People in Douluo are married to the Pope

Chapter 68 The Completely Restrained Wu Xing

Chapter 68 The Completely Restrained Wu Xing
Level 51 Soul King!This is not the Soul Sect, even if it is only level 51, the two are very different, Wu Xing actually met, this makes Zhao Wuji and Ning Rongrong not surprised!
"Haha, I'm so lucky. I met the Soul King in the first Golden Fighting Soul Badge Competition." Wu Xing laughed at himself. He really didn't expect to meet the Soul King. Could it be that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today?

"Be careful, if it's not feasible, just surrender." Even if Zhao Wuji was optimistic about Wu Xing's opponent who was three stages apart, he still felt that his chances of winning were not great.

Although he can defeat Zhu Zhuqing, and Zhu Zhuqing should have no problem winning against a level 51 soul king, it doesn't mean that Wu Xing can do it.

Because the real data is not calculated in this way, there are many things involved, the difference in soul power is one aspect, there are also differences in the number of soul rings, soul skills, etc., and the results will be different.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I have a sense of proportion." Wu Xing nodded, facing the 51st level soul king, it depends on what kind of soul master it is.

If it's an agility attack type, a strong attack type, a defense type, etc., he will have no problem, but if it's a control type, it's more difficult.

Of course, this is for opponents who are far superior to me. If it is only about thirtieth level, it is easier to deal with the control system than the defense system of the attack system. This is the different difficulty brought by opponents of each level .

Fortunately, when Wu Xing came to the field, he saw that the opponent was a female attacking beast soul king, and also a hedgehog and porcupine martial soul. No wonder he was so fat, even fatter than Ma Hongjun. There is no small relationship.

"Are you a psychic?" Qian Lingling asked with narrowed eyes, trembling the fat on her face.

As the two legends of the Suotuo Great Soul Arena, even in the past two months, their fame is still there, and Qian Lingling has naturally heard of it.

Wu Xing nodded and replied, "That's right."

"I didn't expect that I would also have the honor to fight against a psychic." Hearing this, Qian Lingling smiled, and then said, "However, I have heard about your martial soul from other soul masters. I am afraid that you have no chance of winning if you want to win."

Wu Xing was slightly taken aback, he could tell that the other party's words were not arrogant, but that he had no chance based on his martial soul.

"The first soul skill - Hedgehog Possession." As Qian Lingling used her martial soul, Wu Xing finally understood why the other party thought so.

I saw that the opponent's whole body was covered with long and sharp needles, and they were 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

If the little fox's enchanting magic technique is used, it will be riddled with holes!So the second soul ability has no effect at all, and it will also help the opponent to accelerate the sprint.

Maybe you will ask, the little guy's enchantment is not a control skill, can it interrupt the soul master's soul skills, but the control time of this enchantment is too short, for such a growing soul skill, even if it can be controlled to the end, The opponent's whole body acupuncture hasn't been retracted yet!
How could he encounter such a freak? Wu Xing felt that it was better to deal with the control system at the moment, at least he could use the charm and magic, but now he directly broke his arm.

And the little unicorn is an auxiliary soul beast, with super vision and super long distance, neither of which can actually attack, which means that he only has the deceitful orb as an effective means of attack.

Wu Xing was so depressed right now, he really wanted to slap himself, and wished that he was a crow's mouth, facing a control system soul master, even if it was more than 50 levels.

"It's over, this brat meets an opponent who is completely suppressed, he is still a soul king whose soul power is much higher than his." Zhao Wuji immediately saw the problem after seeing Qian Lingling's first soul skill, and couldn't help but With a sigh.

Hearing Teacher Zhao's words, Zhu Zhuqing's whole heart rose to his throat. No wonder he saw Wu Xing's depressed face. He met an opponent who was completely suppressed, so what should he do?
Despite being restrained in all directions, Wu Xing had no intention of surrendering, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go. Although the chances were slim, it was not completely impossible.

"Deceitful orb, go!" As the little fox ran away, the deceitful orb in Wu Xing's hand shot out.

To deal with this kind of soul king opponent who completely restrains himself, he can only win if he hits the deceitful orb several times in a row, so he must cooperate perfectly with the little fox.

Facing the blasting orb, Qian Lingling's second spirit ring bloomed, and she used her spirit skills—on a rampage!
In an instant, her whole body formed a ball, spun rapidly, and then rolled straight towards Wu Xing.

It is said to be rampant, but in the process of rolling, Qian Lingling, who is in the shape of a ball, has a drift, bypassing the deceitful orb, and continuing to roll towards Wu Xing.

Looking at the rolling spiked meat ball, Wu Xing had no choice but to avoid the opponent's attack with his steps.

After a few rounds, Wu Xing found that he could not threaten the opponent at all, but the opponent could always threaten him. If he was careless and couldn't dodge in time, he would become a hornet's nest.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to slowly look for opportunities, to find the moment when any flaws were revealed.

"Continuing like this is not an option." Ning Rongrong said anxiously watching Qian Lingling keep attacking and Wu Xing and the little fox keep dodging.

Because she had to dodge, the position of the second stage of the orb's retraction would definitely be staggered from that of the opponent, and the effective attack was only the first stage. This was the crux of the problem, and it was also the reason why she was anxious.

Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a while before opening his mouth and said, "Since Wu Xing chose to dodge instead of abstaining, there must still be hope of victory."

"There's no hope of winning the competition." Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but roll her eyes. This seventh sister trusts Wu Xing so much. At this point, she still thinks he has a chance.

Looking at the situation on the field, Zhao Wou-ki shook his head. The opponent's soul power already far surpassed Wu Xing's. If the two sides were so exhausted, his soul power must be exhausted first.

Even he couldn't think of any chance of winning, and there was no chance of winning the game.

But is this really the case?Does Wu Xing really have no chance of winning the game?The answer is definitely no!
With the stalemate of you come and I hide on the field, Wu Xing, who has a soul power of level 27, should have exhausted his soul power long ago, but Qian Lingling found that he hadn't.

This made her a little puzzled, but also a little anxious, and once the opponent became anxious, flaws would follow.

Qian Lingling actually began to lose her temper. In order to speed up her attack and speed, she went on a rampage and no longer avoided the damage of the first deceitful orb.

Such an approach did allow her to greatly shorten the distance between the two, and it also made Wu Xing even more overwhelmed to dodge, but at the same time, she also encountered the first attack of the deceitful orb.

Although it wasn't a big threat, it was actually attacked.

And Qian Lingling's behavior is what Wu Xing wants to see, and it is also the foreshadowing of her losing the game...

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(End of this chapter)

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