The sky-high price doctor in the rebirth space

Chapter 486 The Meaning of Life and Death

Chapter 486 The Meaning of Life and Death
"This is the sacred tree?"

Liang Wu stepped over the bombed holes and came to the only tree in the valley, then looked at Cheng Yu with weird eyes, "Are you sure your brain is okay?"

Cheng Yu was about to utter a sentence immediately, you have a problem with your brain, but when she saw the tree in front of her, she couldn't say anything, she could only open her mouth wide, as if she was also wondering whether her brain was Really problematic.

Damai looked up at her, "Mom, didn't you say that the sacred tree was blown up? How is this so good?"

Damai was right, the tree in front of her was indeed the best, as if the scene she saw before being bombed into two pieces was simply a figment of her imagination.

But after thinking about it, she realized that this was not the case. She had no problem in her mind, and she hadn't imagined those things, because the forest beast had said more than once that the sacred tree had been destroyed, and was extremely angry.

With their devotion to the holy tree, if the holy tree hadn't been destroyed, they couldn't have left the holy tree alone.

Cheng Yu went up to check carefully, especially at the part of the trunk that was cut off at the middle, and pointed it out to the man, "It was broken right here, look, there are still marks left, and the branches on it It's not quite right with the leaves, it's different from what I've seen before, it seems to be a new growth."

Hearing this, Liang Wu couldn't help snorting and snorting, "This tree looks like it's thousands of years old. How did it grow like this in a day or two? You really regard it as a holy tree."

Cheng Yu squinted at him dissatisfied, "Do you think what I said is too outrageous? But don't you think about it, since we came here, what happened to us is not outrageous? Can you say that the appearance of those monsters Is it normal?"

Liang Wu was at a loss for words, so he rubbed her hair with his hand.

Cheng Yu patted him away, "Let's go."

When the two were arguing, Da Mai had already climbed to the top of the tree, opened his arms, and couldn't help shouting, "It's so high here, standing here, you can see the whole forest."

"Ancestor, can you keep your voice down? Are you trying to attract all the monsters in the forest?" Cheng Yu reminded in a low voice.

Damai still shouted loudly from above, "The monsters are all outside the valley, and there are no monsters in the valley."

Liang Wu suddenly frowned, "If this kid doesn't say anything, I haven't noticed it yet."

"What?" Cheng Yu asked casually.

"Have you noticed? After we entered the forest, we saw monsters everywhere, but after we came to this valley, we didn't encounter any. This is a bit abnormal." Liang Wu said.

Cheng Yu looked around, and indeed did not see a monster, then shifted his surprised gaze to the big tree in front of him, and nodded affirmatively.

"It must be the tree. No, it's not the tree. It's the artifact. I suspected that the artifact was related to this tree. It was either on the tree or under the root of the tree. Now it seems certain."

"Under the effect of the divine weapon, it is not impossible for the severed trees to grow back. With the power of the divine weapon, it is not impossible."

This time, Liang Wu didn't say anything to ridicule her, but looked up, "It's impossible to have it on the tree. Could it be that it's under the tree as you said? Do you want us to dig?"

Cheng Yu nodded logically, "I want to dig."

Liang Wu stared at her for a while, then sighed, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to dig.

As time passed, the husband and wife searched the surrounding grass, but they couldn't find any trace of the artifact.

Liang Wu wiped the sweat off his brow, "If it wasn't urgent, I would have thought you were messing with me."

Cheng Yu said, "You are the only one who can do this kind of thing. I'm not that boring."

Cheng Yu stopped and looked at the camp. The sound of the bombing was becoming less and less. It was conceivable that the weapons were almost exhausted.

Liang Wu said, "The surrounding ground has been dug up, and only the bottom of the tree roots is left. I don't think I should dig it up. I'll just blast the tree away."

Cheng Yu quickly waved his hands, "No, no, when the tree was bombed, I saw blue light emitting from the tree and scattered into the forest. After a short while, those monsters appeared right after you. I don’t know what will happen? I can’t be bombarded.”

Liang Wu sat down on the grass, "If you can't blow it up, then burn it."

Cheng Yu was not without worries, "What if the artifact is burned out?"

"If it burns out, it's not a magic weapon. Otherwise, what do you think?" Liang Wu spread his hands, "Those people are still waiting for us to save their lives?"

