Chapter 111

Cao Bin's fairly upright facial features were distorted beyond recognition at this moment, and Xi Rou couldn't bear to look directly at the constantly trembling corners of his lips.

Of course, that's a lie!

Xirou was so relieved, she had to pretend to be extremely happy: "There are still many kind-hearted people in this world. If no one calls the police today, I will be in trouble!" At the end, I don't forget to add a sentence, "If you have a chance, you must Thanks folks!"

Thanks... Hehe, thank his mother!

Cao Bin was so angry that he almost flipped the table, and there was a scream of wah wow not far away, accompanied by "light, light my arm!" "Don't break, don't break my lumbar disc herniation!"

Xi Rou endured a stomachache from laughing, which was in stark contrast to Cao Bin's livid face.

After a good date, being interrupted by such an incident, Cao Bin didn't have the heart to continue playing "You are the wind and I am the sand" with Xirou, and he left in a hurry after saying that he was not feeling well, and he didn't even care about defending Xirou's love for him. favor.

No no no, thought this was over?
What really makes Cao Bin despair is yet to come!

With Cao Bin's stingy nature, this kind of gangster like a dog skin plaster must not be his friend, at most he was hired temporarily, and he may even promise various benefits.

Now that the benefits have not been reaped, and people have been brought into the game, those gangsters may not know how to blame Cao Bin, and then she will increase the fire appropriately...

Xirou sneered coldly, doesn't the one surnamed Cao like to play the game of debt repayment, then I will play with him for real!

Youzai Youzai arrived at the downstairs of the dormitory, and before he could see clearly, he saw a figure rushing towards him. Xi Rou felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face: "How is it! Are you injured?!"

There were beads of sweat on the tip of Qi Pan's nose, and anxious eyes looked at Xi Rou.

Xirou patted her on the shoulder comfortingly: "It's okay~ But I made the person who should be punished suffer a little setback. I won't say thank you for helping me call the police. In return, why don't you buy a set of clothes for your siblings?" .”

Qi Pan immediately pushed her hand away with a serious expression: "It's just a phone call, it's not worth the price of two sets of clothes!"

Xi Rou also acted displeased: "If I didn't have this phone call, maybe I would end up missing arms and legs!"

"You talk nonsense!" Qi Pan hurried over to cover her mouth.

The two of you teased me and teased you, and suddenly they laughed in unison, and the atmosphere became very warm in an instant.

In the end, Qi Pan still couldn't get Xi Rou over, the two ate and went shopping as if they had made an appointment yesterday, and bought two sets of boys' and girls' clothes, both of which were cheap, but more comfortable.

It is worth mentioning that Xirou also forced Qi Pan to choose a set, but the latter refused desperately, so Xirou had to say that she would pay back in the future before she reluctantly accepted.

Time passed quickly, and the three-day appointment came to an end in a blink of an eye. During this period, Cao Bin didn't even come to look for Xi Rou, even the "male sex".

Xirou saw it in her eyes and was happy in her heart.Counting the time, the fight with weapons and the attempt has not yet been made, and even if she is detained, she will not be locked up for many days, so it is time for her to go to the detention center.


"What a shame! It's been closed for several days, when will you let us out! Everyone just carried a few sticks, and they didn't beat or rob anyone. Why are you arresting people randomly!" the tattooed man said. Squatting on the side of the railing and cursing inwardly, he just spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground, "There's no oil or water to eat, my mouth is almost fading like a bird!"

"Shut up, why are you arguing! If you have a criminal record, you still have the nerve to imitate young and Dangerous boys. If you don't get caught, who will you catch? Be honest!"

"Wei Bo! Someone is looking for him!"

The tattooed man was taken aback, looking for him?
(End of this chapter)

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