Sui and Tang Dynasties Summons

Chapter 144 Can you be more cloudy?

Chapter 144 Can You Be More Shameful?


After hearing Luo Cong's report, Cao Cao first sneered, and then pretended to be flustered, but he couldn't hide his sinister nature.

Chen Tian raised eyebrows sharply, and fixed his eyes on Cao Cao. Thinking that Cao Cao's nature was treacherous, he suddenly realized that all of this was Cao Cao's plan.

"Cough cough, can you listen to me?"

Just as everyone was discussing, a few dry coughs sounded from the corner, and a pair of eyes looked at the thin, white-faced person in the corner.

Xi Zhicai stood up while coughing, wiped the corner of his mouth weakly with the handkerchief, then quickly hid the handkerchief in his sleeve, and said with a sigh of relief: "Now Tang Bi sent people to surround the Qin family, and there is no Shan Er. Brother, it will be a matter of time before we find Jiajialou, so we should stop looking into the reason and think about how to get out."

"Mr. Xi's words are justified. Mr. Cao thinks that we should think about how to get out of here. It's better not to doubt and doubt here, so as not to flood the Dragon King Temple." Xi Zhicai gave Cao Cao a wink, and Cao Cao understood immediately Speaking of.

"Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde, you are really treacherous. Once the two of you sang a harmony, you will get rid of this suspicion."

"It was detected that Cao Cao activates the traitor in troubled times, the potential of a capable man in troubled times, traitor in troubled times - command +1, intelligence +1, Cao Cao's base intelligence is 96, the current intelligence rises to 97, the basic command is 97, and the current command rises to 98."

Chen Tian listened to the system's reminder, and his vigilance towards Cao Cao reached the highest level, his knuckles were clenched, and there was a bit of disgust in his brows.

Qin Qiong nodded upon hearing this, and echoed, "Well, Brother Xi and Brother Cao are right, we should think about how to get rid of this Tang Bi."

Wang Bodang thought for a while and said: "Jinan City will definitely not be able to stay here. If you want to get rid of this siege, you must first go out of Jinan City, but it is not easy to leave."

Xu Chu held back his breath and yelled: "What a fucking trouble, don't care what Tang Bi is, the world is already in chaos, I think we might as well take advantage of the chaos and enter the Jinan Mansion, and then become an emperor ourselves Already!"

Obviously this is another sentence arranged by Cao Cao or Xi Zhicai.

"Yes, I see it the other way around, so I don't need to be wronged here, second brother Shan, just say it, you give an order, all our brothers will work with you, brothers, tell me it's right." Shidanai received Xu Chu's infection was drunk to the people behind him.

"Yes, it's the other way around, I'm afraid he's a bird."

"It's the other way around, Brother Shan, let's kill the dog officer together."

As soon as Shi Danai mobilized, except for Chen Tian, ​​Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng, Qin Qiong and others, the rest began to clamor.

When Cao Cao heard the shouts of the crowd, a secretive sneer curled up on the corner of his mouth, and he walked slowly to Shan Xiongxin's side, pressing his hands to signal that everyone should be quiet first.

"Brothers, listen to me. Now the Sui Dynasty is fatuous. From the monarch to the petty officials, they are all dominated by fish and meat people. Seeing that the people's life is getting worse day by day, and they even have to change their sons for food. Look at Yang Guang from above, drinking, drinking, and meat forests every day, and ignoring the common people, how can such people be worthy of managing the world."

When Cao Cao said that he was ordinary, he scanned the circle with wolf eyes and found that most of them had been brought into the atmosphere by him, so he continued.

"I think we might as well do the opposite, and seek a safe life for the people of the world. Besides, the princes, generals and ministers in this world are all born noble!"

Cao Cao's impassioned momentum echoed in everyone's eardrums, and the audience suddenly became silent.

"Princes and generals are kind to each other, brothers, we are against each other!"


Xu Chudang took the lead in shouting loudly, and the others shouted loudly when they came back to their senses. Even Luo Cheng and Luo Yanqing, a royal family like this, were touched to varying degrees in their hearts, but a moment of satisfaction flashed across Cao Cao's face. Smile, everyone in the green forest is like this, just a few words, you can go through fire and water.

Chen Tian stared at Cao Cao coldly, thinking that it would be useless for him to refute again, Cao Cao is a crazy beast, maybe he will be beaten by Cao Cao, it is better to get out of Jinan as soon as possible.

Although Shan Xiongxin, Wang Bodang and others were more sensible, but affected by this momentum, they also had a little more intention to move closer to Cao Cao in their eyes.

Xi Zhicai in the corner coughed again, smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, now that the brothers have made up their minds, we should find a way to escape from Jinan City. From Xi's point of view, the soldiers in Jinan City are strong. , we cannot compete with them, we must gather all the people and forcefully break through at a city gate."

Cao Cao asked knowingly, "Where should we go after leaving the city?"

Seeing the opportunity, Chen Tian stepped forward and said first: "Since everyone has the heart to oppose the Sui Dynasty, why not come to my account together. I will definitely treat you brothers well. Let us all together oppose the Sui Dynasty and petition for the people."

"Ahem, no, absolutely not."

As soon as Chen Tian finished speaking, Xi Zhicai coughed a few times and vetoed, then a strange sneer flashed across his pale face, and he said slowly: "Jingzhou is a few counties away from Shandong, if everyone goes to Jingzhou , not only can’t reach it, but will be intercepted halfway.”

"According to Xi, there is a city not far to the east of Jinan. The walls of this city are strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is enough food, and there are not many guards. If you can win this city, it can be used as an early stage of development. The foundation of the city, the city is..."


Before Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Chen Tian blurted out the word Wagang because of conditioned reflex. Both Xi Zhicai and Cao Cao were stunned. It was obvious that Chen Tian knew Wagang.

After a pause, Xi Zhicai put away the horror on his face, and continued: "King Qiantang is right, it is indeed Wagang. If the brothers can take Wagang, why worry about officers and soldiers chasing him, why worry about having no place to stand on?" land."

Xi Zhicai outlined the entire strategic blueprint in everyone's minds, Shan Xiongxin and others nodded, but Qin Qiong asked: "Why is Mr. Xi so determined that this Wagang can be taken down by just a few dozen people?" ?”

Cao Cao's deep eyes instantly pointed at Chen Tian like a sword's edge, and he said calmly, "The two Luo Shaobaos are all officials in this matter, it seems that I have to ask Brother Chen to help me."

When Luo Cheng and Luo Yanqing heard Cao Cao's words, a bit of sullen expression appeared on their faces.

Chen Tian felt a chill in his heart. It turned out that Cao Cao not only wanted to use the situation to win over the people in Erxianzhuang, but even wanted to lean on him.

Chen Tian couldn't help cursing Cao Cao tens of thousands of times in his heart, and even brought it to his ancestors, but he could only reply, "Since brothers need me, why don't I help."

Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai looked at each other, and smiled coldly, which made Chen Tian feel like vomiting. He had never seen such an insidious guy. Although he agreed, he thought in his heart that he would rush out and the ghost would take care of him. You Cao Mengde.

"It's not good, a lot of officers and soldiers outside have surrounded the restaurant." Just as everyone was discussing, the waiter hurried upstairs to report the news to Shan Xiongxin and others.

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with murderous intent, "It seems that it's time to fight a bloody road. Brothers gather together and fight out from the east gate."

(to be continued o(∩_∩)o)

(End of this chapter)

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