Chapter 140
"Rebirth of the Demon Emperor" has been with you for more than three months, and this afternoon I received a notification from the editor that this book will be officially put on sale at 12:30 noon on July [-]th!
In other words, starting tomorrow, you will be charged for reading the subsequent chapters of this book!
Free period!
More than three months!

The author does not get a penny!
At noon tomorrow, whether I will be thrown into the [-]th floor of hell, or skyrocket to [-] miles, it depends on whether fellow Taoists can help me to go up to the blue sky with the wind!

After three months of tempering, he was reborn in Nirvana!
The charge for a thousand words should be five cents, and the lowest VIP discount is three cents for a thousand words!
You only need 100 yuan to get the 30 million words that the author typed out all night long!
Some people say that reading novels is the cheapest form of entertainment, and they are right!

A bottle of beer may be enough for an author to write for a month!
A pack of 20 yuan of cigarettes is enough to support the author for five or six months!

It costs 500 yuan to go to the big health care, enough for the author to write for several years!


The author who sells miserably will not sell, I feel that I am not miserable, just like everyone else, I can't afford a house or a car!
Doing a job that I don't like and works hard is barely enough to support myself alone!
If you want to get ahead, novels may be the only way out, and some book friends also said why there are so few updates!

Busy, working so hard that the working hours are tight, but also busy!
From now on, stay up late to code words until it goes on the shelves at twelve o'clock tomorrow, as much as you can write, how much will explode tomorrow!

The author has asked for a day off with the leader. If the subscription results are good, the author plans to take a long vacation, one month!

Or, if you have good grades and write full-time directly, I am afraid that you will be singing and singing every day, tens of thousands of words every night!
Explosive liver, explosive...


The novel is everything to me, just like a child, from the beginning of the book serialization, to the release of the V, I watched him grow up little by little!
I joked with my friends that this book calls me my own father, but if I call a book friend, I have to call it my godfather!

Tomorrow, why don't you help me rise with the wind!


Support genuine, start from me!
Be the first to subscribe tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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