Chapter 814

Zhang Ling rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking, this Su Zizhen can really talk!When did I go to seduce girls?Jiang Duoduo was the one who was lured by him, okay?Others are posted upside down by myself!
Well, such words can only be said in one's own heart, and must not be said out loud.Otherwise, those girls are thin-skinned, maybe they will die of shame, and they will never dare to see themselves again.This scapegoat is only carried on by myself.

Ye Ziheng ignored Zhang Ling's reaction at all, and continued to say very vigilantly: "The master said, when dealing with you, you must be extremely vigilant. Therefore, you must make it clear."

Zhang Ling said angrily: "My good intentions have been treated like a donkey's liver and lungs by you!"

Ye Ziheng said bluntly: "That's what my master said. If you think what the master said is wrong, go and tell her!"

Zhang Ling said: "Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely talk to her!"

Ye Ziheng frowned and said: "You have recovered all the Big Dipper Sword Demons, what are you still doing here?"

Zhang Ling said casually, "I'm here to help you!"

Ye Ziheng said vigilantly: "There is nothing to show courteousness to, and it's either rape or robbery. You must be uneasy and kind!"

Zhang Ling said indifferently: "Okay, since you said that, I will leave! Be careful of Xuanyin Longzhu!"

Ye Ziheng suddenly remembered the most important thing, and hurriedly said: "Hey, hey, hey, don't go! Oh, don't go, don't go, I have something to do with you!"

Zhang Ling deliberately said lightly: "If I don't leave, aren't you in danger? Maybe I will eat you all!"

Ye Ziheng said: "I have already told the master about your situation. The master said that if you are willing to help, she will be very grateful. As long as your request is not very high, we will agree. However, you can't have any kindness to us. What a wicked heart!"

Zhang Ling said meaningfully: "I seem to have forgotten that you are people from the seven-color hell!"

Ye Ziheng said with some displeasure: "So what if we are from the seven-color hell? Compared with you, we are all great benevolent people! We are all smeared by people from the outside world! All the bullshit is on us. body."

The more she spoke, the angrier she became, and she said fiercely: "As for what happened just now, the female disciple of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain was bullied, and it was actually our fault! Later, we found out that it was the Sunset Pit in the Desert. It was done by some scumbags! We have been wronged so much, and the people of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain have not even apologized, it is too much!"

Zhang Ling said in astonishment: "Ah? Was it done by people from the Sunset Pit in the Desert? Did the murderer catch it?"

Ye Ziheng said fiercely: "They've been caught, with all the witnesses and evidence! They've been cleared by Helian Chicheng on the spot! But the people from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain didn't even fart!"

Zhang Ling nodded thoughtfully, thinking, so Helian Chicheng is here too!
It seems that by quietly taking away all the Big Dipper Sword Demons, I really want to feel sorry for many old friends!
But, there is no way, the Big Dipper Sword Demon falls into their hands, it is indeed a waste.It's completely reckless!Only when it falls into his own hands can the fighting power of the Big Dipper Sword Demon be brought into full play.

Ye Ziheng suddenly said: "Hmph, their personalities are exactly the same as yours!"

Zhang Ling asked curiously, "How did this statement come about?"

Ye Ziheng said coldly: "You don't even think about it, how many people have you abolished the beast soul? They all live a life that is worse than death. Who would torture them so cruelly except you? "

Zhang Ling was speechless.I want to say something, but it's hard to say.

Well, am I not the beast soul that once smashed several people?Need to say this seriously?

Well, it is indeed a cruel thing to smash someone else's beast soul and turn someone into a complete waste.It is indeed more uncomfortable than dying.The painful torment will accompany the loser's life.

After Ye Ziheng vented his miscellaneous miscellaneous feelings, he finally calmed down and said slowly: "So, it's okay if you want to help. But we need to make things clear so that you don't have to play tricks. Chance……"

Zhang Ling frowned and said, "When did I cheat?"

Ye Ziheng said directly: "I don't know, my master said so!"

Zhang Ling gritted his teeth with hatred.It's Su Zizhen again!Why are you always arranging mine behind your back!

Just as he was about to speak, someone came to report that he had found Fuxilan.

