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Chapter 58 The Mysterious Dumbledore

Chapter 58 The Mysterious Dumbledore
"Are you Dumbledore?"

"Of course, if you don't mind, I want to take Hagrid!"

Dumbledore nodded slightly, and without waiting for Wu Ming to agree, he put his hand on Hagrid's shoulder.

Hagrid, who was deeply in the effect of Veritaserum, trembled when he was touched by Dumbledore's hand, and slowly woke up from the confusion.

Wu Ming, who was standing aside, watched Dumbledore's understatement, and then dispelled the potency of Veritaserum.I also have to admit that the opponent's magic attainments are quite profound. If it were him, although he could also remove the effect of Veritaserum, it would definitely not be so easy.

"Professor, why are you here, this is me"

Because of the Veritaserum, Hagrid didn't have any impression of the conversation just now.

At this moment, seeing Dumbledore appear, Hagrid seemed a little baffled.Because in his last memory, he drank a glass of rum and didn't remember what happened afterwards.

"Don't think too much, Professor Wu Ming's rum has a stronger stamina, you are just drunk!" Dumbledore patted Hagrid on the shoulder, not only did not tell Hagrid the truth, but instead opened his mouth to cover up for Wu Ming for a moment.

Wu Ming stood where he was, looked at Dumbledore's back, and remained silent without saying a word.

When he walked to the door, Dumbledore suddenly turned his head and said softly: "If you feel bored, Hogwarts has a lot of books that can entertain you. Also, thank you for the rum."

"You're welcome"

Although Wu Ming didn't know why Dumbledore didn't pursue this matter, he opened the library to him instead.However, with Wu Ming's current strength, it is still very necessary to avoid confrontation with Dumbledore.

As a great magician, Wu Ming's perception of magic power is no longer what it used to be.

In the simple confrontation just now, under the pressure of Dumbledore, his back was already wet with sweat, and he was completely unable to arouse his interest in fighting.

legendary mage
Touching the ring on his hand, Wu Ming's eyes were a little gloomy.

Only the strength of the legendary mage can give him such a strong premonition, and Dumbledore is probably not weak among the legendary mages.

However, through this series of events, Wu Ming did not gain nothing.

On the contrary, he was now more certain that there was something wrong with Dumbledore.Even the Dumbledore who appeared at this time may not be himself, but was replaced by something.

Thinking of this, Wu Ming took a deep breath, not daring to think about it anymore.

You know, the task Wu Ming got was to help Dumbledore's side and defend Hogwarts from being captured.

In this way, if Dumbledore is replaced, what will happen to Voldemort as his old enemy.After all, literally helping Dumbledore defend against Voldemort.

Calculated in this way, doesn't it mean that Voldemort's side is stronger than this weird Dumbledore, and Dumbledore is the weaker side.

"Grandma, I thought there was something wrong with Hermione, but I didn't expect Dumbledore to have a bigger problem. With the addition of Voldemort, who is stronger than Dumbledore, is this world really Harry Potter's world! No wonder, the task rewards are so generous, there are really tricks in it!"

Wu Ming was a little frustrated, no matter what kind of secrets Dumbledore was hiding.The gap between the Great Mage and the Legendary Mage made Wu Ming completely passive and subject to others everywhere.

If his own strength is stronger, Wu Ming can completely turn the table and play by himself regardless.

But now, he can only hide the weapon in his body like a gentleman, waiting for the opportunity to move.

"Forget it, since Dumbledore took out the Philosopher's Stone, it means that he won't embarrass me for the time being. Taking this opportunity, I want to see who this chess player is, and who is the pawn on the chessboard! "

Wu Ming snorted coldly, changed into a black mage robe, opened the door and walked towards the library.

The Hogwarts library, located on the seventh floor, is divided into a general reading area and a forbidden book reading area.

When Wu Ming walked into the library, he happened to meet Mrs. Pince, the administrator, who was cleaning the books.

"Good morning, Mrs. Pingsi." Wu Ming greeted Mrs. Pingsi, and glanced at the surrounding books.

Seeing that it was Wu Ming who came, Mrs. Pingsi smiled politely and said, "You are really early, do you need any help?"

Wu Ming wanted to refuse after hearing the sound, but seeing that there were so many books here, he swallowed the words of refusal.

"Then trouble you, I need to find some books about black magic. If there are any books here, it is best Avada Kedavra, Imperius Curse, Cruciatus Curse and so on. I need these books, let me On a deeper level, understand these magics!"

"My God, these are all Unforgivable Curses, you want to study these?" Mrs. Pince was very surprised that Wu Ming would choose to study these things.

After all, although adult magicians are not forbidden to learn these magics.But apart from black wizards, few people would study it in depth. Instead, the most used spells were stun spells or disarming spells.

"I'm a little interested, so I want to study it." Wu Ming nodded, admitting cleanly.

In Hogwarts, if students want to borrow these powerful black magic books, they must be at least in the fifth grade and have the signature authorization of the professor.

However, Wu Ming is a professor in name after all, it is much easier for him to borrow these magic books than for students, and no one can object.

Sure enough, upon hearing Wu Ming's explanation, Mrs. Pingsi shrugged and pointed to a corner of the forbidden book section.

Wu Ming smiled gratefully, glanced around slightly, and lightly hooked his fingers to a book placed in the corner.

With a light hook of the finger, a black magic book flew directly to Wu Ming's hand.

Wu Ming lowered his head slightly, looked at the cover of the book, and saw a line of small golden characters.

Analysis, the Unforgivable Curse, together with the Killing Curse, Imperius Curse, and Cruciatus Curse, become the secret of the Unforgivable Curse.Author, Gellert Grindelwald, 1937.

"It's actually the work of the previous Dark Lord, Grindelwald!"

"You know Grindelwald?"

Hearing Wu Ming's whisper, Mrs. Pingsi was a little surprised, because these past events had long been sealed in the files.

Grindelwald is the first Dark Lord and Dumbledore's early partner.

In 1945, at the age of 65, Dumbledore officially defeated Grindelwald and became the greatest wizard.And Voldemort in this period was still a handsome 20-year-old boy working in Bojinbok, the Dark Magic Shop.

"The first generation of the Dark Lord, I am very interested in his life. Although this name is rarely heard now, I have to admit that this person is also a legend. However, the story of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, It's been too long. Now, there is a new Demon King, who cares about an old legend!" Wu Ming sighed and raised the magic book in his hand.

He didn't say a word, that is, the end of Grindelwald's legend is actually closely related to Dumbledore.

Anyone who cares about the Harry Potter series knows that Dumbledore is gay, and Grindelwald, the first Dark Lord, was Dumbledore's lover when he was young.

Therefore, even if he was forced to become an enemy later, Dumbledore still didn't want someone to talk about Grindelwald loudly.

After decades of blockade, except for the older generation of wizards, Grindelwald has already become a legend.Few people know that the first generation of the Dark Lord is actually still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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