trace of dryness." Silver Beard said slowly.

The brown-haired and black-clothed old man was the second elder, Huang Ming. He stepped forward and reached out to grab the vegetable basket, wanting to get a closer look to see clearly.

But who knows, when his fingers just touched the seemingly solid vegetable basket, the entire vegetable basket and the green vegetables in the basket instantly turned into a pile of ashes.

Brown Ming was startled, and hastily withdrew his right hand, checked his palm, and saw nothing unusual.Only then did I feel relieved.

"Everyone, don't touch anything here," Zhao Erdong ordered loudly.

Xiaolan's paws had already reached for a table by the side of the road. On the table were several bowls of beef noodles. There are still a few pieces of broken noodles left on it, as if someone was eating noodles here just now.

(End of this chapter)

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