come to the world

Chapter 356 Mark 2, Steel Armor

Chapter 356 Mark 2, Steel Armor
Obada's death was like a shooting star across the night sky.

It didn't cause too much confusion except for those who noticed it.

According to the outside world, Obaday also had a heart attack because he was too happy to see Tony return.

As for the inside story, whether Obaday framed him, whether the terrorists specially arranged it, Tony no longer intends to pursue it.

At the funeral, it rained heavily.

Tony was wearing a black suit with a white flower on his chest, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

Next to him, Wu Ming stood with him, listening to the pastor's prayer, and an assistant held an umbrella for the two of them.

Throughout the funeral, there were not many people who saw Obady off, and none of his immediate family members were present.

It's not that people follow the path of tea, but that among Obadai's children, none of them follow the path of business tycoons, most of them are prodigal sons who are drunk and dreamy.

Except for people with good relationships, many people did not receive invitations. Even Tony and Wu Ming were able to come because they were rich and able to eat the stocks left by Obady.

"Mr. Tony, Mr. Wu Ming, can we go over there and talk?" A young man with a greasy hair and noodles came up and said in a low voice.

Wu Ming and Tony looked at each other, took the umbrella from the assistant, and came to the garden area in the cemetery.

"Jack, just tell me if you have anything to do." Tony said casually, stopping the bodyguard from following up.

Jack is the son of Obaday, a rich second generation who likes racing cars, taking drugs and playing with women.

He looked very restrained in front of Tony, with a flattering smile on his face, and said: "Mr. Tony, I don't know if there is any proposal to reclaim the shares within the company. My father left 24% of the shares. If the price is right If so, we are willing to make a move.”

The market value of Stark Industries is more than 3 trillion, and 24% of the shares are not small numbers.

Tony was silent for a moment. There were voices within the company to withdraw the stock, but the company did not have that much funds.

"During this period, the company's market value has shrunk slightly, but it still needs 24 billion U.S. dollars to take the 8000 percent of the shares. I don't have that much money now, so why don't we share these shares equally? People eat 12%, what do you think?" Tony couldn't eat all of it by himself, so he focused on Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's face was full of smiles. He didn't refuse or agree, but said with a smile: "Tony, you hold 43% of the shares, and if you take another 12%, you will have absolute control, right?"

"Hehe." Tony smiled and said nothing, acquiescing to this statement.

After all, as the company's largest shareholder, Tony inherited most of Stark Industries' rights from his father.

If this time, buy back another 12% of the shares, Stark Industries will be as stable as Mount Tai, and there will be no second voice in the shareholder meeting.

Whether the shares can be repurchased is very important to Tony, and it is also a golden opportunity for the Stark family.

Conversely, for Wu Ming, this decision is a bit risky, because there will be no one to check and balance Tony in the future.

With an absolute controlling stake, once Tony made up his mind to do something, no one would be able to oppose him.

In this way, Stark Industries may go to the peak, or it may go to hell, and the power of no one to check and balance is terrible.

"You owe me another favor!" After thinking for a while, Wu Ming spoke slowly, expressing his attitude.

Tony shrugged, stretched his left hand out of the umbrella, caught a few drops of rain, and said with a smile, "I don't care, I owe you enough favors, so what if I owe you more!"

Between talking and laughing, the recovery of 8000 billion shares was reached between the two giants.

At this point, Tony will own 55% of the shares of Stark Industries, reaching the point of absolute control.

And Wu Ming's shares increased sharply, from 24% to 36%, second only to Tony as the second shareholder.

Declaration of fairness, change of shares, payment of funds.

Within a week, all the procedures were sorted out, and Tony also held the first press conference after returning.

"I declare that Stark Industries will split up the weapon research and development department from now on, and bid farewell to the arms market within one year!" At the press conference, Tony uttered his slogan to the world.

Just like in the movie, Tony's speech caused an uproar.

Only this time, Tony has become stronger, no one in the company can question him, and no one can oppose him.

In the audience, countless reporters looked excited and moved forward desperately.

Among them, a reporter from the Daily Mail first handed over the microphone and asked loudly: "Mr. Tony, Stark Industries, started with arms. What is the problem that made you give up the field of arms, give up Stark Industries?"

"I didn't give up on Stark Industries, what I gave up was only in the field of arms. In this world, there is no shortage of wars. I don't want to be an accomplice in the war, and I don't want more innocent people to die in the Stark Industries manufacturing industry. Weapons, that's why I gave up." Tony's answer did not satisfy the reporter.

A reporter from the New York Times was the second to ask a question, and said, "Mr. Tony, may I ask Stark Industries that giving up its strength in the field of arms, does it mean that it is declining?"

