Chapter 729
Shi Qi glanced at him, "Didn't you guess it?" Apart from his elder brother, could it be that she would come on her own initiative?

Ye Qiaoxu was so choked by her words that she couldn't speak. Can't this damned woman show weakness? ! !
In fact, it's not that she can't, but that she has no interest.

She has nothing to say to him now.

"Hello, woman." Ye Qiaoxu said in a strange tone.

Shi Qi raised her eyes and rolled her eyes at him, she didn't answer, and waited for his next words.


"..." Did she hear correctly?He actually said sorry to her?Shi Qi propped her chin with her hand, then looked at him with two distinct black and white eyes without blinking.

Ye Qiaoxu was terrified by her looking at him like this, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm thinking, you've done so much, I'm sorry, can I forget it." Shi Qi looked at his annoyed face, and also, such a proud young master who was held in the palm of his hand, Saying I'm sorry is rare. If his apology is not accepted, it will be enough to vomit blood.

"I've already asked my elder brother to revoke the sex with you." Ye Qiaoxu said hastily.

Hearing this, Shi Qi wasn't surprised or happy in the slightest, but just sighed lightly.

Putting down the hand supporting her chin, she sat upright, "There is nothing else, I'm leaving first."

In fact, up to now, it doesn't matter whether he withdraws or not, because...she has already found a backer.

Fog Shao is there, isn’t it?

After speaking, she stood up.


"I'm very busy, but thank you for letting me go." Shi Qi gave him an insincere smile, "Bye."

"Are you still angry?" Seeing that her reaction was not what he expected, Ye Qiaoxu frowned slightly.

"Angry? What are you angry about?" The anger she wanted to be angry has long since been exhausted, and the reality has worn down all the anger.

Because an egg can never win when it meets a stone.

Therefore, we can only find a stone, and it has to be a big stone.

"I was……"

"Your waywardness, there will always be someone in this world who tolerates you." Shi Qi chuckled, "I have something to do, I really have to leave, oh yes, please tell your elder brother next time, don't keep threatening Give me the message, although I am afraid of things, but sometimes I have a very temper."

After saying this, she opened the door of the ward and left regardless of Ye Qiaoxu's blank expression.

After walking not far, he saw Ye Qiaozhuo standing there. He didn't know if he was deliberately waiting for her to come out, or if he was just standing there.

Shi Qi didn't think much about it, and walked up to him, she couldn't do without walking, she had only one direction to leave here.

Originally, she wanted to nod slightly to him and stay away from him, but before she nodded, she heard Ye Qiaozhuo say in a very unfriendly voice, "How is Qiao Xu?"

Shi Qi raised her eyebrows, "What?"

"He suddenly came back from injury because of you." Ye Qiaozhuo and Ye Qiaoxu have completely different personalities. He was destined to take over the family business from birth. There is a businessman's calmness in his hands and feet, which is elusive.

A white shirt that has been ironed without a trace of wrinkle, black trousers that are extremely smooth, and leather shoes that are clean and shiny, and there is not even a trace of stubble on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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