Chapter 184

Three days later, in the city of Xiangyang.

Chen Tian was discussing how to strengthen the defense of the city wall with the whole hall of civil and military officials, when a soldier rushed in and reported with hands clasped.

"His Royal Highness, Lu Bu has led 5 people to attack the north gate, and is now calling for battle outside the city."

Chen Tian frowned, stood up and turned his gaze to Xu Maogong and asked: "Master Xu, now that the Sui army is approaching the city, it is no match for you to dispatch troops and generals, so let you take command."

Xu Maogong nodded, shook his feather fan lightly, and said immediately: "General Zhao and General Zhang, each of you will lead five thousand soldiers and horses, and go out of the city from east to west to attack the rear of the Sui army."


Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei looked at each other, agreed to each other, waved off their shirts and went out to order troops.

After Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei took the order, Xu Maogong turned his attention to Hua Fengchun and Hua Rong.

Shaking the feather fan in his hand again, he asked, "The two generals are gone, how is the training of the Divine Arrow Battalion going?"

Hua Rong and Hua Fengchun cupped their hands at the same time and said: "The arrow technique has made great progress, and the effect has already been initially seen."

"Very good, then please follow Xu to the city gate and add fuel to the fire of the Sui army."

Xu Maogong smiled confidently, gently dropped the feather fan in his hand, and said jokingly to everyone.

After a few rings.

Under the city of Xiangyang, an army array was laid out around the moat like an iron wall.

In the army formation, the iron armor reflected the dazzling cold light, forming a sea of ​​cold air, and the spears and halberds stood like an abyss, killing fiercely, forming an invincible aura.

The big red flag with the word "Lu" in the air fluttered in the cold wind like a tide of blood rolling up and down, showing its unparalleled color.

Under the battle flag, Lu Bu immediately stood in front of the battle like a steel tower, staring coldly at Chen Tian and the others on the tower with his eyes that looked down upon the world.

On the two sides are Master Shang and Apprentice and Zuo Tiancheng.

The red rabbit took a few steps, and Lu Bu slowly stepped out of the army formation. The huge Fangtian painted halberd in his hand swung through the air barrier, lifted it up, and pointed directly at the tower.

His stern gaze swept around, and suddenly he let out a low whistle: "Who is the king of Qiantang, do you have the guts to respond to this general?"

The sound as cold as iron vibrated the eardrums of the soldiers, and they trembled unconsciously.

With a fearless face on his face, Chen Tian walked slowly to the edge of the city wall, and boldly replied: "Gu is the king of Qiantang!"

Lu Bu stared closely at Chen Tian, ​​and flames shot from his eyes, wishing he could kill him with a single halberd, but it's a pity that now is not the time to act impulsively.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Bu finally calmed down, regained his rare composure, and asked proudly: "King Qiantang, if you let our general Ma Shumou go today, I will let you live for a few more days."

"It's such a lingering life. Unexpectedly, the brave general Wushuang is worried that this villain, Uncle Ma, will be killed alone, and then you will be punished by Yang Guang."

Chen Tian replied with a sneer, his tone full of naked irony, as if saying that Lu Bu was just a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"King of Qiantang, I killed two of your generals, and you also killed two of my generals. Today I am approaching the city. If you let Uncle Ma go, I can let you live for a few more days, but instead of letting go, you dare to slander my general." , what is the intention!"

The corners of Lu Bu's mouth twitched slightly, obviously about to burst into anger, considering that Ma Shumou was still in Chen Tian's hands, and Ma Shumou was Yang Guang's representative.

The irony on Chen Tian's face was even stronger, he cleared his throat and shouted: "Lu Bu, do you know that Uncle Ma conspired to eat this child's flesh, it is so cruel and inhumane, why do you want to save him!"

"What, eat children?"

Hearing this, Lu Bu froze in place, obviously he didn't expect Ma Shumou to be such a scum.

Seeing that Lu Bu was stunned, Zuo Tiancheng stepped forward and cupped his hands to remind, "General Lu, don't listen to this thief's gossip to confuse people. Does he mean cannibalism when he says he cannibalize people?"

Only then did Lu Bu regain his senses, and angrily scolded Chen Tian, ​​"Son, how dare you bully me!"

