The call is terrible

Chapter 285 Heaven and Earth Rankings

Chapter 285 Heaven and Earth Rankings (Seventh Change)

under the stone wall.

Du Hei was thoughtful.

At this time, Yinxue said, "Come on."

The formation at this moment has already opened up a channel.

Du Hei also came back to his senses when he heard the words, and jumped up lightly.

With his current strength, even as a summoner, Du Hei's physical fitness is quite good.

If it's just this stone wall, it's impossible to stop Du Hei.

In one leap, he jumped onto the wall.

At this time, Du Hei was able to have a glimpse of the interior of the advanced academy.

Obviously, even after passing through the spiritual road, the front is still far from reaching the interior of the advanced academy.

In front, there is a not-so-tall portal, with two stone lions on the left and right sides.

And above the portal, there is a plaque.

There are a few characters "Senior Professional Academy"

The few big characters are flying like dragons and phoenixes, which seems to have some momentum.

It is precisely this appearance that makes this portal, which is not too tall and majestic, a bit more imposing.

Here, just now is the real gate of the Advanced Academy.

Follow Du Hei to jump up the stone wall.

At this time, the rest of the people also smiled kindly at Du Hei, and then greeted Yinxue: "Yinxue, we will leave first."


Several people left the stone wall, leaving behind Du Hei and Yin Xue.

At this time, Du Hei also looked at Yinxue, and smiled slightly: "Yinxue, right, my name is Du Hei."

Through the conversation of these people, he naturally knew the name of the other party.

Moreover, the middle-aged boss before seemed to ask the woman in front of him to take him to receive the reward.

Yinxue nodded lightly, and returned to her cold look.

At this moment, she has woken up from the initial shock.

The two are not familiar with each other, and her temperament is relatively cold, so naturally she will not be too enthusiastic.

But again.

As a member of the student union, she also knows her obligations.

Receive newcomers.

Explain the composition of advanced colleges and some basic knowledge.

You can earn credits when you're done.

After sorting out her words a bit, Yinxue jumped off the wall first, and then said: "Come down, I'll take you to the secret skill pavilion first."

"Then on the way, I will briefly explain some college matters to you."

"Similarly, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Hearing this, Du Hei jumped off the wall.

Then before the other party opened his mouth, he said curiously: "What..."

"Just now I heard what the uncle said about the Heavenly List, can you explain in detail?"

Du Hei's question did not make Yinxue feel strange.

On the contrary, I felt much more relaxed.

She is not used to talking to people.

If it wasn't for credits, I would never accept this kind of task.

If she was allowed to speak and explain on her own, it would be better if someone took the initiative to ask.

Nodding slightly, Yinxue walked all the way forward and explained: "There are two lists in the academy."

"They are the earth list and the sky list."

"Only 30 people will be selected for each list."

"Among them, the ground list is for professionals with fifth-level strength, while the sky list is for level-[-]."

"In these two lists, it doesn't matter what your cultivation level is, it only depends on your strength."

"That is to say, if you are only a fourth-level intermediate now, but if you are strong enough, you can also directly enter the ranks."

"Of course, those who can enter these two lists are generally the pinnacle of the current class."

"The level of the fifth-order peak, coupled with the incomparable strength, can be ranked on the list."

"However, there is a premise here that you can only be selected if your class is lower than or equal to the selection criteria for the list."

"That is to say, if you have six ranks, you cannot compete for the ranking list."

"So, many people will stay at the fifth-order peak position for a while, and try to stay on the list for more time."

"The competition for the list is extremely fierce."

"Among them there are some peerless monster-level figures whose strength has been able to leapfrog."


After finishing the simple words, Du Hei said again at this time: "Uh, stay on the list?"

"Is there any benefit?"

Yinxue replied: "Naturally, there are benefits."

"Anyone who can be ranked on the list can get a lot of credit rewards."

"And speaking of credits."

At this time, the two of them started talking a little bit.

"What happened to the credits?" Du Hei still asked.

"Credits are very important in the academy."

"Of course, these credits are different from junior colleges and so on."

"The credits of the junior college are almost linked to money and are only used to purchase some items."

"But the advanced academy is the cradle of the strong human beings, and they will not be stingy with anyone in terms of resources."

"Almost all professionals can learn some non-secret skills at will."

"Even, the six major skills of the summoning system can be learned for free."

"It's an outpouring of resources."

"For this reason, advanced colleges will pay a large sum of money every year to the creators and discoverers of these skills."

"However, even the pouring of resources can be divided into rare resources and public resources."

"With skills like this, the type that can be taught to the public belongs to the public resources. It is only because the current state is becoming more and more stable that there is a price difference."

"Spiritual stones are also public resources."

"But some resources are of a rare type."

"And these resources need to use credits to exchange for the right to use."

"For example, in the senior college, the spiritual bathing swamp is a natural place. There is pure spiritual power in the mud. Soaking in it is easier than borrowing spiritual stones to practice, and the most important thing is that it is covered in this layer of swamp. Under this condition, even the strength of the physical body will be greatly increased."

"For another example, the gravity field can greatly increase the resistance of the physical body."

"Even, credits can be used to exchange for the right to enter the secret realm."

The two walked together.

At this time, Yinxue seemed to have remembered something.

At this time, he said: "By the way, speaking of the Tianbang, you can see it on the way to the Secret Skill Pavilion."

"Oh?" Du Hei became a little interested.

Going forward, he didn't walk very far. At this time, Du Hei's eyes were already attracted by a huge book.

This is a book carved out of white jade, with strong spiritual fluctuations.

Looking at this book and feeling its breath, Du Hei felt a sense of déjà vu.

After a long while, I came to my senses.

Isn't this the breath of the high-level spirit stone before?

But when he made a judgment in his heart, Du Hei couldn't believe it for a while.

The book in front of me is more than ten meters high and twenty meters wide. If you think about it this way, how big is the high-level spirit stone that carved this book? !

 There are still three hours~~ Try to come back for more than two more! !Come on duck! !

(End of this chapter)

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