Sui and Tang Dynasties Summons

Chapter 358: Four-faced Beast Attacks!

Chapter 358: Attack from all sides!

In an instant, poisonous snakes quickly spread to the entire jungle.

Xiong Kuo Hai and his subordinate soldiers were all surrounded, unable to enter or exit.


"General, help!"

Just when Xiong Kuo Hai was thinking about how to break through, those snakes seemed to have received some orders suddenly, and rushed towards Xiong Kuo Hai and the others.

A pair of sharp and shining fangs directly bit into the body of the soldier, injecting extremely violent toxin into it.

In an instant, six or seven soldiers fell down one after another, and their bodies began to fester, leaving only convulsions in their bodies.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have come out if I knew it earlier!"

Xiong Kuohai complained, picked up the cooked copper stick in his hand, and beat the snakes that rushed up to a bloody mess with one stick.

But there were more and more snakes, and the soldiers around him fell down one by one.

The cooked copper stick in Xiong Kuo Hai's hand was waving more and more slowly.

"General Xiong, Wen Ciqian is here to help you!"

At this moment, a silver light flashed, and Wen Yang swept away the two poisonous snakes that were approaching behind Xiong Kuo Hai with an iron whip in his hand.

Instead, the two fought with their backs facing each other, facing the poisonous snakes coming in like a tide.

"Where did these poisonous snakes come from? There are so many of them!" Xiong Kuohai hurriedly asked Wen Yang, feeling uncertain.

Wen Yang gritted his teeth, and said helplessly, "I don't know. I was surrounded by poisonous scorpions on the other side. The soldiers were almost wiped out. I was the only one who escaped. What a shame!"

"Forget it, don't talk so much, it seems that the two of us can only fight with our backs today!" Xiong Kuohai immediately clenched the cooked copper rod in his hand, and Wen Yang also clenched the iron whip in his hand at the same time, because if today If you can't get out of the snake's encirclement, the two of you will be buried in the snake's belly.

"It has been detected that Xiong Kuo Hai has entered the last stand state, force +3, basic force 98, and the current force has risen to 101, please pay attention to the host."

"It is detected that Wenyang has entered the state of last stand, force +3, basic force 96, and the current force has risen to 99, please pay attention to the host."

Chen Tian, ​​who was sleeping at this time, suddenly received a message from the system in his mind, and woke up suddenly.

Poisonous snakes spread all over the place, and whips and sticks slashed randomly. It was shaped like a huge meat grinder within a radius of several feet. Any flesh and blood that approached it would be crushed to pieces.

Under such wild killing, the two of them crushed all the poisonous snakes that approached into minced meat.

But the wilderness on the left and right has long been littered with corpses, blood flowing like a river, mixed with the smell of blood and festering.

Chen Jun camp.

Seeing that Xiong Kuo Hai and Wen Yang were surrounded by snake formations, Ju Wu Ba blew his horn again, attracting ferocious beasts from all directions, and surrounded Chen Jun's camp in all four directions.

Hearing the sound of the horn, Xu Maogong, Zhou Yu and others hurriedly summoned the three armies, but Wen Yang and Xiong Kuohai were the only ones missing.

"Where did these two generals go? How dare they not even obey the military order." Lu Xun asked the patrolling soldiers on both sides, but at this time there were hurried footsteps coming from all directions.

A pawn from the east gate stepped forward and reported: "Qi report to the military division, there are hundreds of green-eyed tigers around the east gate, and they are about to rush into the gate of the village!"

A pawn from Ximen stepped forward and reported: "Report to the military division, there are hundreds of giant bears around the west gate, and they are rushing towards the west gate of our army!"

A pawn from the south gate also hastily stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Sir, there are hundreds of greedy wolves wandering outside the south gate, trying to rush into our army camp!"

As soon as the words came, a pawn rushing from the north gate came forward panting and reported: "It's not good! Please tell the military division, all the trees outside the north gate are full of man-eating eagles!"