I knew that Lu Bu would not believe it easily, but fortunately Chen Tian had already made two preparations and shouted to the city: "Lu Bu, if you don't believe me, you can go back to the camp and check Uncle Ma's tent!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Tian continued, "Lv Bu, now that there are uprisings in all directions, the Sui regime is at the end of its strength and has no power to recover. Why don't you submit to Gu Chen? With your bravery, Gu will never despise you."

Chen Tian's blatant surrender was a naked humiliation to Lu Bu's inviolable dignity. Lu Bu's eyes were like erupting volcanoes, and he roared angrily.

"Fuck, Thief Chen, don't want to confuse people with gossip anymore, so I'll just ask you, will you let him go or not?"

"If you want to let people go, it depends on whether you have the ability to stand alone today!"

Chen Tian's tone was extremely resolute, since the trap of recruiting surrender had been released, there was no need to talk nonsense and just tear up his face with Lu Bu.

Lu Bu tightly shook Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, his knuckles creaked, his tower-like body swayed, and he ordered: "The whole army will cross the river and attack the city, and the first one to climb the tower will be rewarded with ten thousand guan!"

"Come on!"

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. The tens of thousands of infantry behind Lu Bu roared sky-shatteringly, rushing towards Xiangyang City like an unstoppable torrent.

Xu Maogong looked at the rushing Sui army, with an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his calm as water mouth.

The feather fan in Xu Maogong's hand turned against the direction of the wind, and lightly shook it towards Hua Rong. Hua Fengchun and the two said: "Two Generals Hua, let the Sui army have a taste of the power of this magic shooting battalion!"

Hua Fengchun and Hua Rong looked at each other and nodded, each led three thousand archers and stood on the city wall in two groups.

The two drew their swords from their waists and held them high in the air at the same time, watching the Sui army use the ladder to climb across the moat with cold eyes.

The three thousand archers each drew their bowstrings to their full length, with their arrows on the top, looking at the two swords held high, they only waited for the two to give an order, and shot the arrows on the string wildly.

Finally, seeing the Sui army approaching halfway, nearly [-] infantry, the eyes of the two were filled with murderous intent, and the sword in their hands fluttered like a gust of wind.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Fire the arrow, shoot the Sui dog hard!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

In an instant, the sound of countless strings sounded like thunder along with the sound of arrows cutting through the air.

Countless cold lights shone in the mid-air, falling like a meteor shower from the sky.

At that moment, Master Shang and his disciples saw the gap between the two sides, and hurriedly persuaded Lu Bu: "No, General Lu, the enemy's bow and arrow attack is too fierce, hurry up and withdraw."

On the other hand, Lu Bu was full of arrogance, as if he didn't take Chen Tian seriously, and replied coldly: "How can we withdraw the troops just after crossing the river, and Chen Thief will definitely be punished today!"

Seeing Lu Bu's stubborn attitude, it was inconvenient for Master Shang and his disciples to say anything, so they could only sigh helplessly and retreated to the side.

Flowing arrows swept over the sky and covered the sky, and in an instant, there were countless sounds of armor piercing and flesh and blood being torn apart, and numerous spears and halberds fell continuously.

After a long period of training by Hua Rong and Hua Fengchun, the Divine Shooting Battalion has greatly improved the strength and accuracy of the arrows, and at this time the hit rate has been raised to the highest.

Seeing the fierce attack, the Sui army wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to hide behind the moat, so they could only bite the bullet and rush up with the rain of arrows.

After the first batch of archers on the tower finished shooting their arrows, they immediately retreated to prepare their bows and arrows, and changed to the second batch of archers to bend forward and shoot arrows. In this way, the arrows flowed continuously, covering the entire battlefield with the sound of leaving the string.

One after another, people approached the city wall, and one after another fell into a pool of blood.

Soon the Sui Army's counterattack was completely crushed by Arrow Rain.

The self-confidence on Lu Bu's face also slowly disintegrated, and was finally replaced by ferocity.

When he was shocked, a scout came from behind Juechen, rushed to Lu Bu and reported in panic.

"General Lu, it's not good. The generals of the Chen army, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, came with [-] troops to sneak attack the rear of our army!"

PS: (Recommend a friend's book, "History of Self-Created System Warfare", interested friends can go and read it.)
(to be continued O(∩_∩)O)
(End of this chapter)

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