pampered by him

Chapter 112 Check Monitoring

Chapter 112 Check Monitoring

"Why are you running in the corridor?" An unhappy voice sounded.

Liao Zimei frowned and scolded the frizzy boy in front of her, then turned and walked into Class Nine without looking at him.

After a class of trimming, Liao Zimei seemed to have recovered a bit. She changed into a pair of flat shoes, and re-touched the makeup on her face, hiding all the bruises that fell out under the foundation.

In addition, she tied her hair up, so at first glance, she couldn't see her previous embarrassment.

Liao Zimei was going to ask for leave to go home to rest first, and she was hurting all over her body.

But by coincidence, she heard someone say that Weici stole something from someone else, and it was a precious gemstone bracelet.

As the grade leader, she took the initiative to deal with this matter without even thinking about it.

Along the way, Liao Zimei felt that her ankle didn't hurt so much anymore.

"What's the matter with Class Nine, it's so noisy even after class is about to start?" Liao Zimei criticized the students as soon as she entered the class.

This is already her habit, no matter where she goes, she can't help stepping on other classes, so that the fifth class she leads will look even better.

"Teacher, we want to check the surveillance in the classroom."

"Zhu Li's bracelet fell off, and we suspect that someone in the class stole it with ill will."

"Yes, she still refuses to show us our school bags, she has to check the surveillance."

Zhu Li's good friends told me what happened.

No need to think too much, Liao Zimei knew that the uncooperative person they said was Weici.

"Ms. Liao, I don't want to wrong my classmates, but this bracelet is really important to me." Zhu Li looked at Liao Zimei sobbing, "I believe that the surveillance in the classroom will definitely make all the students innocent Yes, the real thief will not be spared either!"

What Zhu Li said was righteous.

Li Ying couldn't help frowning at her reaction, she always felt that Zhu Li was uneasy and kind.

Weici covered her mouth and coughed a few times without saying a word, she wanted to see what Zhu Li could do.

Liao Zimei glanced at a few people, and then said coldly: "Of course this kind of thing needs to be investigated, but it's a pity that the monitoring system in the school is being repaired, and the monitoring system has been closed for this week."

Hearing what Liao Zimei said, everyone showed a look of pity.

"Then what should we do?"

"How is it a coincidence that this monitoring is broken at this time?"

Classmates, you look at me, I look at you, I just feel that this matter has twists and turns.

Looking at Zhu Li again, she was not surprised at all.

Wei Ci looked at Zhu Li, taking in all the subtle expressions on her face.

Not the stupidest.

Knowing that the surveillance was broken, he chose this time to frame her.

"Okay, what's the big deal!" Liao Zimei waved her hand to suppress the students' comments, "I'm here to watch you check your schoolbags, and it's clear at a glance whether anyone has stolen anything."

"Hurry up and start, do you still want to go to class?"

Liao Zimei's words cannot be refuted, because she has made up her mind to check the unsigned schoolbag.

If possible, Liao Zimei would prefer to do a body search directly.

At this moment, she didn't have the consciousness and bottom line of being a teacher at all, but she just wanted to punish her well, so that she would know how to respect her teacher!
With the support inside, Hua Cheng and the others became more courageous.

They rushed up to grab the uncivilized schoolbags, and in order not to be too deliberate, they didn't forget to grab a few other people's.

Li Ying and Su Yu wanted to snatch it back, but they were stared back by Liao Zimei.

The fact that there was a thief in class [-] spread throughout the entire senior year in a short time.

It is not known whether there is any deliberate dissemination by Zhu Li.

In short, after Liao Zimei entered the classroom, many people surrounded the door of class nine.

(End of this chapter)

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