Online game mechanical king

Chapter 831 Unicorn

Chapter 831 Unicorn

Hearing that the person inside was not a system monster, but two players, the people outside first scolded the guy who told the situation inside, and then quickly discussed it.

"Since it's a player, then we should be able to have an effect if we attack directly outside."

"Let me try it." A mage took two steps forward, waved a magic wand in his hand, and blasted a big fireball at the stone gate, but the fireball was too big and the stone gate was too small, so it didn't blast in.

With a bang, the fireball exploded directly outside the stone gate, hurting a pursuer who was closer inside. Tian Jiale was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "It seems that people have changed their strategy, and the pursuer moved back."

Then, several small fireballs came in from the outside, but they all hit the wall.


Just as Gao Jing breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a mass of ice blue coming in from the entrance, and the ice blue magic directly blasted on the stone wall on one side. The surrounding area was completely covered, and Tian Jiale and Gao Jing also hurriedly backed away. Fortunately, they were at the corner, and they were offset after the ice covered them. After all, it was a skill, and they were not smart enough to turn by themselves.

"M's, is this a trick?" Tian Jiale turned to Gao Jing and said, "Go down and see how long it takes to finish, I'm wasting time with them."

"Then be careful, I'll be here soon."

"rest assured."

Tian Jiale raised his hand, and a high-explosive module was released. With a flick of his hand, he threw the white flat square, which looked like a piece of jade, out of the exit.

At this moment, some players outside the entrance were laughing and talking, when they suddenly saw something flying out of it, they hurriedly moved away.

Soon, someone who was not afraid of death stepped forward to have a look, and even reached out to grab the things on the ground to check, but there was no introduction. He held a high-explosive module and said to everyone: "It seems to be a beautiful stone. .”

Tian Jiale only saw someone coming, if he saw someone pick up his high-explosive module, his stomach would definitely twitch from laughing.

After a few seconds, the cooling time ended, and Tian Jiale threw another high-explosive module out, only to find that the outside suddenly became lively.

"What's the matter?" Tian Jiale also didn't understand, he just threw the high-explosive module out to make the outside lively?But he immediately thought of the five guys he met in the border town just now, probably they regarded the high-explosive module as a gem.

Every ten seconds or so, a piece of such a stone will be thrown from the Shimen. Soon, some players will also walk over under the influence of the first guy, and pick up a piece of this thing from the ground to check, but it is also A few were more vigilant, standing far away, and one kept throwing small fireballs into it.

"What the hell is this?"

"Could it be that the treasure inside was thrown out by the two guys inside to share with us?"

"Hey, they won't be so kind. I think you should be careful and don't hold those things. It would be bad if they were dangerous things."

"Not to mention, this thing is not allowed to be put in the backpack, it seems that we can only look at it."

Inside the Shimen, Tian Jiale threw seven or eight high-explosive modules out one after another. Seeing some figures flickering at the entrance, he thought to himself that these guys probably didn't know how powerful these things are, so he laughed, "Explosive!"

When the detonation skill was used, the three on the side of the stone door held the high-explosive module to check, and the other two did not touch it, but the players standing within the explosion range only heard a bang, and then fell down in unison.

The guys standing in the distance were really taken aback by the blow, and hurriedly backed away again.

"My God, dear God, what the hell is that? It exploded?"

"That's an explosive skill, God, I warned those five guys just now not to mess around and die like an idiot."

Tian Jiale only saw the information bar jumping a few times, he glanced at it, he and Gao Jing got 2 and 3 achievements respectively, it seems that those foreigners became interested in the high-explosive module and did not leave after looking at it for a long time , they are unlucky enough.

At this time, Gao Jing ran up from below, "It's almost ready, go down and have a look."

"Huh?" Tian Jiale looked back at Gao Jing: "What is it?"

"It seems, it seems to be a unicorn, it's snow white, so beautiful."

"That should be the mount. I won't go down. I'll show you the gate. Go down and collect the mount." Tian Jiale turned to look at the entrance.

"But that's the task you triggered? Can I take it?"

Tian Jiale shook his head: "This is not a mission, it can only be regarded as an adventure, go down quickly."

"Okay." Gao Jing nodded, and ran down again.

At this time, the inside of the stone chamber has basically become a pile of ordinary stones, only a few stones still exuding colorful light are still being absorbed in the brilliance, and the stone platform where the gray pebbles were placed at the beginning has disappeared, and that At this moment, the cobblestone has turned into a big round ball with the height of a person, and the whole body is full of radiance, which is very beautiful.

In this ball of light, a snow-white unicorn with a unicorn on its forehead is closing its eyes, standing one foot above the ground and slowly spinning in the air, and a pair of white unicorns are curled up on its back. Translucent wings.

"It's so beautiful." Gao Jing stood on the side and watched quietly.

Ten seconds later, the original brilliance of the entire stone chamber disappeared, and the unicorn slowly stopped spinning and landed on the ground, and a light group that shrouded it gradually disappeared from its body.

"Is it over?" Gao Jing looked left and right, but couldn't find any colorful stones.

At this time, the unicorn stood in front of Gao Jing with her eyes closed. Gao Jing didn't know what to do. She reached out to touch the unicorn's big head, but her hand just touched the unicorn's forehead , the unicorn's eyes suddenly opened, Gao Jing was so frightened that he let out a soft cry, and took two steps back.

Then she saw the transparent color of the starry sky flowing in the unicorn's eyes, and then a few lines of words appeared in front of her eyes.

'Starry sky unicorn (sacred mount), a different kind among the rare unicorns in the virtual creation era, riding can increase the ground movement speed by 200%, in addition, the starry sky unicorn has wings on its back, can fly, and flying can increase the movement speed by 330% , Occasionally, when flying, it will hold up intermittent rainbow lights behind it, which is extremely beautiful! '

'The Star Unicorn is one of the most difficult Shuanglu mounts to tame, but for some reason, the first player it sees when it opens its eyes can skip the taming step and can directly tame it as a mount. '

'Do you want to subdue the mount? '

(End of this chapter)

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