Online game mechanical king

Chapter 509 Dungeon of Raging Waves City

Chapter 509 Dungeon of Raging Waves City

The copy of Rage City is not in the town, but outside the town.

Tian Jiale and Gao Jing felt that there was not much consumption on the way from the desert market all the way, even if they used up some during the battle in the oasis, there was no need to replenish it at this time, and the medicine on their bodies was enough.

Coming out of the town, the two walked around the city wall to the side facing the sea, and then walked on the shallow beach towards the middle of the north city wall.

At this time, there are already two players over there, they are coming in the wind and going in the rain.

"Be careful, the two of them are on the side of the dungeon." Tian Jiale said, this is not in a town, and of course it is not a safe area. Malicious attacks can be carried out, but as long as you enter the safe area on the edge of the dungeon entrance, you will be completely safe. It's safe, after all, it is the entrance of a dungeon, and there is a safe area around it.

The two quickly entered the small safe area, Feng Lilai turned around and said with a smile, "You are here."

Yuli went and said, "Go in."

"Okay." Feng Lilai nodded to Tian Jiale and the two, and they directly entered the copy.

Tian Jiale smiled, it seems that it is easier to talk in the wind, but it is a bit wrong to go in the rain, but it doesn't matter, I didn't plan to form a team in the first place.

At the entrance of the dungeon, Tian Jiale stepped forward to check the dungeon introduction.

There are two dungeons, the first one is [Kraken Beach], and the second is [Deep Sea Demon]. However, if you want to enter the second dungeon, you must break through the first dungeon.

The number of people entering the first dungeon is limited to 1-8 people, it seems that it should be a small dungeon, Tian Jiale turned around and said: "Go in."

"Okay." Gao Jing also followed up to check briefly, and then Tian Jiale directly entered the copy.

With a flash of white light in front of his eyes, Tian Jiale and Gao Jing appeared in the dungeon. The landing point was a beach in front of him, with the beach on one side and the sea on the other, and some monsters appeared all the way along the beach.

The words 'Welcome to Siren Beach' appeared in front of my eyes, and then, a green arrow pointed forward, which meant that the dungeon started here, just go forward.

Tian Jiale said with a smile: "There is also a reminder, which is the first time in history."

I still remember that there were some dungeons in the past, especially some larger dungeons. After entering, there was not even a hint, but there were some hints in the clear dungeon, which became more and more humane.

The topographic map of the dungeon is also shown on the small map, only a small section, but it is ugly, this dungeon is just going straight ahead, there are no forks or the like.

"All the way forward." Tian Jiale began to summon defenders and pursuers, and Gao Jing also started to use the same skills.

The mobs that appeared right in front were some sea monsters that I had seen outside Rage City before, but their level was 71 from the beginning, which was 1 level higher than those monsters outside. The monsters killed by door missions have a strength.

On this long beach, the monsters were scattered. Tian Jiale used the defenders to lure the monsters, pulled them together, and then used two self-destroyers to kill them directly.

Information: Gain 10000 experience points.

Information: Gain 9800 experience points.


As the monsters are killed, a series of information prompts for experience acquisition appear, and some drops appear on the ground.

Gao Jing followed behind and was in charge of picking up, while Tian Jiale was in charge of killing in front. The long beach seemed very long. After killing for more than ten minutes, he advanced hundreds of meters, and he was still walking on the beach, but There seem to be more types of monsters.

I glanced at the small map, and there was a straight map on it, but that was fine, I didn't have to bother to find the right way.

After killing for a few more minutes, all the monsters that could be seen were killed, and the two stopped.

"It should be the checkpoint, right?" Tian Jiale scratched his head, and he didn't understand a little bit. The monster stopped here, and the front was still the beach.

"Go ahead, there is nothing wrong here." Gao Jing picked up a drop, looked ahead, and asked in confusion, "Why is there nothing wrong?"

Tian Jiale shrugged, expressing that he was not clear.

At this moment, the shallow sea beside the beach churned, and level 71 sea beasts kept running out of the water and rushing towards the two of them, so many that the two of them had to turn around and run back.

"It should be the checkpoint, use the chaser." Tian Jiale pulled Gao Jing, who was still in a daze, and ran to the back. There were a large number of monsters behind him. Just looking at it roughly, there are at least a hundred monsters Smaller sea beasts, although the attack power of these mobs is not very strong, there are too many of them.

"It's so strange." Gao Jing looked at the Mechanism Rubik's Cube in her hand, held it up while running and said, "Do you use this?"

Tian Jiale glanced at the back, turned around and said, "I'll count one, two, three, and throw them together."


"1, 2, 3 lost!"

The two stopped at the same time, turned around and threw the magic cube in their hands towards the crowd of monsters. The two magic cubes exploded at the same time, the power of one large and one small superimposed together, instantly knocking out the blood tanks of these level 71 sea beasts In the middle of the day, Tian Jiale summoned the pursuer and asked him to block it slightly, and Gao Jing followed suit.

While running, they summoned self-explosives and chasers, but the two did not use the defender robot. This thing was also delivering food, and these mobs had to be killed first.

Boom—Several monsters were killed by Boom.


The monsters were constantly being bombarded and killed. The last sea beast with a blue and black body and a level of 73 appeared in the sight of the two of them. This monster was at the end of the group of monsters. It appeared only after the sea beasts in front were killed. .

"Checkpoint monster, be careful." Tian Jiale followed up with several pursuers, killing the remaining mobs around him, and then sent defenders to lure the level 73 strange sea beast away. Time stopped in place to display various skills.

boom! -2062!

Tian Jiale grinned: "Generally, you can just fight from behind, leave one defender to protect yourself, and the other one to attack."

"Understood!" Gao Jing responded, ran two steps back, and began to display all skills.

Under the continuous output of the skills of the two mechanical controllers, the first level is only 73. The blood bar of the sea beast level monster drops rapidly, especially Tian Jiale's terrible output, even the bombing can make the sea beast retreat A little, powerful magic damage can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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