Chapter 67

The two sides walked onto the ring together from the player lounge.

Tao Long noticed that apart from the eight players who were going to play on the field, there were two other people cheering for them. After seeing Tao Long's eyes, they even gestured to wipe their necks.

Hehe, put up the middle finger to show the friendly and cordial communication between the two sides.

In the opposite team, except for a woman with heavy make-up who was winking at her side, making Ma Hongjun's fat heart flutter, the rest are all male soul masters with different physiques. Kuangxi is the most handsome one among them, but it is by no means the most wretched .

Tsk, it looks like a multiplayer sports team.

The Soul Fighting Stage for team battles is much bigger and bloodier. When they first entered the arena, there was no need for the host to stir up the atmosphere. opponent.

A bunch of guys who only know how to be funny.

On the field, Shrek and the Berserkers had already formed their respective formations.

On Shrek's side, four battle spirit masters are in front, Tang San is in the middle, Ma Hongjun is behind, and two auxiliary system spirit masters are at the end.

On the opposite side is a lineup of seven guarantees and one, centered on women with heavy makeup, surrounded by men.

The host was confirmed by both parties, and after a five-second countdown, he officially announced

"Spirit fighting, start!"

During the countdown, all 16 people on the field turned on their martial spirits. All of a sudden, all kinds of martial spirits appeared. The sight alone made the audience cheer.

Accompanied by the martial soul, the soul rings of everyone on the field also emerged, and Kuang Xi frowned. He didn't expect that the inexplicable team of the other party was equipped with top-level soul rings, especially the guy who was picked on by him. Two purple soul rings? ! !

On the other hand, only the woman was able to fight. However, Kuang Xi licked his lips, it was not a big problem. He had seen similar opponents before, and they were dismembered by their Kuang Zhan team on the field.

The appearance of the purple soul ring silenced the shouting audience for a moment.

At the next moment, the auxiliary soul masters of the two teams took the lead
"Wishful plate!"

"Seven Treasure Glaze!"

Kuang Xi's knees softened, the one in the third case?
But there was no time to delay him, after Ning Rongrong's soul ability took effect, Tao Long and Dai Mubai had already rushed out!


Kuangxi yelled, they have four assault soul masters on their side, and they are not afraid at all in terms of being tough on the front.

One rhinoceros, two sheep plus a cow, Tao Long watched the other four approaching, exchanged glances with Dai Mubai, and stopped the two people on the left.

The most straightforward body collision happened in the center of the field, and Kuang Xi's eyes widened. He and another team member with a strong martial soul did not take advantage of the confrontation with Tao Long again!
Tao Long and Dai Mubai's soul power exploded, two against four, without losing the slightest bit of wind, firmly sticking their opponents here.

At the same time, the core control system soul masters of both sides were born, and the heavily made-up woman's martial soul was a spider, spouting spider silk from her palm, but was completely burned by Ma Hongjun's flames.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass didn't launch an attack, but accumulated in front of him, continuously spreading upwards.

Shrek clearly had the upper hand in the situation in the arena. Although the spirit power was at a disadvantage, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing also successfully intercepted the two opposing spirit masters of the agility attack system whose martial spirits were monkeys.

Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire kept aiming at the opposite Spider Woman, the thick vines in front of Tang San had grown to the top of the ceiling, hooking the light fences everywhere.The third soul ring under his feet also lights up

"Cobweb Bound!"

For a moment, the tenacious blue silver grass formed a spider web and fell from the sky, restraining the four attacking soul masters of the opponent. The toxin on the blue silver grass corroded their bodies.Kuang Xi tried his best, but it backfired.

"White Tiger Light Wave"


Tao Long and Dai Mubai took advantage of the situation to attack violently, except for Kuang Xi, the other three were already lying on the ground.

Spiderwoman gritted her teeth resentfully, the opposite martial spirit restrained her very clearly, she turned to look at the auxiliary spirit master

"Use the third soul skill!"

The Wishful Disk lit up, emitting seven silver lights, which poured into the bodies of the rest of the Berserker Team.


After releasing this soul skill, the middle-aged auxiliary soul master jumped off the ring. He has no soul power, and he is not needed for the next battle.

As the silver light entered the body, Kuang Xi took the lead in launching the soul skill, stepped on the ground, a huge vibration was heard, and the surface of the fighting spirit platform shattered for a moment.The soul master who was lying on the ground also got up with red eyes, and with the help of Spider Woman, they broke free from Tang San's soul ability, and then the seven members of the mad team reunited.

"Sure enough, everyone has turned into berserkers." Tao Long returned to the team, took the mushroom sausage from Oscar, looked up, and saw that an aerial arena made of blue silver grass had formed.

Completely ignoring Spider Woman's persuasion to surrender, looking at the six men who were extremely hungry and thirsty, Shrek and the others ate mushroom sausages and flew into the air. The rare scene made the audience burst into applause.

The eight of them sat on Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, provocatively looking at the incompetent and roaring Berserker Team below.

Spider Woman's face was livid, she never expected that the other side could fly.She let out a sharp cry, and countless spider silks wrapped around the gravel on the ground and threw them into the air. Those red-eyed men had nowhere to vent their anger, so they could only imitate her and throw big stones upwards.

Everyone in Shrek lined up in a line, Taolong was in front, and his tail protection skills were activated to protect the Blue Silver Grass, while the rest showed their skills and smashed the flying stones.

Stones scattered in all directions, many of them smashed into the auditorium, the staff of the Soul Fighting Field rushed to intercept them, but they couldn't take care of all directions, many people were injured, and the scene became extremely chaotic. This time, not only the soul fighters were bleeding, Spectators also paid the price.

Amidst all the yelling, 3 minutes passed, the frenzy expired, and the rest of the frenzied team on the ring fell straight to the ground except for that Spider-woman.Everyone in Shrek smiled and looked at the lonely spider female soul master.

"Do you still fight?" Tao Long asked

The female soul master sighed

"We admit defeat"

The host stood up from behind the table with difficulty and dutifully announced the result of the soul fight

"Shrek wins!"

It's a pity that no audience has the leisure to applaud.

Ignoring this chaotic situation, everyone in Shrek left joyfully, their team's initial battle was successfully concluded.

"Beautiful job, little San, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using blue silver grass to build supports on the ceiling?"

The master's zombie rarely showed a smile on his face, and this coping method was beyond his expectations for the little monsters.

Tang San shook his head, "Brother Xiaolong told me before going on stage, he guessed that the other side would have a soul ability like Fan Zeal."


The master turned his head and looked at Taolong. He never thought that this kid could come up with such a tactic
Sure enough, my heart is dark
Tao Long smiles

 I have officially signed the contract. Thank you to all the lovely readers who voted, commented, and read the book. I hope you will see that you are not poisoned now, and complete this new work with me.

  In terms of word count, it is expected to be on the shelves next month, and there will be two more updates after it is on the shelves.

  Now... I'm a principled person with a bad liver

  =(≧口≦)*Sign the contract

(End of this chapter)

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