Invincible little uncle

Chapter 260 32. The Diligent Xia Guang

Chapter 260 32. The Diligent Xia Guang


Dozens of aristocratic families, more than a hundred young elite disciples, many of whom have outstanding achievements.

In comparison, Xia Guang's record in Jiangnan Road is quite like a nouveau riche.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, I heard that this young man who was also known as a dandy and ignorant in his family defeated the Great Elder.

Most of the elite disciples smiled slightly.

The wise does not buy rumours.

Some people believe in the rumor that a first-rank warrior defeated a veteran third-rank warrior?
Not to mention this.

Just looking at the weapon used by the young man, you can tell a thing or two.

Fang Tian painted a halberd?

It is almost equivalent to the Demon God of Da Shang.

The male disciples of the aristocratic family all think that they are gentle and suave gentlemen, and the female disciples all think that they are the beauty of Lan Xinhui with unique skills.

So almost always with a sword.

Stabbing with a sword is not as good as a spear, and cutting is not as good as a knife, but it is straight and straight, and it stops when it hits.

From the ministers of the palace to the knights of the rivers and lakes, most of them carry swords.

How can a disciple of an aristocratic family use a halberd?
Did he think he was Lu Shaoji?

Not to mention this.

The boy holding the halberd looks like a layman, without any sense of beauty.

Xia Guang was out of place.

He sat in the corner, with a halberd inserted into the ground, and a tree beside him. If it were a flag flying alone, he alone would be a flag.

Others are in groups, chatting and laughing happily.

And a beauty like Murong Xue is even more attractive, surrounded by seven or eight disciples from aristocratic families, sitting together in the conspicuous pavilion of the exquisite Jianling.

The four corners of the pavilion are upturned, and the sculpture of a falcon lying down overlooking it, with four pairs of fierce eyes, shows power, and the glazed bricks and tiles, in the deep winter sun, glow with a warm luster.

"Senior brother Wan has won the award, how can my little sister be as good as you said?" Murong Xue smiled.

And another young man with a dignified and calm appearance is a young genius from the Wanjia in the East China Sea, named Wan Lei, with a charming smile on his lips: "Junior Sister Xue'er is only sixteen, and she has already reached the third rank." Realm, even standing here as a brother, you can also feel that the Murong family is always hidden in the junior sister, that world-shaking unique skill, Xingluo Sword Intent, is really extraordinary.

The ancestor of the Murong family who created this technique back then was really outstanding, the strongest defensive swordsmanship, truly deserved. "

On the other side, a young man dressed in white silk, Ruo Gongzi, said with a smile: "Brother Wan is right, but not completely right. A year ago, the head of the Murong family, that is, uncle, defeated the 'Mr. Guan Wai Dao Zun' the ram does not move. At that time, I also went to watch with my father. Uncle was not blindly defensive.

The purpose of defense is to break the enemy's momentum, and to counterattack is to go away with the momentum, so Brother Wan is only talking about defense, but it is wrong.

I can see that Junior Sister Xue seems to have gotten some true biography from her uncle. "

Murong Xue smiled and said, "Brother Xue, I'm over the top."

The young man in white silk clothes is from the Xue family in the north, named Xue Shan. The Xue family is also known as the Sword God Villa. The Wu Ling never reduced the Xue family to a middle-level power.

As they talked, they talked about the boy sitting alone in the distance.

The boy sat in the corner.

Wait quietly.

All the pleasantries around seemed to be incompatible with him, he put his hands on his knees, closed his eyes, and waited quietly.

"That one seems to be someone from your Gusu family, why is that?" Xue Shan lives in the north, so he doesn't know much about Jiangnan Road.

After thinking about the wording, he said the last paragraph: "So individual?"

Murong Xue said: "He is amazing, he severely injured his second brother and mine, and he is only a first-rank warrior. His potential is endless."

Xue Shan was taken aback, and blurted out: "Really?"

Murong Xue said with disdain, "Hereticians only seek quick success. He, three months ago, didn't know kung fu."

Wan Lei looked majestic, and echoed: "Miss Xue'er is right, the practice is quick, but you have gone on the wrong path. Even if you rely on strange methods to make rapid progress, you will eventually reach a higher threshold. not before."

Sensing the displeasure of the beautiful woman in front of him, Wan Lei is a smart person.

Therefore, he continued: "For such a person, even if he is proud for a while, it will not last for a long time. It is just a moment of glory."

The rest of the disciples who surrounded them talked about the foundation of martial arts and the problem of quick success as the topic changed.

Most of them are saying that some martial arts should be developed step by step and the foundation should be laid firmly.