It seems that there is indeed Fuxilan in Guanyin Cave.


Ye Ziheng said hastily.

Zhang Ling also quietly followed behind them.

After a while, Ye Ziheng arrived at the destination.Sure enough, there is a large area of ​​fuxilan here.

Fuxilan's appearance is actually similar to gladiolus.Therefore, it is not a real orchid at all, it just has a word orchid in its name.There are many strange patterns on the leaves of Fuxilan.Among them, there is a pattern that looks very much like Fuxi, so the name of this medicinal material is named Fuxilan.

"Did you see the Xuanyin Dragon Bamboo?" Ye Ziheng looked around and asked cautiously.

Although she had a bad impression of Zhang Ling, she was quite careful about Zhang Ling's orders.Since Zhang Ling reminded her that the Xuanyin Dragon Bamboo was lurking nearby, she must be careful to avoid accidents.

A female disciple said: "Senior Sister Ye, we have checked the surroundings carefully and found nothing else."

Ye Ziheng came forward in person and carefully observed the surroundings.From time to time, he used the long sword in his hand to stab everywhere on the ground.As a result, there was no reaction at all around.She couldn't help becoming suspicious, wondering if she had been given water by Zhang Ling.This guy must think that he is easy to deceive. He just invented a name to deceive himself.

Zhang Ling smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Miss Ye, my words are not wrong. You should be more careful!"

Ye Ziheng could only frowned and continued to search everywhere.However, she searched everything around, but she didn't find any shadow of Xuanyin Longzhu.Her suspicious eyes fell on Zhang Ling again.

Zhang Ling was still full of confidence, and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, what I said is indeed true!"

Ye Ziheng glanced at him sullenly, thinking that he must have given him water.I can no longer believe this guy's words.She immediately waved her hand and asked the female disciples of the Seven Colors Hell to take all the Fuxilan away.

Who knew, those female disciples just picked a few Fuxilan leaves and found something wrong.All I saw were the messy roots of Fuxilan, which suddenly swayed and grabbed towards them.

Because of Fuxilan's roots, they reacted very quickly, and they were caught one by one before they could escape in time.They struggled subconsciously, but they were still unable to break free.

"damn it!"

"So this is the Xuanyin Dragon Bamboo!"

Ye Ziheng immediately realized that he was fooled by accident.

It turned out that that perverted guy did not lie, there was indeed Xuanyin Longzhu by Fuxilan's side.It's just that it doesn't grow alone, it grows together with the roots of Fuxilan.It controls the roots of Fuxilan.When being harassed, Xuanyin Longzhu can use the roots of Fuxilan as a weapon to fight against intruders.

Originally, the roots of Fuxilan were very well developed.The ground is full of thick, dense, messy roots.Now, all the roots are manipulated by Xuanyin Longzhu, like an extremely dense spider web, falling on their bodies.In an instant, more than half of Zi Dengzhao's female disciples were captured alive.

For the sake of this, Zhang Ling still had the heart to watch the excitement, and had no intention of saving people at all.

The female disciples illuminated by the purple lanterns are indeed not bad in appearance and figure, and they are even more outstanding than the female disciples in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.No wonder there are four beauties who belong to the seven-color hell on the mainland Qunfang spectrum.It's because they have a large base of beauties!These beautiful female disciples, after being bound by the roots, really showed all kinds of temptations, which made people have the urge to nosebleed.

After all, Luan Ju was a girl, so she couldn't bear it, and said in a low voice, "Zichao, you should save them!"

Zhang Ling said with a smile: "Don't worry, I think it looks pretty good!"

Luan Ju said coquettishly, "You pervert! Everyone else is tied up, what's there to see?"

With such a dirty mind, let him immediately let go and save Zi Dengzhao's female disciple, so he won't do it.Such a good show is not often seen.He deliberately pretended not to see it, and measured the time by himself.As long as no one dies, there is no need to worry.As a result, not long after, even Ye Ziheng was arrested by Genxu.

Ye Ziheng's figure is indeed very good, and her appearance is dignified and beautiful. After being bound by the roots, her figure becomes more and more hot. It feels like there is definitely a devil's figure under the angel's face.

(End of this chapter)

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