Sui and Tang Dynasties Summons

Chapter 467 How much is brotherhood worth?

Chapter 467 How much is brotherhood worth?

The news that Chen Tian surrounded Tongguan soon reached Li Shimin at Hanguguan.

The people in Tongguan are still in turmoil, because food and grass are getting scarcer, and even Li Jiancheng can only eat vegetarian food frugally for three meals.

In order to stabilize the situation and stabilize the hearts of the people, Li Jiancheng had no choice but to declare that reinforcements from Hangu Pass would arrive soon. After hearing Li Jiancheng's vowed promise, the people could only calm down and wait for the reinforcements.

Hangu Pass, General Military Mansion.

Li Shimin sat upright on it, his eyes quickly scanned the letter for help from Tongguan.

In his eyes, there were complex emotions, happiness and worry at the same time.

Fortunately, Chen Tian did the opposite, instead of leading an army to attack his weaker self, he concentrated his troops on Li Jiancheng instead.

But the worry is that Li Jiancheng won't be able to last for a long time. After the collapse, Chen Tian will point the finger at himself, and then he will end up in the same way.

Li Shimin passed the letter paper to Wenwu on both sides to glance at it, and then asked in a deep voice: "Now you know, do you think I should save it or not?"

"Save!" Du Ruhui blurted out the word "help" without a moment's hesitation, "First of all, Tongguan and Hangu Pass have a life-and-death relationship. Once Tongguan is broken, we will lose our barrier at Hangu Pass and fight alone."

"Furthermore, the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master are brothers whose blood is thicker than water. If they don't send troops to help and the news reaches His Highness, who can take the blame when the time comes?"

The purpose of these words is to hope that Li Shimin can send troops to rescue Li Jiancheng.

Li Shimin nodded, thinking that what Du Ruhui said made sense, but he was still hesitating, he wanted to ask Zhuge Liang for his opinion.

After a while, Zhuge Liang finally spoke, shaking the feather fan in his hand to stir up layers of dust, and said: "I think the second son should continue to remain silent and wait and see what happens!"


Du Ruhui's face was startled, and he asked, "Kong Ming, don't be kidding, this is a matter of the survival of the country, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"Listen to him." Li Shimin waved his hand, signaling Du Ruhui to shut up and listen to Zhuge Liang's explanation.

Zhuge Liang smiled coldly, shaking his feather fan more rhythmically, and said: "I thought that the eldest son would not be able to defend Tongguan for a few days, and he would definitely lead the crowd out of the city to fight to the death. Although Chen Tian was strong, he did not take Tongguan so easily. It is bound to lose soldiers and generals, and when the two tigers fight, one will die and the other will be injured."

"At this time, we only need to wait for casualties on one side before dispatching troops. If Chen Tian is killed at that time, we can retreat and defend, and advance or attack. Hangu Pass extends in all directions, unlike Tongguan, which only has two front and rear routes, so there is nothing to worry about."

"But if the Eldest Young Master is lucky enough to win, at that time, I think it's time for the Second Young Master to make a move. The information from His Highness is decided by the winner."

As he said that, Zhuge Liang's mouth raised a strange sneer, as bright as a god of death.

Du Ruhui and the others felt chilled when they heard this. They never expected that Zhuge Liang, a mere Confucian scholar, would come up with such a sinister and vicious strategy.

His words are poisonous.

But when Li Shimin listened, his mind was flooded with thoughts, but a sneer slowly appeared.

This shows that he agreed with Zhuge Liang's strategy.

"But the second son, the eldest son and you have blood thicker than water! Can you really ignore this brotherhood?" Li Xiaogong, a neutral faction on the side, couldn't help standing up and persuading him.

"General Li!" Li Shimin's tone changed, and he shouted: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. You have to understand who you should rely on and trust."

"What's more, now is the critical moment for the life and death of the country, the country, and the country. How much is brotherhood worth!?"

Everyone was startled, they never expected that Li Shimin, who is usually kind and approachable, would say such cold-blooded and heartless words at this time.

"That's enough, without my order, no one is allowed to send troops. Anyone who violates the law will be punished by military law, beheaded!"

After Li Shimin's order, no one dared to object.


In a few days, Chen Jun's big tent.

Chen Tian and his team have been paying close attention to Li Shimin's movements for several days.

Because this is also a huge game for them, whether Li Shimin will send troops.

It is now conservatively estimated that the food and grass in Tongguan City will not last for three days at most.

Three days later, there were only two outcomes. The first was to break through without attack, and Li Jiancheng led his army to break through.

The second is to resolutely suppress the people and treat the people as the last food and grass. At that time, the whole Tongguan will be a hell on earth.

Chen Tian paced back and forth in his superior position, anxiously waiting for the news of the secret work of Shenxing Pavilion.


The sound of pattering footsteps sounded like jade beads falling on a plate, and a detailed report was finally recorded.

"His Royal Highness, there is still no movement at Hangu Pass today. According to the rumors from above, Li Shimin doesn't seem to plan to send troops."

"Haha, this Li Shimin really got tricked!" Hearing the news, Chen Tian slapped his palm on the desk happily.

Now that the fish has been hooked, Chen Tian will make plans for the next step.

Chen Tian swept around the generals, his brows were full of fighting intent, and he shouted: "Ma Ling listen!"

"the end will be"

Ma Ling stepped forward and agreed.

"I order you to lead all the secret operations in Tongguan City now, announce that Li Shimin will not support, and announce that Li Jiancheng intends to massacre the people as food!"

A sneer crossed the corner of Chen Tian's mouth, this strategy can make Tongguan break down without attacking and mess up.

"The last general takes orders!"

Ma Ling agreed, turned around and left.

"Damn it, Your Highness, when are we going to go straight in? I've been waiting until my teeth itch!" Zhang Fei finally couldn't help himself and stood up to challenge.

"No hurry." Chen Tian flicked his hands calmly, and smiled meaningfully: "We don't need to attack, there will naturally be someone inside to respond."

"Will someone respond?" Zhang Fei scratched his head with a naive expression on his face.

In fact, Chen Tian didn't plan to do this at first, but it was a coincidence that he came sooner rather than later. A few days ago, he just happened to recruit a king of the mountain.

"Time shifts to listen to orders!"

Chen Tian suddenly drank.

"The end is here!"

Seeing a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, the short man stepped forward and agreed.

"I heard that you are so agile that even the forbidden area of ​​the palace can enter and exit unnoticed, so I order you to sneak into Tongguan tonight and bring this letter to Liu Bei! There must be no mistake!"

"Sneaking is my specialty!" Shi Qian grinned and looked like a thief. If Chen Tian hadn't insisted on using him, Zhao Yun really wanted to drive this person out, which would be a disgrace to the military.

When Shi Qian saw that Chen Tian believed that he was a little bandit so much, he was so moved.

Immediately received the letter, with a look of certainty on his face, he turned and left.

Seeing Shi Qian leave, Chen Tian issued another military order.

"The whole army is ready. Three days later, I will plant this Chen Zi banner on the Tongguan tower!"

(To be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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