Xue Shan became interested in that peculiar first-rank martial artist, after all, the Patriarch Xue Baiyi once said a word.

"In this rivers and lakes, right and wrong are not decided by mouth, but by winning or losing. Usually the loser will die, and the dead can't speak."

Because of this sentence, the disciples of the Xue family all have a strong concept of victory and defeat, but Xue Shan became curious about this young man sitting alone. He got up gently and walked over, "Brother Huangpu is alone So, isn't it boring?"

Xia Guang said lightly: "Martial arts are lonely and boring, so I can't go on."

Xue Shan was taken aback, you are only a first-rank martial artist, what kind of martial arts do you have?
So he said with a smile: "Then what is brother Huangpu's way?"

Xia Guang raised his eyes and quietly uttered two words: "Number one."

The genius of the Xue family didn't seem to hear it clearly, or he heard it clearly but couldn't accept it, so he asked, "What?"

Xia Guang didn't reply any more and continued to close his eyes.

Xue Shan didn't take it seriously, "Brother Huangpu, come over and sit down? Listening to your outstanding achievements in this period of time, can you also say a few words to everyone?"

With the mentality of probing the boy's secret, he asked here.

After all, who is not curious, how can a first-rank martial artist leapfrog and defeat someone with a higher realm than himself?

Leapfrog challenges are the patent of geniuses.

Could it be that this boy named Huang Puguang is actually a peerless genius?
As if aware of the other party's thoughts, Xia Guang said indifferently: "I have never been a genius."

Xue Shan asked: "Then, how did the Huangpu brothers defeat warriors who are far above their realm?"

He didn't prepare for the other party's answer. After all, everyone has their own secrets.

However, Xia Guang said, "Diligence."

Yes, he spent three full months practicing martial arts.

Do devilish training.

Three months.

It took three months of sweating like rain every day to achieve such an achievement.

Can a genius do it?
Can't do it.

No pain no gain.

The reason why he was able to leapfrog two levels of challenges was completely inseparable from his long-term efforts.

Other things are not worth mentioning.

Xue Shan was stunned for a moment, and respectfully said: "I understand, Brother Huang Pu is the kind of person who will become a blockbuster without making a sound."

After speaking, he returned.

Murong Xue shook her head and smiled, "Why, brother Xue went to invite him in person, but he didn't come?"

Xue Shan sighed: "He is practicing, practicing his own martial arts all the time. I asked him what he relied on, and he said it was hard work. Sure enough, martial arts need to be diligent all the time, and there must be no slack in the slightest."

Murong Xue had a weird face and reminded again: "Brother Xue, he didn't know martial arts three months ago!!"

Xue Shan: .
He was in a bit of a mess right now.


The contest soon began.

24 aristocratic families, [-] into a group, the group battle first, and the individual battle will not be held until the top four.

The Huangpu family was not lucky. After drawing lots, they were the first to play. The opponent they faced was the same big family, the Donghai Wanjia.

Then there is the order of battle.

And this process is completely transparent, so the method of "Tian Ji horse racing" to avoid powerful enemies cannot be adopted.

In other words, strong against strong, weak against weak, truly reflects the background of a family.

After all, those who can enter the sword tomb must be a great family, not just a genius family that just popped up by chance.

In the sword tomb, there are unimaginable opportunities.

According to legend, after entering, the ground will be full of broken swords and broken soldiers, and if there is a destiny, the divine sword will emerge from the ground, with colorful brilliance, and the sky will be full of glow, and then recognize the master.

Those who get the help of this divine sword will have a substantial increase in strength, and it is no joke that they will be invincible at the same level.

In the Huangpu family, although the young master is not welcome, he can still say a word when he arranges the order of battle.

When the second elder was lining up the order, Xia Guang quietly stood beside him.

Looking at the second elder who wrote on the battle list, Xia Guang said indifferently: "The first one, write my name."

The second elder nodded.

"Second, write me too."

Second Elder:
"Third, fourth, fifth, all write about me."

The second elder patted the table: "Huang Puguang, what are you going to do?!"

"I want to enter the Sword Tomb, but I'm afraid they won't be able to win."

"Jianling martial arts competition, there has never been such a mode!"

"Then trouble the second elder to ask, is that okay?"

"What if you lose?"

"I won't lose."

Xia Guang clenched his fists. I am a first-rank martial artist. After working hard for so long and sweating so much, how could I lose?
Who can make me lose?
The second elder asked, "Why do you think you won't lose?"

Xia Guang said lightly: "Heaven rewards hard work."

The second elder was awe-inspiring, he thought for a moment, maybe this young master had been practicing martial arts quietly outside before?
Only by laying a solid foundation can this be overwhelming, after all, even the Great Elder lost to him.

