Chapter 719 Discussion Plan (1)

"Wait a minute!" In the next second, the word Qiao Lao interrupted Elder Xiao's thoughts of going out.

The doubts revealed by Elder Xiao made Yuqian feel extremely cute. It turns out that Elder Xiao's performance is also very special when facing special things.

Under Qiao's obstruction, Elder Xiao was not happy: "Old Qiao, what do you mean? Since we have obtained the antidote, why don't you send it to the dean now? Time is precious!"

From his point of view, the dean's condition is getting worse day by day. If the dean is not cured as soon as possible, under the leadership of He Fa, the entire Fengyun Academy will not know what will happen!

Not to mention that the dean's illness is inseparable from him, even the upcoming elite selection competition was brought up by He Fa. As the core figures of the academy, Elder Xiao and the others don't know the situation in the academy.

In recent years, Fengyun Academy has continuously sent elite students into the demon battlefield, but the situation is not the same every time, and a few people were able to come back alive from the battlefield in the past.

But since half a year ago, none of the elite students who entered the demon battlefield could come out alive!
In just a few years, Fengyun Academy has lost many outstanding students. If there were no demon battlefield and cruel disputes, the elders would not feel helpless at the moment.

"Do you think that sending the elixir blindly now will solve all the problems?" Elder Qiao understood exactly what Elder Xiao was thinking.

However, their current situation and the crisis of Fengyun Academy did not happen overnight.

No one is sure whether they will attract Vice President He's attention if they go hastily, let alone what his plans are in the coming time!

If the dean is only a small part of He Fa's plan, then after the incident is revealed, even if they rescue the dean, He Fa's plan will continue.

And they still don't know what his ultimate purpose is!
"Then shall we just sit and wait?" Elder Xiao asked back. At this time, his emotions gradually calmed down after Qiao Lao's words.

"No, we have to wait for the opportunity!" At that moment, Mu Yuqian blurted out.

"What do you guys think?" Old Qiao looked at Mu Yuqian and Bei Yechen and said, he was shrewd, when Yuqian and Bei Yechen proposed to participate in the trials, Joss could see that they had their own plans.

Immediately, Mu Yuqian and Bei Yechen were told their thoughts.

"What, Vice President He and Mo Yao..." Apparently, Mu Yuqian's guess surprised Elder Xiao very much.

Who would have thought that Fengyun College, which is the deadly enemy of the devil, would have a relationship with the devil, and anyone who heard the news would be surprised.

Seeing Elder Xiao's reaction, Mu Yuqian couldn't help reminding again: "This is just our guess, and there is no definite result yet."

"So, what are you going to do next?" At this time, Qiao Lao was most concerned about Yuqian and the others' next actions.

In order to verify the relationship between Vice President He and Mo Yao, Mu Yuqian had discussed with Bei Yechen many times, and now the selection contest is less than half a month away.

Time is running out, and He Fa's affairs have gradually become strictly prohibited, so Mu Yuqian speculates that in the next time, he will strictly control the dean's residence in his hands.

Just in case!

(End of this chapter)

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