"What did you say!?"

All the generals present were startled suddenly. In the middle of the night, there would be so many ferocious beasts attacking, and it seemed that everything was premeditated.

Xu Maogong's mind was full of thoughts, and he immediately turned his attention to Zhao Yun. He just thought of Zhao Yun's reminder just now, but no one listened to his reminder.

The soldiers began to panic, Zhou Yu gritted his teeth, had no choice but to draw out his sword, and ordered: "It's too late to think about the cause and effect now, so I have to dispatch troops and generals to fight off these beasts from nowhere."

"Zhao Yun obeys the order! Immediately lead three thousand elite soldiers to the east gate. Ma Chao obeys the order and immediately leads three thousand elite soldiers to the west gate! Gao Chong obeys the order and immediately leads three thousand elite soldiers to the north gate! Jiang Song obeys the order and you immediately Lead [-] elite soldiers to the south gate! The rest of the generals will guard the big tent of the Chinese army, so there must be no mistakes!"


Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Gao Chong, and Jiang Song looked at each other, raised their weapons, put on their armor and mounted their horses and ran in four directions.

Humans are different from beasts. Humans have human nature, but beasts have no human nature. Therefore, dealing with fierce beasts is far more difficult than fighting against the future. Therefore, the four generals dare not slack off in the slightest.

at the south gate.

Holding the five-hook god flying silver spear in hand, Jiang Song led [-] soldiers and came galloping on a white horse, only to see a group of greedy wolves had already knocked down the gate of the camp and was about to charge inside.

Looking at the dark green eyeballs of the hungry wolf in front of him and the fangs shining in the moonlight, the soldiers behind Jiang Song did not dare to touch them, feeling fearful.

Jiang Song knew that if he could not boost morale, the soldiers behind him would definitely retreat.

"Soldiers, let's slaughter all these wolf cubs today!" Jiang Song shouted sharply, and slapped his horse out, the five-hook god flying silver spear in his hand flashed through the void like a cold light.

The horse carried Jiang Song, like a group of silver shadows, piercing through the night, heading straight for the vicious pack of wolves in front of us.

Seeing Jiang Song rushing straight away, the soldiers behind him no longer retreated, but they still followed behind slowly. After all, fighting in this troubled world is only for making a living, not for dying.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Song arrived one by one, and the man and the horse shot past like a gust of wind. Wherever they passed, there was a trail of tail dust as high as half a man, and they rushed forward unstoppably.

There was a loud bang, and a hungry wolf, like a rotten tree, was instantly torn apart by the five-hook god flying silver spear in Jiang Song's hand.

Blood rose all over the sky, and amidst the sound of broken limbs and howling, Jiang Song, like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, crashed into the pack of wolves unstoppably.

The world's number one sharpshooter, the combination of rigidity and softness of marksmanship is indeed extremely powerful, and he directly picked up and broke through the leading few hungry wolves, and the speed of the horse was only slightly slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Song fell into the siege of countless wolves.

Hungry wolves from all directions saw Jiang Song trapped in a tight siege, and immediately roared as if they saw prey, and rushed towards Jiang Song in the middle like a tide.

Jiang Song took a deep breath, knowing that the wolf had lost his mind, and he had to deal with the hungry wolves with both toughness and softness. The spear in his hand was flying like the wind, swinging out in all directions, beheading the encircling wolves.

"General Jiang can't deal with so many wolves by himself, brothers go together!"

Seeing the bravery of the master, the soldiers behind him also puffed up and rushed towards the wolves with their spears.

Two torrents collided, and a blood mist that covered the moonlight was immediately set off at the south gate.

The blood soaked the mud, forming a huge blood-colored carpet.

PS: (Please subscribe, ask for a reward, thank you brothers and sisters who have supported Tsing Yi for such a long time, Tsing Yi knows that he is not good at anything, and there is still a lot to learn, but with you all the way, I have no regrets!)

(to be continued.)

(End of this chapter)

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