Let's get a divorce

Chapter 56 Blind Date Banquet

Chapter 56 Blind Date Banquet

Guan Jinqi was worried that Nie Jiaer was alone, and helped her to the door, but as soon as they reached the door of the studio, they saw Zhou Qin in a suit and leather shoes walking hurriedly.

Looking at the normally unsmiling, elegantly paced man, now he is full of urgency, the feeling of wanting to see his lover... Guan Jinqi probably won't be able to enjoy it.

When Zhou Qin arrived, she gently sent Nie Jiaer forward, and then said with a smile, "I'll leave the safety to you."

"Okay, Miss Guan, see you tonight!" When facing Guan Jinqi, Zhou Qin was still serious.

At this moment, Guan Jinqi is very envious of Ni Jiaer. There is a person whose eyes and hearts are full of you. Others are just images projected on his retina, but that person is the only one who really projects him. heart.

Guan Jinqi, who was abused again, returned to the studio to read the script as usual.

In the afternoon, the driver called and said, the housekeeper is going to Jie Xiaojin today, and he can do his own things if he has something to do.

Guan Jinqi originally wanted to use Xiao Jin as Nie Jiaer's blind date party, but now... she didn't even have this only excuse.

In the evening, Nie Jiaer called and asked Guan Jinqi to go to the apartment to change into a beautiful dress, and then made an appointment to meet downstairs in the apartment.

Nie Jiaer had a lot of fun being a matchmaker, and Guan Jinqi gave up his life to be happy with the pregnant woman, so he could only follow her orders.

At seven o'clock, Ni Jiaer called again.

"We're downstairs, come down quickly!"

Guan Jinqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and went down with her bag.

Nie Jiaer was sitting in the car waving to her, and when he saw her outfit, he commented embarrassingly, "Barely, but Fang Jiangnan likes this kind of style, literary style."

Guan Jinqi didn't know who Fang Jiangnan was, but he probably guessed that it was Nie Jiaer who had drawn her as a partner. Today she was wearing a linen dress with a woven belt and the same woven bag. ... Originally it was just for comfort, but in Nie Jiaer's mouth, it was a meditation match.

That's all, anyway, after being pregnant for three years and being stupid, it's enough for me to be considerate of her.

"Don't speak bad things in your stomach!" Nie Jiaer warned as soon as Guan Jinqi got into the car.

"Jiajia, be good~" Uncle Zhou who was driving in front said fondly.

Nie Jiaer pursed his lips, and then complained softly, "Old old fashioned!"

Nie Jiaer laughed, she was numb from being abused today, as long as her friends are happy.

The place to eat at night is a Chinese restaurant, the decoration is very low-key, but it can be seen that it is very elegant and delicate. Guan Jinqi followed the Zhou couple and walked slowly to the door of a box called "Kongshan Xinyu". , faintly heard hearty laughter.

Nie Jiaer turned his head and gave Guan Jinqi a wink, but Guan Jinqi rolled his eyes helplessly.

After the box was opened, there were three people sitting inside, two men and one woman, and one of the men sat next to him alone, and Guan Jinqi knew that this man was his blind date partner.

He looks about 35 years old, his skin is a little bronze, but his eyebrows and eyes are not like Zhou Zheng from the north, but he has some elegance from the south.

Aside from the blind date, she looks really good.

The man might have sensed Guan Jinqi's gaze and looked over.

This is, Nie Jiaer pushed Guan Jinqi forward, said with a smile, "This is Guan Jinqi~"

"Hello, I'm Fang Jiangnan..." The voice was a little deep, but it sounded clear.

(End of this chapter)

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