Chapter 413
Susan's attitude was very firm, but she couldn't be more firm than Wu Ming's actions.

Opening his blocking hands, he still placed his right hand on Susan's lower abdomen while Susan was puffing up.

Milky white magic light, detecting the miracle of life.

After a while, Wu Ming didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved, and sighed softly: "You are not pregnant."

"That's right, how could I be pregnant?" Susan emphasized this matter, her expression obviously relaxed a lot.

It would be a lie to say that she is not afraid, she is not ready to be a mother, and the choice of father is not right, if she is pregnant, it will be a nightmare.

Fortunately, this was just an oolong, but thinking of the disappearing Franklin, Susan still looked condensed, and asked, "What happened to that child, where did you find it?"

"He was not found. He is really your son. There is no need to question that. I know that you have some prejudice against me, but you have to believe that I will not lie on this issue. If not, you can take him for DNA testing." Wu Ming answered speechlessly, but he also had doubts in his heart.

Since Susan was not pregnant, the question arises how Franklin was born.

Franklin himself said that his mother was Susan, and he still called Wu Ming his father.

This made Wu Ming wonder, could it be that he had sex with Susan more than once in the future, and Franklin was conceived later.

"It's more than once. Could it be that things are in pairs?" Thinking of this possibility, Wu Ming couldn't help but look back at Susan.

Susan has a strong sense of sight. When she saw Wu Ming look at her chest again, she stared back without thinking, as if she was saying where are you looking, and quickly looked away from me.

"Mom, I'm back, and I've brought back the evidence." In a few words, Franklin went back and forth, with amazing efficiency.

Wu Ming and Susan looked up and found that the evidence Franklin said was actually a lot of photos, which occupied several albums.

Susan took the photo album in disbelief, and opened it from the first page.

In the eyes, Franklin, with a pacifier in his mouth, was sitting happily on the crib, while the other himself was pushing the crib with maternal love.

"God, is this me?" Susan rubbed her eyes in disbelief when she saw herself in the photo album.

This is not Li Kui and Li Gui. Susan is sure that this is herself. She does not have a twin sister. There is no such similar person in the world.

But then again, if this person is really him, is it true that Franklin is really his son and he has become a mother.

"Mom, this is a parent-child photo taken by you and me when I was three months old. Look at the back, this is a May-year-old photo, and this is an August-month-old photo, all of which are photos of the two of us together. "Flipping through the photo album, Franklin introduced it like offering a treasure.

Susan was already stunned. She couldn't help pushing Wu Ming, and said softly, "These photos aren't fake, right? How could I have a son?"

Wu Ming didn't answer. He found a characteristic of these photos, that is, there was only Susan without him.

With this question in mind, Wu Ming rubbed Franklin's head and asked, "Why is there no photo of us together?"

Franklin tilted his head, looked at Susan, then at Wu Ming, pouted and shook his little head.

Seeing that there were no photos of himself and Franklin, Wu Ming felt incredible, and asked strangely, "Didn't you say that I am your father? Why is there only your mother now?"

"Mom asked me to call you uncle. She doesn't like you very much. She doesn't let me take pictures with you. She doesn't even let you in." Franklin shrugged, with a look of helplessness.

Hearing this answer, Wu Ming instantly thought that in the future, maybe Susan didn't accept him, and the relationship was even worse than now.

Thinking of this possibility, he was a little baffled, how could Susan still be at odds with him when he even had a child.

"Can I ask, what happened?" Johnny, who was in a coma, was parasitized by the venom, and had already woken up from the coma.

Seeing that Johnny woke up, Susan hurriedly hid the album, but Franklin's next words almost made her collapse.

"Uncle, you really didn't lie to me. My father is Uncle Wu Ming." Franklin seemed very close to Johnny, and instantly appeared on Johnny's shoulder.

Johnny didn't know what happened, looked at Franklin who was sitting on his shoulder, and asked Susan with a puzzled look: "Sister, do I have a nephew?"