The Wan family is a formidable enemy, if it is [-] vs [-], the winning rate for my side will be [-]-[-] at most, since this young man is confident, it is not a bad idea to let him try.

not to mention
Before setting off, the eldest lady once told him that she wanted him to give Huangpu Guang as many opportunities as possible to make moves, and let him go on stage to demonstrate more.

Da Furen's purpose is very simple, if she shows off too much, people will naturally see that she is using some kind of evil martial arts.

The second elder thought about it for a while, although the young master's practice of sweeping five games by himself may seem absurd, but it seems to be a good direction in terms of emotion and reason for the eldest lady.

So, he purposely said with a livid face, "I'll go ask."

The second elder of the Gusu Huangpu family ran to a red high platform and talked to several people who were hosting Jianling on the stage. There were some arguments at first, but soon their expressions eased.

After the second elder returned, he had a strange expression on his face: "Jianling allowed you to fight alone, the tricky way of fighting the strong with the weak is forbidden, but the wheel battle with one person can't help but then, Huang Puguang, you can show your real skills and fight hard! "

The second elder quietly added the accent on "true ability".

The eldest lady, Zhang Rong, is the daughter of the spirit guard of Nanjianling, so she naturally communicated with her father, Zhang Jiuling, early on.

Zhang Jiuling naturally favored his daughter. Although he guarded the sword tomb and could not leave, he secretly invited a few experts who knew all kinds of martial arts from all schools and schools to sit in the town and see what Huang Puguang's martial arts was.

The tomb guard of Nanjianling has a high status in Jianghu. If he speaks up, he will naturally be able to invite some important people.

There are six of these big men.

The most prominent one is Hua Changyang, one of the seven mountain leagues of swordsmanship, the head teacher of Yidian Mountain between eyebrows, he and his two apprentices arrived only yesterday.

Half of it was in exchange for Jianling's favor.

Half of it was to take his two disciples out for training.

Senior sister Mei Ling, and junior junior sister Chang Chuuxue.

Although these two apprentices have different temperaments, they are both true swordsman geniuses.

Take a look at how the elites of the same generation are among the disciples of the aristocratic family. Through this observation, they can also achieve progress.

"Senior Sister, which side do you favor in the Wan family vs. Huang Pu family?" Chang Chuuxue, who had a beauty spot between his eyebrows, asked softly.

Mei Ling's expression was a bit cold and arrogant, compared to her junior sister's innocence, she was more charming, "Let's see when the battle order list comes out."

Didn't keep them for long.

The approval of the battle order this time was unbelievably fast.

The guests attending the meeting, as well as the elites and elders of the 24 family, as well as the people in Jianling Villa, all turned their eyes to the high platform.

In the direction of the high platform, an old man was full of energy, thinking about the order of the battle.

"In the first round, the first-rank martial artist Huang Puguang faced the third-rank martial artist Wan Lei.

In the second round, the first-rank warrior Huang Puguang faced the second-rank warrior Wan Gang.

In the third match, the first-rank martial artist Huang Puguang faced the second-rank martial artist Wan Xinghong.

In the fourth round, the first-rank warrior Huang Puguang faced the second-rank warrior Wan Xiangdong.

In the fifth round, the first-rank warrior Huang Puguang faced the second-rank warrior Wan Zao. "

Everyone: .
After Chang Chuuxue's initial astonishment, she hastily said: "Senior Sister, I bet Wanjia will win."

Mei Ling's expression moved, Ruo Yiwang concealed her charm, but there were slight waves in the stagnant water inside the ancient well, she licked her red lips, and said with a sweet smile: "Junior Sister, what are you betting on?"

Chang Chuixue thought for a while: "If I win, you give me your black jade glazed hairpin engraved with a strange move."

Mei Ling said with a smile: "If I win, tomorrow in midsummer, I will go to the magic gate to strangle the villains. I will let my senior sister take your place. I still have some grievances to settle."

Neither of the two members of the same family cared about the irrelevant bargaining chips, so they settled down.

Mei Ling said charmingly: "I just think highly of such a man, so what about first rank, I bet he wins."

Chang Chuuxue also smiled and said: "Senior sister, my little sister first thank you for your glass hairpin."

As for the other side, remarks such as "arrogance", "do not know what is good" and "young people are too arrogant" abound.

For the Huangpu family, the rest of the disciples felt that they were reduced to decorations, and it seemed that they were not very comfortable. The four of them sat under the stage.

Looking at the chaotic young man holding a halberd, he slowly stepped onto the stage, stood in the middle of the ring, and asked loudly, "Who will come first?"

(End of this chapter)

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