Chapter 595 Princess Rong

Xie Qingchen thinks about it. Although this girl has not practiced martial arts well, she has been very effective in practicing her internal skills in the past few years. Her strength is astonishing. I am afraid that ordinary masters really can't help her. If the palace is in danger, she will protect herself Escape is certainly no problem.

Besides, his people have been quietly stationed outside the palace, and if there is any change, they can immediately meet her.

Yanwang Mansion

Concubine Pei knelt on the futon in the small Buddhist hall, closed her eyes as if she was chanting scriptures, but her fingers holding the beads did not move for a long time.

At this time, a young waitress with a woman's hair came in outside, and respectfully blessed Dowager Pei, "Your Majesty, Princess Rong is here."

Concubine Pei opened her eyes, and her eyes fell on the Buddha statue on the incense table. Under the seemingly calm eyes, there were many turbulent waves hidden.

After a moment of silence, Concubine Pei said slowly, "Please go to Ronghe Garden to wait."

The young waitress said yes, and stepped back.

Concubine Pei moved her body, and soon a personal maid standing in the corner came forward to help her, "Your Majesty, do you want to change?"

Concubine Pei shook her head, "No, just go like this."

What Princess Rong wants to see is what she looks like now, isn't it?
The haggard and helpless Concubine Pei put all her hopes on the Princess Pei who was the Princess Rong, begged her in a low voice and agreed to all her requests, didn't she?
Well, as she wishes.

She never really liked Princess Rong, that's why she chose her to be her daughter-in-law.

It's just that she feels appropriate and that her status is helpful to her son, that's all.

So now, Princess Rong did those things, she was actually not too disappointed, it's just - she never expected that she would be so ruthless, with a posture that if you don't follow me, then I will ruin you.

Ronghe Court

The 22-year-old Princess Rong is more attractive than the Princess Rong at that time.

At the age of 22, others are already the mother of several children at the age of 22, and she, Princess Rong, is still in her boudoir.

The only princess of the Zhenning Palace, the jewel in the palm of the Zhenning King, and the most beautiful woman in Kyoto.

King Zhenning was the most powerful king with a different surname in the dynasty, and many people tried to get married with him.

But she just seemed to be poisoned by the king of Yan, and she must have him.

And King Yan, ignoring the emperor's express hints, ignoring Princess Rong's every possible way to curry favor, and even more ignoring the pressure from all sides of King Zhenning, has always refused to accept this marriage.

Also because of the existence of Princess Rong, the noble ladies in the capital city are daunted by King Yan, who dares to compete with Princess Rong!
And the emperor refused to issue a decree to bestow a marriage, just dragged on like this, wasted like this, and used up both King Yan and Princess Rong into older unmarried youths.

The maid served the delicately arranged snacks, and when she turned around, she saw the empress dowager coming in with the help of the maid.

Princess Rong put down the teacup slowly, stood up and saluted with a smile on her face.

Concubine Pei came slowly, lowered the coldness in her eyes, and said in a warm voice: "Rong'er is here! Sit down quickly."

She was wearing the plain clothes she would wear when worshiping the Buddha, with simple hair ornaments on her head, and her face was plain and haggard.

Princess Rong curled her lips slightly, and was very satisfied with Concubine Pei's current state, which was exactly what she hoped for.

After getting along with Concubine Pei for these years, she knew very well that Concubine Pei's temper was definitely not an easy person to get along with.In the past few years, she has won over and obeyed herself in every possible way. I don't know how many promises she has made, but how many of them have been fulfilled?
Heh - he used his son as a bait to hang her, and the sweetness he gave was only verbal, and he made no real progress at all. He was a complete liar, and she would never believe her again.

 See you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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