
Chapter 277

Chapter 277
After a cup of tea, there was no other movement. I doubted my judgment. Didn't Zhong Er really take this opportunity to sneak up on me to avenge his elder brother?Then he is really a well-behaved boy, which doesn't match my impression of him!And today I also found out that people in West Kunlun are not united, each has his own ideas, Mr. Zhong Er is too likely to take the opportunity to avenge himself publicly.

At this moment, a rain of swords distorted through my body and attacked the Hetu formation, and the light feathers blocked the invisible flying sword in front of me.It's not a violation of the agreement to start like this, who wants me to stand outside the phalanx by myself?But this doesn't seem to be able to clean me up immediately.Just as I thought about it, a large sleeve flew out of the sword rain without a sound, covering my colorful figure with a powerful curly force, and then retracted it at an extremely fast and sharp speed.

I only heard the sound of the Buddha's trumpet, and my figure in colorful clothes was twisted to pieces by the big sleeves!Zhong Er succeeded in the sneak attack and wanted to retreat quickly while others were unprepared, but after he made the attack, he found that what he crushed was just a phantom.Fahai used the Qingming mirror to create an illusion in the formation, and I replaced it with the light feather, Zhong Er was really fooled.

My figure suddenly turned into a two-foot short knife. Zhong Er realized that he had been fooled and immediately wrapped around Hao Guangyu and retracted it.Not only do you want to run, but you also want to take away Mo Guangyu?How can there be such a cheap thing!A flying silk of the false gods immediately entangled Chiu Guang Yu and fought back. Zhong Er found out that there was an ambush, and if he didn't make any entanglements and gave up Chiu Guang Yu, he had to withdraw his big sleeve, but it was too late.My long dancing silk has two threads, virtual and real. The virtual god's light feather still lures the enemy, and the other silver light filament rolls up along this sleeve. Pull out a person.

Zhong Er's figure was entangled by Man Wu Juan Tiansi, the sword array was still there, but the big sleeves made of flying swords had disappeared.With a flick of my wrist, before he had time to break free, I threw him directly in the center of the sword formation and black air entanglement, and I heard a scream in my ears.This is good, if he doesn't die, he will have half his life left.

All of this happened in a very short period of time, as soon as Zhong Er's screams started, I just retracted my light feathers.The sound of explosions came from all around, golden light shone everywhere in the sky, and an eighteen-story tower was placed under my hood.The original sword array suddenly changed, and became a golden thunderbolt, which was activated by the Moyun Golden Pagoda in the air, and the golden light also covered Zhong Er's figure and took it away.Zhou Chun saw that I was going out to earn Zhong Er, so he personally took the lead.

I was almost not pressed in by the pagoda, and I felt empty around me at this moment, and I opened my eyes and returned to the Hetu formation.Fahai didn't stand in the center of the formation, but pulled me back in time with his force from the middle of the formation.At this time, Zhou Chun's voice came from the air: "Take a break, Mr. Zhong Er is injured and is out."

Both of them are masters who have achieved success in practice, so they will naturally understand what happened when they think about it, there is no need to say anything more, Zhou Chun will not ask me why I went out to hurt people, and I don't have to explain that Mr. Zhong Er sneaked up on me to avenge my personal revenge .Today is not a one-on-one battle, but a battle of wits and courage between the two sides as a whole. We should order everyone to be united, otherwise the opponent will have an opportunity.Everyone in West Kunlun is obviously more lax than us. I guess Zhou Chun will take this opportunity to hold a meeting for his accomplices to rectify the situation.

I went out to lure the enemy as a surprise test, and it really worked.But this trick cannot be used a second time, and no one will be fooled twice.A moment later, the surrounding sword formations rose again, and the invisible flying swords turned into thunderbolt golden light, shaking the ground under his feet.There is an eighteen cloud-mounted gold pagoda in the sky, which fell from the sky and pressed down on our formation.Zhou Chun personally took the lead in the formation, sacrificed the Moyun Golden Pagoda with the power of the large formation, and turned it into a hundred feet, trying to keep us in the local area.

The number one master of West Kunlun is naturally extraordinary. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he met me, the contemporary descendant of the Mei family.Play Cloud Tower with me?My home is under the Lingshan Pagoda!

