Chapter 288
Looking at Hu Liena who was thrown by him on the wooden bed, Tao Long fell into deep thought.

A pair of one-piece light armor, dressed coolly, with long, white and thin legs, very attractive.Even when she is asleep, she exudes a crime-provoking charm, a charming vixen.No wonder he was pushed to such an extent by those people.

But if you take a closer look, the other wonderful areas are actually covered tightly, not exposed at all.

Tao Long pecked and ground, this is not good.With such a tight cover, I can't heal your wounds.

That's right, I'm doing this for her own good.

The sinful hands stretched out towards the sleeping girl, the movements were not gentle, and even a little rough, causing Hu Liena to frown and struggle subconsciously, as if she had fallen into a nightmare.

Good. So big, Tao Long swallowed.There are dots of blood on the snow-white skin, the color is already a bit dim, not as good as the bright red in the center.

No, no, no, doctors and parents, I am a good person, a good person, a good person.

Forget it, just feel it twice, which is a necessary step in the physical examination.

Well, not wrong, necessary steps.

Kneading softly, the wonderful touch can't be described in words for a while, and an evil fire rises, Tao Long feels a little unable to control himself.


As Taolong moved more and more presumptuously, touching the sore spot of Hu Liena's wound, he couldn't help crying out.

It looks more attractive.

Gudong's throat slipped, Taolong took two deep breaths, and opened Sharingan to calm himself down.Then he turned to the girl's body, put his hand on the terrible wound on her back, and slowly infused chakra.

After experiencing the initial pain of shattered flesh, the wound gradually healed, and a cool and comfortable feeling enveloped Hu Liena, making her brows relax and she stopped moaning.

The healing process was quick. Taolong healed every scar on the girl's body with his hands, and finally hesitated for a long time. He covered her with the broken underwear and put on a thin blanket.

"You wait for me, bastard, I must defeat you, defeat you."

Curling up the blanket on her body, Hu Liena completely relaxed and immersed herself in her dreams.Apparently, she was dreaming about a guy who wasn't very pleasant.

You don't need to hear her name to know who you are talking about.

"Hey, hey, I just saved your life, and I really turned my face and turned away from anyone, and scolded me when I recovered from my injury?"

The corner of Taolong's mouth twitched, angry, and he slapped her buttocks with a crisp sound.Through the light armor, I can't feel any interesting touch.

With the sound of even breathing, Hu Liena stopped talking in her sleep and fell into a deep sleep.Even in a simple and dilapidated environment, she is still like a charming princess who has fallen into the mortal world, bewitching the world and charming the world.

Speaking of which, I don't know how old she is.The first time we met was a hostile stance, I guess this girl didn't have a good impression of herself.

Suddenly, I felt a little emotional, at this age, it should be a splendid youth, but now, in this city that eats people, I struggled alone, and almost died.

Fortunately, I met myself, otherwise I might be taken advantage of by someone else!
Tao Long nodded, feeling more and more that he was really a positive person.

The previous iron mask had been shattered, and when he activated his soul skills, an identical mask appeared in Taolong's hands, even the texture was the same, but it was actually made of chakra.

Putting on the mask, Taolong sat cross-legged on the ground and started practicing.

After an unknown amount of time, a long sigh that seemed to be suppressed for a long time resounded, and Hu Liena quietly opened her eyes, and there was darkness in her eyes.

"Are you awake?" A slightly hoarse voice sounded,

Hu Liena was taken aback, sat up subconsciously, but felt a burst of coolness, a familiar dragging feeling on her chest, looked down, she was as firm as her, also let out a scream, and quickly picked up the thin blanket to cover the exposed spring light.

After the panic, there was endless anger. The soul bone of the head emitted a faint light to illuminate the scene in the room. There was a black-haired man sitting upright by the bed, with a slight smile on his mouth, looking at him.

"Go to hell!"

A short dagger suddenly appeared in Hu Liena's hand, she threw it with hatred, but then felt a burst of strength, the flying dagger missed the target and fell on the wooden board.

"Your injury is healed, but the physical consumption is not small. Don't move around, get dressed and come downstairs." Tao Long stood up, ignored the frightened girl, and exited the room.

hurt?Hu Liena was taken aback, and touched her back with her backhand, but it was smooth and tender, not to mention the bloody incision, not even a scar was left.It was as if the injury just happened in a dream.

She checked her body in a hurry, and found that the injury was healed and at the same time, she was not violated, so she calmed down.

"Did he save me?"

Slowly recovering from the strong stimulation of the upper body being exposed, Hu Liena finally understood what happened.It turned out that the reason why he took off his clothes was only to heal his wounds.

But, isn't it impossible to use soul skills in this city of killing?But apart from soul skills, what other power can heal injuries so quickly?
Hu Liena also knew a lot of panaceas, but they were all priceless treasures outside, let alone here.

Would a guy who had never met before be willing to give up such a treasure for himself?

What is he trying to plot?
After thinking for a long time, Hu Liena couldn't find the answer. Instead, she felt empty in her stomach, which made her realize that she hadn't eaten for an indefinite amount of time.

He took out brand new underwear from the storage soul guide, put on the light armor, and walked out of the room with an unpleasant smell.

Why is this house so wet?

Looking up and down, there is a mess everywhere, and it can be seen that the owner of the house has never cleaned it up.In comparison, a room with a wooden bed can be considered clean.

A smell of meat came from downstairs, which made Hu Liena even more hungry, and the rumbling in her stomach was even worse, making her blush.Fortunately, the candle light on the first floor could not come up, so I couldn't see her appearance clearly at this time.

"Come down and eat."

With a somewhat commanding tone, Hu Liena walked down the stairs and saw the masked man who had saved her sitting at the table. Besides a candle, there were two white cakes on the table.

Tao Long pointed, "Let's eat."

Hu Liena was a little hesitant, and rationally told her not to accept food from strangers casually, this is a truth that all three-year-old children understand.But that ordinary white cake is extremely tempting at this time.

"If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it a hundred times while you were unconscious." Tao Long rolled his eyes, "If you want to eat or not, leave as soon as you recover. Come back next time, I will I really want to beat you a hundred times."

"You," Hu Liena didn't finish her sentence when she saw the other person turn and leave,

"What's your name?"

"Lei Feng!"

"Thank you... thank you."

"Remember to lock the door."

(End of this chapter)

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