Super Soul Gatherer

Chapter 138 Feast of flesh and blood

Chapter 138 Feast of flesh and blood

Unexpectedly, the gun in the hand of the tomb robber Hei was stopped by Xiao Zhuang beside him, and the tomb robber Hei looked at Xiao Zhuang in puzzlement.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Xiao Zhuang shook his head, "May I ask if the soul-gathering master you mentioned is the legendary soul-gathering master who wanders between the yin and yang worlds and maintains the balance between the yin and yang worlds?"

"Yo, I still have some knowledge, yes, I am a soul gathering master." Lao Hei admitted.

Xiao Zhuang was obviously excited, and Lao Hei could see that this Xiao Zhuang should know how to order things, otherwise he would not be able to know the location of Wuxin's main tomb in the depths of Fenghua Mountain, although there was a lot of luck in it, But now it is not easy for ordinary people to know the existence of soul gathering masters.

Xiao Zhuang took the hand of the tomb robber beside him, "He is a soul gathering master, and he knows the art of controlling ghosts and subduing demons. If we can invite him to join us, the tomb will be secure."

The tomb robber frowned, "What kind of soul gathering master is also controlling ghosts and subduing demons? I think it's pretending to be a ghost. This tomb is already in front of you. Why do you share it with other people? Do you think it's too much money? Why don't you give it away?" Give me your share."

Xiao Zhuang knew that this old black had never had any brains, so he was not in a hurry, "Look around for yourself."

The tomb robber, Old Hei, raised his eyes and looked around. Except for a circular hole, there was no tomb gate. There was nothing at all, except for the eight pillars.

The tomb robber, Old Hei, was dumbfounded immediately, "What's the situation? Why? Where's the door?"

Xiao Zhuang analyzed, "I observed it just now, and the tomb door must be hidden somewhere. Only by deciphering the strange formation on the ground can the location of the tomb door be revealed."

Jiang Yuan clapped his hands and said, "Very good analysis, your guess is very correct, but you are unable to decipher this formation."

The tomb robber was a little upset, and he was still pointing his gun at Jiang Yuan, but he obviously understood Xiao Zhuang's weight. If Jiang Yuan didn't say something, it would probably be enough for them to toss for a long time. The tomb robber, Old Hei, couldn't help but He put down his finger on the trigger. He was afraid that if Jiang Yuan died in a fire, he would have no way to find out the whereabouts of the tomb door.

"What do you know? Better be honest, or your head will explode."

But the fire sticks in the hands of the tomb robbers did not pose much threat to Jiang Yuan.

"Of course I know, but I won't tell you what you can do to me."

Jiang Yuan's angry tomb robbers were furious, but they were held back by Xiao Zhuang.

Xiao Zhuang said to Jiang Yuan in a more polite manner, "I'm sorry, my companions have a bad temper. If I don't hold them back, I don't know what they will do."

Although Xiao Zhuang's attitude is very polite, Jiang Yuan can tell from Xiao Zhuang's eyes that this guy is actually just using himself. It's the muscular desperado who kills himself faster.

Old Hei sneered inwardly, he really wasn't a group of good people.

"oh, I see."

Xiao Zhuang rolled his eyes around and thought from his heart, "Well, the tombs here are intricate and very dangerous. If we act together, the chances of survival will be greatly increased. Why don't you join us? When you find the main tomb, we will go to the tomb. At that time, everything obtained in the entire main tomb can be shared equally, what do you think?"

This suggestion made by Xiao Zhuang almost made Lao Hei laugh. Wuxin was originally something left to the soul gathering masters. Even if these guys took it, they would not be able to use it. The big talk is to cooperate.

However, cooperation is possible, but the cooperation model mentioned by Lao Hei is another kind.

"Yes, I will cooperate with you, and you can help me a lot. Really." Lao Hei showed Senbai's teeth.

And the three tomb robbers were also very happy, Xiao Zhuang immediately urged, "Then little brother, let's start?"

The smile in Old Hei's eyes was even wider.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start. What are you waiting for? Don't be polite, let's start." Old Hei said with a pun.

After Lao Hei finished speaking, he made a movement towards the three tomb robbers standing in the center of the formation, made palms with both hands, and pushed forward.

The action of asking you to taste, the three tomb robbers are a little confused, this person is not out of his mind, what is he doing?
A mysterious preparatory ceremony?

But the next moment they understood what this action meant.

A large amount of white smoke suddenly emitted from the eight stone pillars, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded throughout the cave.

The eight thousand-year-old ghosts showed their prototypes. Under the light of the strong flashlight, the hideous grimaces of the eight ghosts were clearly seen.

The three tomb robbers were immediately startled.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

"It's a ghost, it's a ghost."


Xiao Zhuang and the other two tomb robbers cried out in fright, no longer had the aura of gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas just now.

In an instant, they were stunned, because they had never even seen a big rice dumpling.

For the invulnerable zombies, the pistols in the hands of these tomb robbers are simply itchy, and they can't stop the zombies from gnawing them to death.

Don't even have a decent Taoist amulet, how dare you come to rob the tomb?
It's really taken for granted, the deaths of these guys are bound to happen.

Robbing tombs in China is a felony, and once caught, you will lose your head, and these people are also desperadoes.

Although Jiang Yuan hadn't killed anyone yet, he didn't have the slightest psychological burden to kill this kind of scum. After Jiang Yuan had experienced fighting with many ghosts, Jiang Yuan's heart had been tempered much better.

Not too many mental obstacles.

But the eight ghosts who have waited for thousands of years finally got the approval of the soul gathering master, and they can enjoy the flesh and blood of living people in an open and honest manner. How can they let these grave robbers go away.

The three tomb thieves fired wildly, but how could the bullets hurt the ghost that only had a spirit body?

The bullet completely penetrated the ghost's body and shot into the cliff of the cave.

There were only seven bullets in the pistol, and the pistol bullets of the three of them had been emptied in less than a minute.

The eight ghosts went to deal with the three tomb robbers in a teasing manner, and were not in a hurry to kill him. They had insulted their master just now, so letting them die so easily was too cheap for them. and kill them in despair.

From time to time, the ghosts stretched out their tongues more than one meter long to lick the backs of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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