Asking Fahai to return the Qingming Mirror, I changed positions with Mr. Zhang who had not moved, and stood at the center of the entire formation.Although I am not proficient in formations, but after walking with the changes of the Hetu formation for a period of time, I have somewhat understood some of its mysteries.I asked Mr. Zhang to adjust the formation a little bit, and temporarily changed the formation into a twelve-sided circle, leaving me alone in the middle of the formation.The Qingming Mirror was raised in the sky, shooting a beam of colorful light towards the sky. The beam was only as thick as the mouth of a bowl when it rose, and it diverged into the sky to just support the base of the Moyun Golden Pagoda.The Moyun Golden Pagoda whirred and whirled in the air, but it couldn't be suppressed.

There is a twelve-square stone platform in Jingwu Cave, and there is a groove in the middle of the stone platform. Put the Qingming mirror in the groove and Longshou Mountain will disappear. A colorful beam of light will be shot out from the mirror, just supporting the sky and the eye of Fengshui. Dragon Head Pagoda, I am changing formation today to imitate this.Zhou Chun pressed down with all his strength, the sky of the entire Juekong Formation was shaking, and I and the Hetu Formation merged into one, rooted under my feet to hold it firmly.

Seeing that the two sides were at a stalemate, Mr. Zhang ordered to move the formation, and everyone used their magic power together to break through layers of golden light and thunderbolts to break through the formation.We are walking, and the tower in the sky is also walking, holding down the Qingming mirror, but it can't really stop us from breaking the formation.The coaches of both sides took action, and neither of them backed down lightly.I walked away with the Moyun Golden Pagoda for a day and a night, Zhou Chun also pressed me for a day and a night, neither side changed people.

I am really struggling, but I must persist. I am afraid that I am the best at resisting the opponent's spellcasting like this. Besides, the coach must not lose his momentum in the fight.Zhou Chun may be superior to me in terms of cultivation, but in terms of tenacity of mind, strength of furnace, and long endurance, I have never encountered anyone who can surpass me.Since the power of both sides is concentrated in one mirror and one tower, as long as I can withstand it, everyone will move extremely fast, breaking through the formation and moving forward eight hundred miles in one day and one night.In the end, my joints were cracking with all my strength. Although I combined everyone's mana, everyone could rest and take turns, but I had to stand here all the time.But I was thinking to myself—you, Zhou Chun, can't grit your teeth better than me.

West Kunlun seems to be the most powerful spell, but it has the least effect on blocking the enemy.Counting the time around noon the next day, the golden tower in the air was closed, and the Juekong formation was silent for a while, and both sides agreed to temporarily stop and rest.Mr. Zhang took my place. After I landed, my body was so weak that I could hardly stand still. Ziying hurriedly hugged me from behind: "Xiaoye, you are working so hard. Everyone is exhausted after taking turns to set up the formation. You have survived for a whole day...here is Huangya Pill, take a pill to adjust breath."

I smiled: "We are exhausted, and so is the other party! Especially Zhou Chun, I guess he is not as good as me now.... How many yellow bud pills do you have, Ziying, if you have enough, give each one a pill, everyone needs it Pranayama."

Although the distance that has been penetrated this day and night is far, it is a head-to-head battle of attrition. The consumption of everyone is more than ten times that of yesterday.Both sides are temporarily unable to launch a powerful offensive, and they are resting in peace for a while.Until dusk, I got up and gave the order: "Let's fight, go!"

Why did I suddenly issue this order?Because although the two days have been evenly divided, we are passive after all. We have been walking within the range of other people's formations. The other party knows our position, but I don't know how many other tricks the other party has.While they are resting, we would rather not rest for a while, but also take the opportunity to rush.

Although everyone hadn't fully recovered, they still followed orders and flew towards the sky.When there is no one in the main formation, there are still spells in the formation. We flew to the mid-air and the sword rain rose again, blocking the sword rain and rushing for more than [-] miles in an instant.Mr. Zhang suddenly shouted: "Taiyin Nine, Han Ziying enters the battle."

Ziying is also considered a master in the world, but it depends on who to compare with. At this moment, she is definitely the weakest one. After two days, Mr. Zhang never let her enter the battle.Now Ziying was suddenly asked to move, without hesitation, Ziying immediately shifted to the top of the striker of the Hetu formation.As soon as Mr. Zhang's spiritual thoughts were drawn, everyone gathered the power of their minds, and saw a silver shuttle flying out of the formation, directly shooting into the void under Jian Yuwai's feet.

