come to the world

Chapter 650 Finding the Trace

Chapter 650 Finding the Trace
"The world is a bit small, we can meet such odds!"

Realizing Lin Wei'er's identity, both of them were a little bit taken aback. Is this a coincidence? Probably not.

Nine out of ten people with great luck in the world are born as the times require, and they are born dragons who ride the wind and waves.

They felt Feng Yueyue's aura here, and immediately found out that a key person was the true body of Buddha, Dao, and Tathagata from all heavens and myriad realms, so it might not be unrelated.

"You said that we are here and killed the true self of the Tathagata, what will happen to the outside world?" Wu Ming has the inheritance of the Black Buddha Wutian, and he does not have a good impression of the Tathagata.

Hearing such words, Zheng Zha's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he shook his head and smiled: "The chaotic world has its own laws. Before there is no reason to do it, it is better for us to intervene as little as possible."

The power of the chaotic world, just revealing the tip of the iceberg, is enough to crush them to death.

This is the beginning of being together and the beginning of everything.

Famous heroes in later generations have already emerged here. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no connection with each other.

Buddhism, Tathagata, is not as simple as he shows, the water of Buddhism is very turbid.

During the time they walked together, Honghuang Xuansong said to Li Song, Honghuang Hunyuan said to Zhou Cheng, but they told a lot of Honghuang's secrets.

One of them is the Tathagata of Buddhism and Taoism, who seems to have reached the realm of a saint, but Buddhism has not announced it to the public.

Wu Ming is cautious about this statement, and would rather believe what it has than not believe it.

After all, the existences in many novels also exist in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Perhaps the novel itself is Zhouzhuang Dreaming of Butterflies. You cannot say whether Zhouzhuang dreamed of butterflies or butterflies dreamed of Zhouzhuang.

For example, Ye Tiandi, perhaps in the eyes of people on earth, he is the protagonist of a novel, a 100% virtual character.

But on the other hand, who can say that it wasn't a certain writer named Chen Dong who somehow sensed Ye Tiandi's greatness, and wrote the story of Ye Tiandi from his perspective.

There are no certain things in the world.

Similarly, Chaos is known as the place of origin, how many secrets should there be here, is it really appropriate to kill a person of great luck here?

"It's better to be cautious, but I didn't think about it." Wu Ming quickly calmed down. He inherited the mantle of the Black Buddha, but he didn't go to the point of giving up.

It was easy to kill Lin Wei'er, but it was difficult to avoid trouble, and Wu Ming hated trouble.

After thinking about this point clearly, Wu Ming lost the interest in killing people, and said: "I don't kill people, I just use some small tricks. If you want to come to Buddha and Dao Tathagata, you won't mind."

After Wu Ming finished speaking, he walked towards Lin Wei'er step by step.

Lin Weier felt the danger and wanted to resist, but before she could make a move, Wu Ming met her eyes.

What kind of eyes are these, bottomless, like an ancient well without waves.

Unable to restrain herself, Lin Wei'er felt dizzy and gave up the place in a daze, only to feel countless memories flashing through her heart.

Eyes are the windows of the soul, Lin Weier's memories flashed like a revolving lantern, and various scenes appeared in her eyes.

Wu Ming was like a passerby, watching everything from Lin Weier's eyes coldly.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lin Weier's 17-year memory was completely cleared by him. It was not until a very accidental scene in his memory that he caught his attention.

"Big sister, can you lend me some money and let me go to Latmala, there are bad guys chasing me"

This is a picture from three years ago. At that time, Lin Wei'er was just in the third year of junior high school. In front of the platform, she met a little loli who was holding a frog prince puppet and was going to Latmala.

At that time, little Lolita kept claiming that there was a bad guy chasing her, but when Lin Weier asked who it was, little Lolita shook her head and said nothing.

Lin Wei'er was deeply impressed by this incident. In her mind, this little lolita was a little distracted, and what she said was not trustworthy. It was probably a liar who swindled money.