Cheng Yu smiled wryly, if only she knew what to do, she was silent for a minute, then waved helplessly at Liang Wu, "Burn it, burn it." That's the only way to go.

Calling his son down, Liang Wu transformed into his own body, jumped into the air, aimed at the holy tree, and sprayed out flames one after another.

The unicorn fire is no different from ordinary fire. Under the intense flames, the sacred tree quickly turned into a tree of fire, burning blazingly.

Under the continuous jetting of the unicorn fire, it took almost no time for the tree to burn its trunk, and only heard a gacha, and fell down. When I looked again, I saw a bright light flashing suddenly, like the reflection of a mirror.

When Liang Wu saw it, he rushed into the fire instantly, and took out the reflective thing.

A mirror with a handle is engraved with an unsophisticated pattern of unknown pattern.

Artifact!When the husband and wife saw it, they all said this to themselves in their hearts.

"I didn't expect it to be inside the tree trunk?!" Cheng Yu marveled as he stroked it, "No wonder I couldn't find it."

Damai ran over, took the mirror over and over again, and said curiously, "Is this the Kunlun mirror? There is nothing special about it? If it is a magic weapon, why is there no response? Kunlun mirror? Xiao Kun? If you Artifact, should you just say a word?"

Both the husband and wife couldn't help but twitch their mouths, what about Xiao Kun?I haven't seen anyone before, but the name is called first. Does this mean that it doesn't care what the other person was called before? !
"Don't worry about it. It must be that the consciousness has not yet awakened. Let's go back quickly. People outside the forest are still waiting for us." Cheng Yu took the mirror from Damai's hand and walked forward.

When the family of three went back, the camp was surrounded by dense monsters, and the camp was the same.

Obviously the camp has been occupied by those monsters.

The forest beast was fighting and retreating, and it was obviously exhausted.

Seeing them appear, the high priest and the city lord rushed up to meet them, both of them looked embarrassed, and their bodies were covered with scars.

"How is it? Have you got it?" the high priest couldn't help asking anxiously.

The city lord just looked at them with puzzled eyes, obviously not knowing what kind of thing they were going to take.

Cheng Yu took out the mirror from his body.

When the high priest saw it, he was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, "That's it, that's it." Tears flowed out, as if seeing a long-lost relative.

"Have you ever seen this thing? It's just a mirror for women to dress up. What can it do?" Seeing this, the city lord was even more disappointed.

The high priest wiped away his tears and said with a smile, "This is no ordinary mirror."

The city lord said gruffly, "Of course I know it's not an ordinary mirror, otherwise I wouldn't make you cry and laugh again, but what I don't understand is, what can you do if you risk your life to get it back?"

What can I do?This actually stopped the few people in front of them from asking.

Although they knew that the appearance of these monsters might be related to this mirror, they didn't know how to make it work.

Both Cheng Yu and Liang Wu looked at the high priest, because only he had seen it before, and had seen its power, bringing their clan here.

The high priest thought for a while and said, "Use it to illuminate those monsters and see what changes there are. We were illuminated by it at the beginning, and that's why we ended up like this."

Although Cheng Yu was skeptical, he could only nod his head, walked a few steps, and pointed the mirror at the monsters.

At first, the monster did what it wanted to do, but there was no response. Cheng Yu was disappointed for a while, and when she was about to tell the high priest that it was useless, she suddenly saw that the monster she had just looked at in the mirror stopped. Immediately afterwards, like a puppet that lost its string, it limply fell to the ground, and those reassembled skeletons shattered all over the floor.

"It's useful." The city lord was in a daze for a while, and then couldn't help but yelled, excited like a child.

Cheng Yu hurriedly woke up from his daze, and began to fly into the air, irradiating those monsters from a large distance.

Soon, the surroundings were lying down, and besides the human beings, the forest beasts and other forest beasts brought by the forest beasts stood there.

The world fell silent in an instant, as if a breeze was blowing across his face.

Be it forest beasts or humans, they all stared blankly at the densely packed corpses around them.

At this moment, they should have redefined the meaning of life and death in their hearts, which can be seen from their facial expressions.

Even Cheng Yu and Liang Wu felt infinitely desolate and tragic in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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