come to the world

Chapter 404 Mind Gem and Demon

Chapter 404 Mind Gem and Demon

Why rob you, just because we have a lot of people.

Wu Ming guards the east, Fantastic Four guards the west, Iron Man guards the south, and Banner guards the north.

Four groups of people surrounded Loki in the middle, as if they were going to teach him to be a new man.

With a solemn expression, Rocky turned around in circles, looking at which side's defense was weaker.

If you look at it with your eyes alone, Banner, who has not turned into a Hulk, looks the most like a persimmon.

"Gentlemen, please excuse me, the Rubik's Cube does not belong to you, you should hand it over to the country." The surrounding atmosphere became more and more tense, but Captain America and Spider-Man caught up and began to announce the ownership of sovereignty.

As a patriot, the righteousness in the eyes of the US team must be on the side of the US government.

Although decades of deep sleep have made Captain America less able to keep up with the times, his patriotism has not faded, and he believes that it is king to entrust things like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the government for safekeeping.

"Weird with a mask, where did you get your clothes from, circus?" Tony's face was full of teasing, flirting with the three-color star-striped suit on the US team, the provocative meaning was very obvious.

In this world, there may be such a thing as compatibility, and the greater the difference in compatibility, the less pleasing it is for people to see each other.

Tony was wearing a steel battle armor, what did he think after seeing Captain America, why did he feel a little uncomfortable, and just wanted to beat him up hard.

"Mr. Stark, this is Captain America, haven't you heard of him?" Hearing Tony's provocation, Spider-Man was incredulous.

The American team appeared during World War II and was portrayed as a symbol of American idols. Many people are his fans.

Although Spider-Man is not a die-hard fan of Captain America, he can be considered a half supporter. He said in an aggrieved way: "There is still a statue of Captain America in the Municipal Museum. Go to the museum, it's free and open at ten o'clock on Saturday morning."

"Hehe." Thor perfectly expressed his disdain with only two words, hehe.

Of course he had heard of the US team, and even before he planned to join S.H.I.E.L.D., he deliberately investigated the original files.

However, Tony would not say that when he was a child, he was often taught by his father for being naughty. What he heard the most was that his father said that you have been so naughty since you were a child, and you will never be as perfect as Captain America in your life.

There is an existence called other people's children, which is the old enemy of our growth stage.

He was educated by his father as Captain America since he was a child, and now facing the returning American team, Tony's desire to win is almost off the charts, and he decisively turned from fans to black, and he is the blackest kind.

"Since you all know each other, you should have a lot to say, so I won't bother you." Seeing Wu Ming's iron man competing with the US team, Loki breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed directly to what he thought was weak. place.

Some of the Fantastic Four are on fire, some will bless energy shields, and some are simply big rocks, and they are easy to mess with.

As for Iron Man and Wu Ming, the former is the first superhero, and the latter feels mysterious to him, which is also not what Loki wants to face.

It seems that only Bruce Banner, who is polite and wears glasses, is the best bully, so he chose Banner as his breakout route.

"Roar!" As soon as Loki made a move, a roar came from his face.

With the roar, Banna turned into a green giant in seconds, and his fist was the size of a casserole.

In an instant, two emotions, doubt and astonishment, could not help appearing on Loki's face,
In the next second, before he could figure out why this person transformed, a huge force came from his chest.


With a punch to the chest, like a baseball being hit, Rocky simply flew upside down.

The body hit the ground, but the impact still didn't stop, and the ground was plowed into a 20 cm deep trench with a length of more than [-] meters.

All the way, leaving a deep ditch, and rising dust.

Loki felt as if his whole body was falling apart, his right shoulder was completely numb after being hit, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he said in surprise, "How can your strength be so great?"

It's not that Loki has never seen a person with great strength, and among them Thor is famous for his divine power.

But Loki knew very well that it was impossible for Thor to punch himself and beat himself to pieces. After all, he was also the body of a god, and he was not so vulnerable.

"Come here, Hulk will fight with you." One punch didn't resolve the battle, and Banner's other personality, Hulk, showed interest.

Seeing that Hulk was going to duel with Loki, Iron Man and the others hurriedly backed up a little to get out of the way that might be affected.

As for Wu Ming, he didn't think Loki could beat the Hulk, so he started to collect the loot in a happy mood.

"Soul Gem, you are mine!" Wu Ming grabbed the scepter that Loki dropped on the ground with the hands of a mage.

The yellow gemstone inlaid on the scepter was about to emit a faint light, but there was no resistance in Wu Ming's hands.

Not every kind of artifact has a so-called artifact spirit.

The mind scepter is just the carrier of the mind gem, which is equivalent to a turret for launching rockets, and the mind gem is unconscious, and it will not choose users for itself.

So, who owns these infinite gems is their owner.

The only difference is that Thanos has Infinity Gauntlets, which can perfectly display the power of Infinity Gems, while others can only use it superficially.


With the spiritual scepter in hand, a kind of mysterious feeling surged into Wu Ming's heart.

This is a unique kind of spiritual power, and Wu Ming realized in an instant how to use it to control others, or to manifest the power of the mind.

The German poet Goethe once said that the world is as big as the heart is.

What Goethe said is the mind, the soul, the world inside us.

With the Soul Gem, Wu Ming really wants to tell him that the world I see is huge, and that thoughts and reality do not conflict.

"I think now that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube appeared in front of me." Deep in his heart, Wu Ming tried to mobilize his spiritual power to bring the Cosmic Rubik's Cube directly.

In an instant, the scepter of the mind was shining brightly, and a kind of dark guidance emerged deep in his heart, but he didn't directly bring the cosmic Rubik's Cube over.

"Can't you?" Wu Ming just got the guidance, so he inevitably seemed a little disappointed.

He always felt that something was missing, and then, there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that you still lack the Reality Gem, and only the combination of the Mind Gem and the Reality Gem is the most perfect.

As soon as this thought came to mind, Wu Ming frowned.

He is not a schizophrenic, so why does he have a second voice in his heart? This is exclusive to people with schizophrenia, and it would be too bizarre to appear on him.

"Why is there still a sound?" Wu Ming looked puzzled, looking at the spiritual scepter in his hand.

If he didn't know that it is impossible for a single Infinity Gem to give birth to wisdom, he would have suspected that he was being controlled.

After all, the predecessor of the Infinity Stones was Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis, who split herself into the Infinity Stones because she was tired of eternal life and her own existence.

In theory, whether it is Thanos or other people who have mastered the mind stone, they use the power of Nemesis.

Although the other party chose to self-destruct, but the six gems gathered together, it is still possible to fuse into a new this end.Thanos made the Infinity Gloves, not only to obtain the complete power of the Infinity Gem, but also to prevent the recovery of the Nemesis.

"I am you. I am the need in your heart, the desire in your heart, and a complete part of yourself." There is also a voice in Wu Ming's heart.

Hearing this explanation, Wu Ming was stunned for a moment, and said dumbfounded: "The needs and desires in my heart, good guy, you are not my demon, are you?"

The power of the mind gem magnified Wu Ming's mind and made his mind power skyrocket.

But Wu Ming is still half a cultivator. He knows that the stronger the mind, the easier it is to give birth to his own inner demons. It is not purely beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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