Invincible little uncle

Chapter 351 73. The Joyful Journey of King Shenwu

Chapter 351 73. The Joyful Journey of King Shenwu
The red coffin was finally carried up by Xia Guang.

Opened the first one and it was empty.

The second, is still empty.

King Shenwu took the trouble to salvage, until a total of nine coffins were on the deck, the coffin boards fell to one side, and a small statue lay in the last opened coffin.

This is the image of a young curly-haired woman, carved in jasper, so lifelike that it can be held in the palm of your hand. The woman's eyes are squinted to reveal happiness, as if frozen in the happiest moment.

There was a strange fluctuation on it.

Xia Guang rolled his eyes, and suddenly realized that the number of coffins had been calculated.

Because on the deck, including myself, Huang Jie, and the demon cat, there are nine in total.

And there are nine coffins.

Have to say, very interesting.

"Give you."

King Shenwu threw the statue of the Jasper woman to Sister Huang.

Xia Jiejie shrank her hand, "I don't want this thing, it's so evil."

As he spoke, he flew up and kicked the statue away. In the moonlight, a shining arc flashed and fell into the distant sea surface, but there was not even a slight ripple.

Afterwards, the two retreated into the cabin and sat on the threshold. The lamps on the bulkhead were all damaged in yesterday's storm, and the candles and other lighting objects were also damaged or damp.

The sky over the deep sea in winter casts layers of cold hoarfrost.

It was cold and dark in the cabin, and Miss Huang didn't dare to go back to sleep alone, so she just sat like this with her younger brother, chatting about what happened during the big week from time to time.

For King Shenwu, this is a trip, he doesn't even bother to use his strength, the more unknown, the more interesting.

"Xia Guang, you can also throw the coffin back into the sea, and watch people seep from the deck."

Sister Huang leaned closer to her younger brother, and the nine open coffins that entered her eyes were an eyesore.

King Shenwu smiled and said, "Even if it is thrown into the sea, it will still catch up with us, why not just put it on the deck."

"Yeah! Don't listen, don't listen!"

The queen screamed in fright.

His complexion changed, and he became serious: "It must be because of the ocean current that these nine red coffins appear in the same direction as the ship."

Although Xia Guang expressed his appreciation for Huang Jie's rare display of IQ, he still said: "But, Huang Jie, you have to understand one thing, they are clinging to us, just like being attached to a boat, even if it is caused by ocean currents , won’t lead to such closeness, will it?”


Huang Jie's complexion was pale, she kept pushing the man beside her, and then clenched her fists to hit him again, "Stop talking, you're going to scare me to death."

At this moment, in the silent night, there was a strange sound of explosion.

dong dong dong! !

Boom boom boom!
Like a life-threatening knock on the door, it sounded behind the two of them.

Miss Huang is well versed in the principle of turning around to kill, so instead of turning around, she pushed the man beside her: "Turn around and see what's behind us."

Xia Guang found it quite interesting, and turned his head naturally, only to see a dark human-shaped shadow in the alleyway. Although it was a humanoid figure, it was lying on the aisle. produced by collision with wooden floors.

King Shenwu took out the only remaining fire bag from his arms and lit the lamp. The dark red fire light gradually brightened, and the pungent white smoke rose. Xia Guang shook the fire bag to the aisle behind him.

Suddenly, there was some light in the dark and cold cabin.

The light was so cold and so dim, but it was illuminating anyway.

"What did you see?"

Sister Huang stretched out her long legs and stepped on her brother's foot.

Then, the lazy cat-like, not well-groomed, but beautiful imperial lady held the handle of the demon knife to cheer herself up, approached King Shenwu, and turned around again.


in front of you.

In the alleyway, it was empty and there was nothing.

Xia Guang suddenly blew out the fire.

The light disappears.

In the aisle, the crawling dark black figure reappeared, and the sound of thud-dump-dump was so ear-piercing.

Huang Jie screamed, wishing she could pull out three terrifying demon knives, call seven transforming demon cats, turn around and run away.

It's a pity that there is the sea behind her, and there is nowhere to escape!
Xia Jiejie secretly swore that if she could go back alive this time, she would definitely go find some flying monsters, and she would be able to fly away at this time.

People in the world will eventually understand one thing: if you wash white, you will be three points weaker, and black will be ten times stronger. As for following Xia Jiejie, then your combat power will be wiped out, and you will be ten thousand times weaker.

Xia Guang lit the Huozhe again.

In the passage, the crawling shadow disappeared again.

Then turn it off, and the shadow appears again.

And every time it appears, it will be closer to the two of them, as if it only crawls in the dark and disappears in the light.

Xia Guang really wanted to wait for it to crawl over, and then give himself a surprise.

But seeing Miss Huang like this, he was afraid that he would foam at the mouth and faint from fright, so he stood up, walked into the aisle, and inserted the fire pocket into a small bayonet in the bulkhead, which was regarded as long-term lighting.

The material used for this fire book is special, and it can burn for three days and three nights without extinguishing, which is more than enough to spend this night.

With the light, it seems that all the demons and demons have been temporarily driven away.

Miss Huang didn't dare to sleep, so she dragged her younger brother into her room together, and pointed to the sofa in the room: "You sleep here."

"But you still have to be on duty on the bridge. What if you hit an iceberg, or a hidden reef, or find an island?"

"That's right"

Sister Huang put her arms on her chest and said, "Then you wait for me, I'll take a shower first, and then I'll go to the bridge with you in my arms. You are on duty, and I'll sleep."

Xia Guang has no objection, he enjoys the current atmosphere very much, as long as he doesn't deliberately perceive it, he is now like an ordinary person, and can experience the surprise that will jump out of the darkness every moment.

The horror that is coming at any time, the unknown journey, the permeating crawling shadow, the weird red coffin, and the jasper woman statue, so many surprises
This is life.

King Shenwu was a little bit emotional, feeling that the countless years he had watched the river of concepts from the edge of the abyss of no cause had been in vain.

If you can't stand in a weak position, how can you experience the fun.

He really didn't want to be invincible at all, but he couldn't help it, he was born with it, and he couldn't change it.

"Xia Guang, the door is open when I take a shower, but you are not allowed to look at me, you have to turn your back to me."

Sister Huang was still afraid, not daring to be alone in the closed space.

When she was Hei Tianzi, she had read many strange stories like this in retreat. Killing in a closed space is one of the basic operations of evil spirits, especially when women take a bath alone, things often happen.

Miss Huang would not make such a low-level mistake, she would not let such a thing happen to herself.

Xia Guang smiled and shook his head, turning his back to the cubicle.

The water in the wooden bucket was quickly put away, and there was the rustling sound of undressing behind him, and then the sound of Huang Jie entering the water, the sound of the water splashing, and for a while, there was some noise on the lonely boat in the deep sea. breath of life.

But Xia Guang kept looking at the door.

That door, at some point, quietly opened a gap, as if pushed open by something.

Outside the gap, there is no light at all, just like a ghost.

Something seems to be spying on it again!
(End of this chapter)

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