"No, Stark Industries is a giant, a giant that cannot be defeated. After giving up the field of arms, we will enter the new energy, aerospace, steel, and even network industries. I firmly believe that such a transformation is necessary and in line with Stark's It is conducive to the diversification of the company.”

Tony doesn't like entertaining reporters. Speaking of this, he said loudly: "The future development will be carried out under the witness of everyone. I declare that the press conference is over!"

"Mr. Tony, what happened in those days when you disappeared? Did it give you the idea of ​​giving up the arms field during those days?"

"Mr. Tony, Stark Industries and the Ministry of Defense have a lot of cooperation every year. Give up the field of arms, will you still develop weapons for the military?"

The reporters chased and intercepted them with unimaginable enthusiasm.

Tony struggled to get out of the crowd, and under the escort of numerous bodyguards, boarded a business Mercedes-Benz.

In the car, Wu Ming was chatting with Tony's secretary, Pepper, about the trivial matters of Tony's life.

Seeing Tony getting into the car, Wu Ming turned around and said, "During your press conference, four shareholders called me and asked if you were crazy. How could such a big matter go without talking about it? Post it directly!"

"Discussion, what else are you discussing?"

Tony didn't care about those shareholders of the company, and said with a smile: "The two of us are the bosses of the company, and the combined shares of those people are a fraction of ours, no matter what they do."

Tony, who has an absolute controlling stake, controls the company to the point where he promises everything.

Coupled with the support of Wu Ming, the second shareholder, he didn't have to care about what those small shareholders were saying.

Seeing Tony's indifferent appearance, Wu Ming nodded in agreement, and at the same time took out a piece of information: "This is what you asked me to investigate, the terrorist organization that captured you has had contact with Obaday before, no A third party intervenes."

Tony took the file, but he didn't read it himself.

Opadry is dead, and his verification is also for safety, and he is worried that other people besides Opadry will intervene.

Now it seems that this incident was planned by Obadi, and no other forces were involved, so Tony was relieved.

"After I investigated, I found out that the group of people who captured you was a branch of Al Qaeda, with hundreds of people. I'm curious, how did you escape and eliminate those people?"

It's been a week since Tony came back, and during that time he hasn't mentioned his Iron Armor.

Wu Ming now has reason to believe that Tony has defended him, so he plans to see how wary Tony is of himself.

If Tony tells the truth, it means that Tony still trusts him, but the trust is reserved.

Conversely, if Tony faltered and tried to hide the matter when asked, it meant that everyone was about to part ways.

"You don't know, it was a complete accident that I escaped." Tony smiled and said, completely unaware that Wu Ming's eyes were a little colder.

It has been ten years since I met Tony, and we have also been friends for ten years.

Unexpectedly, after ten years of friendship, Tony still doesn't really trust himself. It seems that some things really can't be forced.

"Come on, I'll show you something good."

Tony didn't notice Wu Ming's expression, but sneakily took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Reach out and tap twice on the phone, and a picture of the steel armor was projected in front of the two of them.

Wu Ming is no stranger to steel armor, but instead of pretending to be a prophet, he asked in a pretentious bewilderment, "What is this?"

Tony waved his arms excitedly, and explained excitedly: "This is my little toy, didn't you ask, how did I escape? Look at this, I invented this armor, after wearing it, I can Fighting against an armored regiment. However, this is a Mark 2, and the first armor is too rough for my demeanor, so I can't show that to others."

Tony's steel armor is updated very quickly, and some of them are completely out of imagination.

Little Pepper drove the car, and said without looking back: "Tony didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights in order to rush to make this armor. He originally wanted to wear Mark 1 to give you a surprise, but Mark 1 Ugly, he's a perfectionist. By the way, Tony asked me to keep it a secret from you, he wanted to surprise you, like a kid showing off his toys!"

Hearing what the two said, Wu Ming finally knew why Tony had to hide it.

A playboy who pursues perfection absolutely does not want to appear in a cave wearing a crude armor.

At first, Wu Ming thought that Stark was already suspicious of him.

Thinking about it now, this is not what Stark noticed, but the appearance of the Mark 1 damages the image.No, as soon as the Mark 2 battle armor came out, Tony couldn't wait to show it off, and the word "proud" was only written on his face.

"Let me tell you, after ten years of friendship, it's like a rock has been warmed up, let alone a temperamental person like Tony. It seems that I have wrongly blamed this guy. Before there is no sharp conflict, this guy should be On my side." Knowing that Tony didn't hide it intentionally, Wu Ming also heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, during his ten years in Marvel, his investment in Tony was the largest, and he basically had no reservations.

If ten years of planning can't be exchanged for Tony's friendship, he has failed too much as a human being, and he is simply an embarrassment to the traversers.

(End of this chapter)

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