"No." With a dark face, Susan looked straight at Johnny, hugged Franklin back, and asked, "What did your uncle tell you?"

"Uncle said, Franklin is not a wild child, and Uncle Wu Ming is my father. Mom, I want a father, and I don't want to be a wild child." Franklin looked at Susan pleadingly, and his pitiful look made people unbearable to blame.

Looking at Franklin's little face, Susan was not angry at all.

Like, so similar, the blond hair is the same as myself, Susan is faintly on Franklin, as if seeing her own shadow.

Combined with those photos, she already somewhat believes that Franklin may be her child, which is a kind of maternal instinct.

"What the hell have I done?" Susan stroked Franklin's head with a very resentful tone.

If the time could be restarted, she would definitely not let the mistake of that night happen, and hoped that she would never meet Wu Ming in her whole life.

It's all right now, she was impulsive, she was tossed all night, and she had a four-year-old son, how could she face Reed.

"My son is good. Mom will take you home." Susan was so exhausted that she just wanted to go home.

As for the future, let's talk about it later, there is no way to take one step at a time.

It's an amazing life to go out and bring back a four-year-old son.

Fortunately, Franklin has been weaned, except that sometimes because of the nature of children, he always wants to touch her tits, and he has no bad habits.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and the whole world was reporting the battle between the Hulk and the military in New York.

This time the battle destroyed half of Brooklyn, and the military still failed to capture the Hulk, instead making a joke out of losing their troops.

Compared with this big battle, the story of Iron Man saving his girlfriend, the invisible girl Susan in the Fantastic Four, and the story of having an extra child around her is not so eye-catching.

Of course, this is relatively unobtrusive.

Although the public seldom mentioned these topics, for some caring people, this news was no less than a bolt from the blue.

Obviously, Reed is such a caring person. He rushed over immediately after hearing that Susan had a son.

With messy hair, bloodshot eyes, and clothes that smell of alcohol, he looks like a laid-off working class.

When Reed held his breath and rang Susan's doorbell, he even believed in God for the first time.

"God, please bless me, old man, I already know I was wrong, give me another chance." Reed kept praying in his heart, but the cruel reality hit him hard.

The door was opened from the inside, and the person who opened the door was Franklin. The first thing he said when he saw Reed was; "Uncle Reed, are you here to find my mother?"

"Mom." With a bang, Reed's head seemed to explode.

He looked at Franklin in a daze, and felt that the blood in his body was rushing to the top of his head, and he asked out of breath, "Whose child are you?"

"I'm Mommy Susan's baby, Uncle Reed, what's the matter with you?" Franklin's affirmation made Reed despair.

There is a kind of sadness called grief, which is nothing more than death in the heart. Reed was holding on to his breath, crying and asking: "Then who is your father?"

"My father is Uncle Wu Ming, Franklin is not a wild child, Franklin has a father." Franklin launched a critical attack, causing weak point damage to Reid.

If this was an online game world, a -99999 sign would definitely appear above Reed's head.

You have to calculate the shadow area in Reed's heart during this period. Only when it is greater than N can it be perfectly summarized.

"Franklin, who's here?" In the room, Susan, who was cleaning up the housework, came over dragging the vacuum cleaner.

Franklin moved away from the door, pointed to the door and said, "Mom, Uncle Reed is here."

To Franklin, Reed is just Uncle Reed, not a particularly important person.

But for Susan, Reed is the last person she wants to face, because she doesn't know how to explain herself, or what kind of mentality to face Reed.

Outside the opened door, Reed and Susan met each other's eyes, which made people can't help but think of a poem.

The wind lives in the dust, the fragrant flowers are gone, I am tired of combing my hair day and night, things are people and things are not doing things, I want to speak and cry first.

I heard that the spring in Shuangxi is good, and I plan to go on a light boat, but I am afraid that the light boat in Shuangxi will not be able to carry many worries.

(End of this chapter)

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