But for some reason, Lin Wei'er didn't turn around and leave, but took out all the money on her body and gave it to this little liar who met for the first time and whose acting skills were not very good.

Perhaps, this is called good fate, and this is called impulsiveness.

However, when Wu Ming saw this loli in Lin Weier's memory, his eyes lit up.

"Feng Yueyue!"

Unexpected, but also within reason.

In Lin Weier's memory, this little lolita who was so impressive, who else could it be if it wasn't Feng Yueyue.

People with great luck are like fireflies in the dark night. Yueyue saw Lin Wei'er, which was surprising but not surprising at all.

With joy in his eyes, Wu Ming clenched his fist vigorously and said, "Colonel, come out quickly to see the unexpected harvest."

Colonel Chu Xuan was working on his locator, and came out reluctantly after hearing the sound.

Wu Ming didn't care about Colonel Chu's impatience. Instead, he said enthusiastically, "Stop messing with your rags. She went to Latmala, at this time three years ago!"

"Latmala, are you sure?" Although Colonel Chu is as smart as a monster, he can't analyze anything without the basis of intelligence.

"Of course, Colonel, are you ready to accept the mission?" Wu Ming nodded heavily, looked at Zheng Zha, who was squinting, and said in a deep voice, "The mission this time will be to search and annihilate!"

It was gratifying to find Yueyue's trail, but Wu Ming was also very interested in the group of bad guys chasing her that Feng Yueyue said.

Yueyue is called the Little Lord God because of the emotions of the Lord God of the Big Light Ball. After opening the closed memory, she naturally possesses a certain power of the Lord God.

Therefore, the existence that can be called a bad person by her will definitely not be a small role.

Wu Ming is well aware of this, so the task of finding someone is given to Chu Xuan. While looking for Yueyue's trace, he also needs to find out who is playing the bad guy.

"I need information." Chu Xuan was still calm, his plain glasses concealing his emotions.

Wu Ming took a step back and motioned for Senior Colonel Chu to go and see for himself.

Chu Xuan is also good at searching memories. After just a few breaths, he re-watched the memories that Wu Ming and Zheng Zha had seen.

Next, it's time for the show.

Chu Xuan walked out quickly, and after only saying a few words, it took three hours before disappearing before the two of them.

Three hours later, Colonel Chu came back with an interesting piece of information.

"Three years ago, the little lord god came here. No one knew how she got here, and no one knew her name. But someone saw that the day after the little lord god disappeared, another girl came here. Ask the people around you about the news of the little Lord God. What is strange is that after asking her own question, all the people she asked can't remember her appearance clearly, and can only vaguely remember that it is a girl."

Having said this, Chu Xuan took out a silver storage device, and said, "I borrowed a little trick to dig deep into their memories. Guess what I saw."

Wu Ming didn't like people who tantalized his appetite, so he shrugged noncommittally.

Zheng Zha was even more impatient, he hammered Chu Xuan's shoulder hard, and said with a shake, "Quickly say it!"

"They are the same person, the same appearance, and the same temperament. The girl who chased the little lord god is just like the little lord god when he grows up. But we all know that the little lord god doesn't grow up, and that one looks the same as her. It looks like a girl who is sixteen or seventeen years old will not be a twin sister." When Chu Xuan said this, a light flashed in Wu Ming's mind.

The same appearance, the same temperament, just a little older.

Hearing this information, Wu Ming's head thumped, and the word "true self" flashed out.

The chaotic world is a world stuck in the past time and space, a world where everything originates.

The creatures in the heavens and the outside world can find the existence of their true self in the chaotic world, just like "Wanted Universe" starring Jet Li.

Perhaps, Feng Yueyue's coming to the Yinmei Clan was not accidental at all, but she sensed the existence of her true self.

As we all know, the true self of the chaotic world and the body of the heavens are two sides of one body. When you find her, it also means that she has found you.

(End of this chapter)

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