Under the silver light, the mountains and rivers appeared in the rain of swords, and a huge sword pillar was inserted between the chaotic rocks.The gang wind revolved around the giant pillar, flying thousands of invisible flying swords.Mr. Zhang found the pivot of the sword formation and wanted to use Han Ziying's jade-cutting knife.Ziying's jade-cutting knife is amazing to say the least, it may not be considered as a magic weapon like the Qingming Mirror, but it is not an ordinary magic weapon.Ziying originally only used it to chop vegetables, but Feng Junzi borrowed it many times.The jade cutting knife is the most powerful tool in the world, as long as its mana is strong enough, it can be invincible.The most gentle woman in the world, Han Ziying, has the sharpest magic weapon, the jade knife.

The sword rain in the air and the wind from all sides rolled towards the jade cutter, but the jade cutter went in a straight line, no matter whether it was wind or rain, it was cut off, and it shot straight at the center of the sword pillar, splitting the sword pillar in half from top to bottom .Mr. Zhang yelled: "Call back, step back."

The Hetu formation retreated three miles in the air and landed. Jiuli had already taken Han Ziying's position. She retracted the jade cutter and landed in the formation again. Mr. Zhang only let her make a move.At this time, there was a muffled sound, the sword pillar suddenly exploded, and the rain of swords in the air suddenly burst violently, everyone in the Hetu formation tried their best to resist the momentary shock.However, the violence was only for a moment, and soon the sword rain disappeared - the magic circle that Jian Yu pierced through the sky in the Juekong formation was completely broken.

As soon as the sword rain was withdrawn, the surrounding area was once again a clear and bright world.However, the world was clear for only a moment, and then the dark wind howled in front of him, and a gray mist rose and blocked the way.A woman's voice came from the gloomy clouds and mist: "It's really a sharp weapon in the world, but it's a pity that it cuts off the sword and rains through the sky, but it can't get rid of the fog of thoughts and sorrow."

That was the voice of Yu Ling, the head of the Miao Yu Sect in West Kunlun. Everyone in West Kunlun found that we took the opportunity to break through the formation, and immediately formed an formation. Now the main formation is replaced by Yu Ling.I ordered: "Ten miles back, stand down and rest."

They're ready, I'm not rushing in yet! Mao Zedong said: "When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue." This is called guerrilla tactics.Now we don't take advantage, there is no need to bite the bullet and attack.Jian Yu pierced through the air completely, and the depth of the Juekong formation has retreated thousands of miles, and we are now outside the formation.Everyone is also tired, and it is time to take a rest, and I will fight when I want to fight.If you don't pay attention, I will rush in again. This is turning passive into active.

I haven't seen the real starry sky for two days and two nights, and once I enter the big formation, there will be no sun.It was rare to see the starry sky again outside of the mist and sorrow, and everyone seized the time to sit quietly and adjust their breath to dissolve the medicinal power of Huangya Pill.I sat in the middle and looked at Xuan Guangjian. Feng Junzi had been trapped on the mountain for five or six days.He couldn't starve to death for a while, even if he didn't have anything to eat.I remember that he also fiddled with bigu by himself when he was in college. Although it was a half-truth and half-false technique, based on experience, he had no problem staying up for ten or eight days.Fortunately, there is no need for bigu, and I have picnics on the mountain every day.

Feng Junzi spread hay under a cliff, and fell asleep with his head resting on his backpack.But there was a pile of sand and soil piled up on the open space not far in front of him, like a sculpture model, and at another glance, it looked like a sand table for military drills.After taking a closer look, I suddenly understood what it was—it was a sand table, and it was a model of the mountain under his feet.

There is a mountain top in a radius of ten miles, and the road is cut off and it is impossible to go out. Feng Junzi has traveled all the places he can go in the past few days.He is indeed very smart. Based on various methods such as visual inspection, walking measurement, and simple spatial positioning, he roughly copied the outline of the mountain with sand and carefully marked the roads everywhere.I took a look, and he has drawn almost every complicated route in the model, either a dead end or a loop of turning back.

This kid must also be wondering if he is really lost?He tried his best to find the way when he came, but he found it!At the end of a dead end on the model, he deliberately inserted a wooden stick, and drew a question mark on the sand beside it.This is the way he came, it seems that he can still remember after so many days in the mountains.But now at the end of this road is a thicket of thorns as tall as two people. The thicket is densely covered with hard thorns, and people can't get in at all.

