Immortal wife above: Qingshao, come here!

Chapter 182 It's really tempting to be invincible like this

Chapter 182 It's really tempting to be invincible like this

Ye Guangyou opened his face seriously and said:

"The second grandson of the Jin family?!"

"..." Ye Feier.Dad, how can you speak so badly? After all, she was able to wake up, and he contributed a lot.

"..." Wu Zhe closed.The old man, Jin Yixun, the second grandson of the Jin family, was shot while lying down.

"..." Words are invincible.It seems that Uncle Jin is not welcome everywhere!

"Yes, Grandpa." Wu Qinghua.Isn't it the second grandson?

"Hey, this unscrupulous boy finally did a decent thing.

That's all, for the sake of Fei'er waking up, if I have a chance to see him in the future, I won't make a bad face for him. "

Because of Yan Budi's life-saving grace, the two Ye family members were so enthusiastic that they had to keep Yan Budi and had lunch and dinner here before they could go back.

They are to show their gratitude well.

The two are always very optimistic about the girl who can't beat her.

If they can really form a good relationship between Qin and Jin with their grandson, then it is really a match made in heaven, a match made in heaven.

I feel that my grandson alone bears the huge group.

It would be a great thing if there is such a smart and capable girl as Yan Mudi to support her behind her back.

Whenever the old man is happy, he likes to have two bites.

For her undeniable kindness, the old man should respect her no matter what.

Before I lost my words, I was able to drink. When I was injured, I could drink the wine and wipe it off.

So I ordered wine without saying a word, saying that only in this way can I be able to bear the old man's gratitude.

Wu Qinghua was a little skeptical, and just wanted to drink juice if he wanted to be defeated.

Yan Budi said that she has been drinking alcohol since she was a child, and she is completely fine.

Immediately, Wu Qinghua let her go, as long as they were happy.

Yan Budi had never drunk red wine, so she picked up the red wine that had been preserved for a hundred years on the table.

Mrs. Ye burns knives, and he likes the smell.

Red wine has a lot of stamina, and there is no reaction in the early stage.

It's okay to say that it's okay to drink two cups, so I have to say to Wu Qinghua triumphantly:
"Look, it's okay, I said I can drink, but you still don't believe me."

Wu Qinghua was relieved when he saw that his face was not red and he was out of breath.

After a table of banquets, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

It's not too late, so I didn't promise them to stay because I was invincible.

Wu Qinghua went back together with the same words.

In the car.

The invincible spirit of drinking gradually came up.

After discovering things bewilderedly, the words were invincible and began to babble to himself.

Wu Qinghua tried to call out a few words.

He let out a cry of invincibility, looked at Wu Qinghua with blurred eyes, and didn't respond.

The effect of alcohol is overwhelming, and now my mind is dull, heavy, and my reaction ability has become slow.

"Who are you! I don't seem to know you." Yan Budi said in a daze, as if he had returned to the previous life.

Wu Qinghua pinched the center of her brows and confirmed one thing, this little girl was drunk.

He was so drunk with two glasses of red wine that he didn't even know him anymore, which is also called being able to drink.

Since when did this little girl like to brag?

Wu Qinghua pinched Yan Budi's cheek angrily.

The cheeks were rosy and rosy, with a glow of water, and they were soft and soft. They felt so good in the hand that Wu Qinghua couldn't help pinching them a few more times.

Words are invincible and he raised his hand impatiently.

Drunk people don't have the courage to play normally.

Soft as if touching, "Who are you! Why are you pinching me!"

Wu Qinghua withdrew her hand and ignored her.

Because it's really tempting to be invincible like this.

(End of this chapter)

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