The journey of all worlds starting from the blade of the column destroyer

Chapter 398 Poor Saber, she was autistic on the spot

Chapter 398 Poor Saber, she was autistic on the spot (please subscribe~)

"It seems that in this Holy Grail War, there is not only one guy like Berserker who is out of his mind and always talks crazy."

Saber was really shocked by Gilgamesh's remarks. She felt that this person was a little too arrogant. He even said that the Holy Grail belonged to him. This is simply nonsense, even if it is the oldest hero king, Saying such a thing is a bit presumptuous.

If you can take ownership of all the treasures with a simple sentence of "collecting all the treasures in the world", then the treasures in this world are too cheap.

The same idea as Saber, Weiyun also held a sneer at this, even he thought that Gilgamesh would have a treasure like [The King's Treasure], which is outrageous, his "all the treasures in the world", at the very least Does it include Mesopotamia at most?
This is the same as the areas covered by different gods are different. The concept of "world" in their respective myths and legends, it is reasonable to cover your own one-third of an acre of land.

So [Treasure of the King] should only include the treasures of the Mesopotamian Plain and Mesopotamian civilizations.

You said that you left the one-acre three-point land of the Sumerians, who would recognize your hero king?

Saber's straightforward nature would directly say that he is a lunatic, and he really spoke the aspirations of most people.

It's just that unlike Artoria and Weiyun, Iskandar quickly accepted this fact, and easily admitted that the ownership of the Holy Grail belonged to Gilgamesh.

If you want to say why, it is naturally because the kingly way of conquering kings is to conquer, invade, and plunder. .

The four ancient civilizations occupy the third, and Iskandar, the conqueror who established the largest empire in the world at that time, will not be afraid of anyone, and he will conquer it if he wants to.

But for Saber, who pursues chivalry, she naturally cannot understand this kind of behavior. She clearly recognizes the legitimacy of the other party, but still wants to snatch it for her own selfish desire. An absolutely unjust act, let alone something a king should do.

Therefore, Saber's sense of Iskandar has actually begun to decline sharply. This is the incompatibility of compatibility, and the paths they take are completely different.

But Weiyun is quite happy, at least he has identified an ally who will make a fortune together.

Rider set his sights on Archer's treasury, wanting to obtain the Holy Grail to obtain the flesh, and continue his journey of conquering the world, and Archer also moved to kill this man who dared to peek at his treasure and had an ambition to conquer the world. These two guys are destined to have a battle.

"Oh, then tell me about your wish for the Holy Grail, Saber."

Having been questioned by King Arthur about his dominance, Iskandar urged Saber to tell her wish with great interest, but he was very curious as to why the other party questioned him.

"My wish is to save my hometown and use the universal wishing machine to change the fate of Britain's destruction."

Arturia's face was serious, but what she got in return was the doubts of the remaining two kings.

"Knight King, when you say you want to change your destiny, do you want to overthrow the past history?"

Iskandar was indeed puzzled, he hadn't realized what Saber meant.

However, when Saber said that he wanted to overthrow the history he wrote and regretted that he had brought Britain to destruction, Gilgamesh first laughed wildly, as if he had heard some funny joke.

Weiyun couldn't help sighing, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Saber's thinking, after all, wanting to save the country he destroyed was a perfectly normal thing.

What he sighed was that the two guys that Saber met were not normal guys, probably no one would be able to understand her feelings.

Gilgamesh, who is laughing wildly now, is a real tyrant, and a tyrant who is so cruel that the sky is angry and people complain. If you want such a guy to understand the regret after the country is destroyed, it is tantamount to nonsense. The dead C can almost empathize with him when he comes.

However, Alexander the Great the Conqueror and Artoria, King Arthur, indeed had a huge difference in structure, which made it impossible for Iskandar to understand Artoria's attempt to rewrite history.

The genius Alexander the Great is completely different from King Arthur. As a warrior, he is both wise and brave. As a general, he is unparalleled.Until his death, he never lost a single battle.

And he was also a disciple of the philosopher Aristotle, he cherished Homer's poetry, he realized that non-Greeks are not necessarily barbarians, and he was far more visionary than most Greek thinkers at the time.

Although his empire also fell apart after his death, and even the inheritance was broken, but the impact he brought to the world is enough for him to be famous in history.

And he didn't die in defeat, he died of illness. He had done everything he could, so Iskandar had no regrets in his life. Speaking of which, Iskandar didn't think anyone could do better than him. alright.

Therefore, it is not surprising that these two guys who can stand and talk without back pain would scoff at Saber's ideas, after all, they are the special ones, and Saber's ideas are normal and universal.

You can't expect tyrannical lunatics and unparalleled geniuses to understand the troubles of an ordinary little girl.

Seeing the chicken talking to the duck, Artoria who was about to be called autistic, Weiyun couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Because he could see that Gilgamesh was fighting against Artoria out of his own heart as a tyrant, and he really would not regret it as a tyrant.

But Iskandar's messing around there, taking things out of context, and changing concepts secretly is completely messing with Artoria's mentality.

This well-known politician is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He is extremely good at instigating people's hearts. He has a political awareness that even Napoleon envied, and the ability to easily win the favor of the people.

Alexander is equivalent to taking into account Xiang Yu's battle, Han Xin's tactics and Liu Bang's grand strategy. He can fight, command, and is good at political means, and he can easily win people's hearts, which is why he seems to be able to easily fight with everyone. All right for the reasons for the radio waves.

Arturia is very firm in her beliefs, at least in Weiyun's understanding, this woman took Shiro's efforts to get it done!
But now that Iskandar's mind can be shaken by a few words, this is enough to show Iskandar's ability to incite people's hearts.

This kind of person's personality charm is really too strong, no wonder he can lead a group of heroes to follow him, rushing towards the illusory "endless sea".

This kind of ability to drive other people's emotions with just a few words is a compulsory course for a successful king, and Iskandar, who obviously learned from Aristotle, is very knowledgeable in this regard.

However, Iskandar wants to crush Saber's confidence. From his point of view, it is actually another kind of recognition for Saber. He doesn't want the famous knight king to deny his existence in history.

 I'm afraid I made a mistake when talking about domineering in fate. The prequel of Little Butter's adaptation can have a fart domineering way. This episode of fz has really been criticized enough.

(End of this chapter)

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