This bush and the land under the roots were moved here by the people of West Kunlun with magic power. Feng Junzi must not understand-it is from this road to the mountain, why it suddenly turned into a bush of wild thorns?The confusion between memory and reality was enough to confuse him for a while.I can see clearly in the Xuanguangjian outside the mountain that this bush is about a mile long, and it grows close to the ground with almost no room for rooting.Even if a person wears protective clothing and holds a machete for a month, he still cannot cut a path.What's more, Junzi Feng didn't have a stab-proof suit, only a fruit knife that was more than one finger long.

If he can pass through this wild thorn bush, he can walk out of the Sumeru Shroud by himself.There is no supernatural power to borrow in the Shroud of Sumeru, not even a bird or a beast!Even if I crush Mo Yu to restore his consciousness at this time, there is nothing that Feng Junzi can do about it.It seems that we can only wait for Axiu for the time being. If Axiu can enter the Sumeru Shroud, it doesn't matter whether I crush Moyu or not. As long as Axiu opens a path among the thorns, Feng Junzi will definitely follow the road walk out.

It is estimated that Feng Junzi went to bed very early last night, and woke up at dawn.He walked to a clear water pool and filled a can of water with an empty beer can.I thought he wanted to drink it himself, but he walked a few steps to a spring not far away to water a bunch of flowers!I read that right, he was really watering the flowers, I didn't expect him to be so leisurely at such a time.

There are no traces of birds or animals in the mountains, and there is not even a shadow of a small fish in the mountain streams and pools.I can see that there is a spring on the mountain wall next to Feng Junzi, but the mountain spring has stopped flowing now.The Heaven and Earth are separated by the Sumeru Shroud, although the vegetation all over the mountain will not wither for a while, but they are already limp and lifeless.The cluster of flowering trees watered by Feng Junzi is not far from the dry spring, and the tender green leaves are slightly curled, and the small flower buds that have not yet bloomed all over the tree are drooping downwards.

But this clump of flowers and trees is very beautiful and beautiful, the light yellow and light green color is very eye-catching, and the slender branches stretch like a slim girl.Feng Junzi may have seen that the flower tree was a little wilted before it bloomed, so he felt compassionate and watered it first when he got up in the morning.After going back and forth three times and pouring water three times, he went back to drink water and eat by himself.

Since Mr. Feng is not flustered, he can think of making a sand table model, and he is in the mood to water the flowers, so I won't worry about him for the time being.The sky has already brightened, and I can see that everyone has almost recovered, and the opponent may have been waiting for us to make a move. This may be the most relaxed time.Mr. Zhang and I made a gesture, and Mr. Zhang immediately issued an order—to rush into the dark wind and mist in front of us in a silent formation.

The formation here is different from the previous sword rain, almost nothing can be seen, and there are gloomy clouds and mist everywhere, we can only see a small space around it.I don't know where the opponent is, and it seems to be everywhere. What we are fighting now is not the sword, but the invasion of the surrounding sound and spiritual power.

The dark wind is bleak, mixed with the shrill cry that pierces through the mind, and those with weaker minds feel that their spiritual consciousness has no owner and is almost taken away.Standing in the formation, I was in a trance, as if I had gone back to the past - the night that Feng Junzi was enshrined in Zhaoting Mountain, thousands of souls and ghosts cried and howled.Normally, I would naturally not be afraid, and just ignore it, but at this time, I am in the enemy's formation and have to look for opportunities to break through the formation while also guarding against the opponent's surprise attack.I don't know who the opponent is in the main battle, it seems that he is a master who is good at using invisible and invisible mana.

This kind of attack is different from direct combat. Each of us is affected independently, and we cannot fully fight together like the previous two days.Fahai closed his eyes and opened his mouth to recite the mantra of purifying the heart to help everyone calm down.The three real people He Feng, He Xi, and He Guang roared continuously, breaking the sound with their voices.The rest of the crowd remained in disorder, with Yu Cangwu leading the formation, and the shadow of a dragon stick all over the sky drove away the fog and charged inward.Yu Cangwu also yelled repeatedly to strengthen his voice, it sounded a bit like roaring at the sky.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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