Chapter 119

Because she planned to sell them in the store, Fang Lin made up her mind to marinate the bamboo shoots to give them different flavors.

"Aren't they all marinated in the same way, how can there be different flavors?" Duan Nanshan was enjoying eating a bowl of fresh bamboo shoot porridge, and raised his head when he heard his wife's words.

"Don't pick your favorite, eat more of this." Fang Lin smiled and added a chopstick of green vegetables to his bowl before replying, "Of course the ingredients are different, such as stir-fried vegetables, oil Put too much greasy, put too much salt, if you want to marinate the bamboo shoots to produce different tastes, you have to start with these ingredients."

Duan Nanshan was able to draw inferences from one example, and immediately said, "If you put too much pepper, it will taste numb, and if you put too much sugar, it will taste sweet. By the way, do we still have these seasonings at home?"

"Yes, I bought a lot during the Chinese New Year. I put them away before I used them up, but I still have to buy a few jars of sorghum wine, which are sold in the village. You can go to the field tomorrow to have a look, and bring a few jars back with you. I’ll peel and wash these bamboo shoots at home and cut them up.” Fang Lin thought for a while, and arranged the preparations, “If you like, we can’t finish the vegetables grown in the field, so you can find a way to marinate them. stand up."

All kinds of seasonal vegetables can be marinated into kimchi. On the dining table of Fang’s family, there are often side dishes cut into sour radishes and spicy cabbage, and even cucumbers occasionally. It’s a pity that there are many children in the family. It was never her share.Seeing Duan Nanshan's curious face, she smiled and gave many examples. People in the mountains eat a lot of meat, and they don't know much about these methods of preserving vegetables.

After Fang Lin cleaned the jar, she began to make brine. There is a custom in Baihe Town. When a girl gets married, if there is brine in the house, she must put a jar as a dowry. The mother's water has to be passed on for several generations, so that most women in the town can't cook brine.Naturally, Fang Lin did not have such a dowry, but fortunately she was quite talented in cooking, and she remembered this way of making brine by chance once she heard Shen's talking about it.

The method is not difficult, the key point is to remember the ratio, otherwise it will be too salty and it will be difficult to eat.

The jars brought back from Qingquan Village had been cleaned long ago. As soon as the water in the pot was boiled, she scooped some for each jar, then poured the prepared salt into it, and tasted it with chopsticks. Taste.

Duan Nanshan squatted aside to watch her busy, "How is it? Can it work?"

"How easy is it?" Fang Lin felt that the taste was a little bland, so she poured some salt into it, and said with a smile, "After the salt melts, you can put other seasonings in. Let it stand overnight today, and put it in directly when it cools tomorrow." There are bamboo shoots."

"Didn't you say you still need to drink wine?" Duan Nanshan remembered everything his wife ordered.

Fang Lin smiled, "That's when the bamboo shoots are marinated. If they are not crispy, add some wine. The weather is not very hot now. If it gets hot later, mold will grow in the jar. Just add salt and a little wine. .”

"It's really knowledgeable. I didn't know so much before." Duan Nanshan smiled heartily, stood up and helped Fang Lin get the seasoning.

The ratio of condiments in each jar is different, large pieces of ginger, peeled garlic cloves, high-quality peppercorns, fresh red peppers, Fang Lin covered the jars, seeing Duan Nanshan's unfinished appearance, she couldn't help laughing He said, "It's still early, why don't we peel all the bamboo shoots, so that I won't be too busy tomorrow by myself."

(End of this chapter)

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