Chapter 627



The tower god teleported to Dianmo's side for the last time, accompanied by an energy ball that exploded.

The old monster was killed instantly.

Information: Gain 600 experience points.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and stood up from the ground. This tumble was absolutely perfect, making everyone dumbfounded, but there was no better way, after all, there were only a few of them.

"That's right, everyone is alive this time except for the gentle wind." Gao Jing said with a smile, and walked over to pick up the dropped items.

Qingfeng waved his hand, and a resurrection technique gently revived Feng.

"No, I'm sorry, I have caused trouble for everyone." Feng Qing felt very sorry.

"It's okay, the flower shop was still alive last time." Dianmo pointed at Gao Jing and said.

After Gao Jing checked the drop, she couldn't help shaking her head: "It's too rubbish, it's all purple."

Everyone stepped forward to take a look, and immediately didn't know what to say. Compared with the last time, the harvest this time was much worse. In the end, the boss dropped three pieces of level 70 purple equipment.

Tian Jiale waved his hand: "Let's break it up, go out, and do it again."

This time the dungeon was killed for a little more than an hour and a half, now it is past ten o'clock, go out and do it again, it should be enough before 12 o'clock.

Dian Mo suggested: "Why don't we sell the position? Also sell the equipment by the way, some blue and purple equipment if we can't use it, we will sell it."

"Hey, Dianmo wants to make money again." Qingfeng said with a flick of his face.

Dian Mobai gave him a look, "You don't want to?"

Tian Jiale nodded slightly: "Let's go, go out and try it out. It's been a long time since I've made so much money. You can indeed try it. It can be regarded as earning some medicine money for everyone."

Everyone teleported out of the dungeon together and appeared at the entrance of the dungeon. It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and the number of players around did not seem to be too many, only one hundred and ten people.

"How much do we charge for a seat? And how many people will we bring in?"

Tian Jiale scratched his head and checked the requirements of the dungeon. The maximum number of people in the dungeon is 30 people. Now they only have 6 people in a team, and there are 24 positions available for sale, so he said: "A position of 10 Wannah, by the way, is there any quest to do in the copy here? I haven’t even accepted the quest yet.”

"Yes, you didn't pick it up? Then hurry up, we're calling here." Qingfeng said with a flick of his face.

"Okay, let's go back to pick up the mission first, you guys shout." Gao Jing distributed some team rights to everyone, and then ran back to the town together with Tian Jiale.

Feng gently asked curiously: "What is the selling position?"

"It's for the sale of vacant positions in the team. There is a fee." Qingfeng waved his hand: "If you don't have enough medicine, go back and replenish it as soon as possible. We will leave in 10 minutes."

"Oh, ok." Feng replied hastily, and then ran towards the town.

Dianmo came to the side and shouted loudly: "Take people through the dungeon, and listen to the command all the way. It's no problem to cover it. It only costs 10 taels for a position. You need a friend's speed. It only takes one time to complete the dungeon." Dungeon all missions, great value!"

Qingfeng scratched his head, and said to King Kong Iron Barrel: "Yes, it's enough for him to shout alone. You can stay here with him, and I will go back to buy some medicine."

"Okay." Diamond Iron Bucket nodded.

Dian Mo yelled out, and some players came over immediately. A position of 10 is not expensive at all. As long as the level is cleared, the game coins rewarded in the mission alone are close to 10 taels, which means they go Such a trip is worthless experience points.

"Hey buddies, are you a gold group or an experience group?" a player asked.

Dianmo chuckled: "It's fine, if you need the equipment, then you only need to bid, it's still 10 per position."


"Are you sure you can kill it? Your team doesn't seem to have a lot of people, right? I saw you just now..."

Diamond Iron Bucket explained: "We just came out of the dungeon and entered the ground dungeon."

"No, isn't it? How many of you can kill the past?"

"What's so controversial about this, come on, look at the picture and talk." With a wave of his hand, he threw out a screenshot of the message, which was the message prompt when he just cleared the level.

The surrounding players all looked at each other in blank dismay. How strong would it be to kill them with few family members?
"Count me in, I just need to clear the level." A player stepped forward and asked, "By the way, the boss is not dead?"

Dianmo rolled his eyes, "The tower god is not so simple to say that if you don't die, you will die. If you follow the command, there is a 50% chance of not dying. However, even if you die, it is still considered clear. It is just the experience value of the last boss. Just can't get it."

"That's it, that's ok, I'll just die, and I'll only have a hundred or so experience points. Remember when I hang up and revive me."

Seeing a player happily pay the money and board the car, everyone turned their attention to it.

The player smiled wryly: "It's really a small team, with six people in total."

Dianmo curled his lips: "Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, its strength is no less than that of a team of 20 people."

"Come on, I'll just wait for a few tasks on my body to be completed, and I'll get [-] to [-] experience points when I go back."

"That's right!" Dianmo turned around and shouted: "Everyone, the speed to get on the bus is 10 taels, and the customs clearance is guaranteed, and the strength is guaranteed."


Here, in the fountain city pharmacy.

While buying medicine, Gao Jing suddenly remembered something, so she said, "By the way, why didn't you use your transformation technique on the last floor?"

"Transfiguration?" Tian Jiale was taken aback, and patted his head: "I really forgot, but..."


Tian Jiale carefully recalled the wall below, the top of the wall and so on, it doesn't look very smooth, if you transform into a flower spider, you should go up, if this is the case, then kill the last one Bosses won't have any problems, and there's that labyrinth.

When entering the labyrinth, it was not a cave passage or the like, and there was no roof. If possible, climb to the top, then you can easily see the exit of the labyrinth!

"You reminded me, otherwise I really can't think of this way." Tian Jiale said with a smile: "Let's try it when we go back. There is also that maze. If I go in again, I will become a big spider. Unfortunately, now There are only a handful of flying monsters I have seen, and they don’t seem to be able to fly very high, when I see a monster flying very high, I can become like that.”

"Yeah!" Gao Jing laughed and said, "Let's not talk about flying, as long as you can turn into a spider and climb on the ceiling or wall, everything will be done without any danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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