Chapter 464 Departure, diverse species (please subscribe~)

Weapons are the most important thing for soldiers, for soldiers, they are like their close partners.

On the cruel battlefield, only by relying on your trustworthy old buddy can you gain a chance for yourself.

Therefore, a good weapon, a handy and powerful weapon, is undoubtedly very attractive to soldiers and soldiers.

Weiyun used weapons to throw stones to ask for directions, and it really had a very good effect.

He was quickly invited into the castle hall of the castle and met the guards stationed here.

He was also a standard man of a different ethnicity in the north, with a rough appearance, a tall and strong figure, and wearing a cloak made of the fur of an unknown animal, he looked majestic.

When the two met for the first time, Weiyun's first impression on him was actually not very good, because Weiyun's appearance and body shape obviously did not conform to the aesthetics of the northern aliens.

After all, Weiyun is tall, thin, and muscular, and he is completely different from these rough guys with exaggerated muscles.

But because of the emergence of the ruler Numa Seka, these muscular men have gradually accepted the type of Weiyun. They no longer stubbornly think that this physique represents thinness. After all, Numa, who has beaten the invincible opponent in the north Seka himself is about the same size as Weiyun.

"Master, can you show me the weapon you used just now? If it really has such terrifying power, I will report it to His Royal Highness immediately."

Sitting at the conference table in the castle hall, the garrison general also seemed very anxious, because as far as he knew, the entire Northland was now processing and adding points for armaments and food distribution, and it seemed that it was time to attack the empire on a large scale and regain lost ground It's time.

Under the call of Numa Seka, the entire Northland is now unusually united. Hundreds of thousands of warriors are ready to follow him all the way south and conquer every inch of land he has traveled.

If he can present a brand new weapon to His Royal Highness before this, then their chances of winning will be higher, and his own status will also rise because of this credit, not to mention.

"Take it and use it with care."

Weiyun took out the mechanism Gatling and threw it to the other party, he motioned the other party to come and experience it for himself.

However, it is obvious that this middle-aged man from the north, who was half a soldier, is not good at studying how to operate sophisticated mechanism props.

Although the design of Weiyun's gun is simple enough, it should be said that most of the guns are used in a very simple way. After all, they are sharp weapons for the convenience of killing people. Isn't it crazy that the operation method is so complicated?
But Luke, the castle guard who saw this weapon for the first time, still didn't know where to start. This is a typical example of neither eating pork nor seeing pigs run.

However, after being taught by Weiyun, he quickly mastered the gameplay of this new toy. Although it is difficult for ordinary people to control this weapon, Luke was able to be arranged by Numa Seka as the front fortress. The guard must still have two brushes.

With his physique and strength, it is not impossible for Gatling to operate this mechanism.

"Da da da da da."

Looking at Luke who was shooting wantonly in the archery range with an excited smile on his face, Weiyun secretly thought that this is the end.

Sure enough, after squandering a bunch of bullets, Luke licked his tongue eagerly, and pressed the trigger a few times, only to see that no more bullets came out, so he gave up.

"Master! This weapon called "Mechanism Gatling" is too powerful. It is a soldier killer. If you can find five or six wrestlers to hold it and stand in a row, it will be a meat grinder!"

This burly man was very excited, like a child who got a new toy. Sure enough, no matter what age a man is, can't get rid of his love for guns and cars?
"It's just that the ammunition is a little low, and it needs to be replaced after shooting. There may be a vacuum period for shooting. Is there any way to solve it? Master."

This guy has been completely conquered by Weiyun's craftsmanship, it's very natural to shout one master at a time, but his question made the corner of Weiyun's mouth twitch slightly, and he couldn't help but "tsk", and his heart began to twitch. Make complaints.

"I still want unlimited firepower. This is you. It's beautiful to think that it doesn't look very good. It can be done if it can be done, but the cost is too high. I don't plan to do it for you."

Weiyun, who is not just a mechanism master or a puppet master, but also a researcher of mysticism, can naturally make a gun that does not need to be loaded.

However, producing bullets out of thin air is obviously not in line with the principle of "equivalent exchange", so ammunition made using mysticism also needs to consume mana, including shooting with air bullets, which also requires mana supply, but Weiyun Through a series of designs, the consumption of mana is reduced.

For people with fast magic power recovery, this is naturally an artifact that does not need to be reloaded and has wireless battery life, but for people without magic power, it is a melee weapon, such as the big guy in front of him.

"This is just an appetizer. I will show the rest after meeting Numa Seka. When are we going to leave?"

Weiyun didn't explain much, and directly put forward his request.

And Luke was also very straightforward, he shouted "Prepare the horse", and he was about to set off immediately.

Weiyun gave him a strange look. This guy's physical strength can withstand the snowstorm. Weiyun is not surprised, but are there any horses that can run in this kind of weather?Could it be that there are mount animals similar to the "desert boat" camel in the Northland?


Sure enough, the soldiers brought two brand-new species that Weiyun had never seen before. At first glance, they looked a bit like horses, but their legs were thicker and longer, and their bodies were covered with a thick layer of fluff. Like a mammoth, its fur is generally blue.

"Master is from the south. I'm afraid you have never seen an ice field horse. This kind of creature can only survive in our northern land."

Sensing Weiyun's surprised gaze, Luke suddenly smiled and introduced Weiyun.

Weiyun nodded. The types of creatures in this world are quite different from his cognition. Various dangerous species exist in different places, and most of them have extraordinary abilities. , even creatures like "dragons" really exist.

Most of the "Teigu", the long-term protection of the empire, are made of materials from these dangerous species, and then made with complicated craftsmanship.

 Thank you book friends for being free and unrestrained, hehe, who is too lazy to give a name~
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(End of this chapter)

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